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1、附加疑问句特例附加疑问句是英语中常用的句型,它主要由“陈述句+附加疑问句”构成。我们在学习附加疑问句的时候,除了掌握其一般规律外,还应该了解以下一些特殊情况。1.当陈述部分主语是I,谓语动词为am时,附加疑问句部分通常用arent I (还可用aint I或 am I not)。如:I am very dirty, arent I?2.如果陈述部分以不定代词one作主语,附加疑问部分的主语在正式场合用one,在非正式场合用you, 美国英语习惯用he。 如:One cant be too careful, can one? / can you?One should not praise one

2、self, should he?3. 当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, somebody,none, nobody, anyone, anybody等指人的不定代词时,附加疑问部分的主语在正式文体中通常用he, 如:Everybody knows where he has to go, doesnt he?Nobody likes to lose money, does he?None can do it, can he?在非正式语体中则往往用they, 如:Nobody says a word about the incident, do they

3、?Everyone has been told what to do, havent they?Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didnt they?但是,当anyone, everybody等作主语,而上下文已出现先行对应的单数代词时,附加疑问部分的主语则必须用其相应的单数代词。如:If anybody comes here, he will be welcome, wont he?Someone came into the restaurant and ordered her meal, didnt she?另外,若陈述部分的主语是ev

4、erything, anything, something, nothing等指物的不定代词时,附加疑问部分的主语必须用it。如:Nothing he did was right, was it?Everything seems all right, doesnt it?Something is wrong with my watch, isnt it?4. 若陈述部分的主语是指示代词this和that或不定式短语、动名词及从句时,附加疑问部分的主语必须用it;若为these和those时,则要用they。如:This is your pen, isnt it?Packing the suit

5、case has taken up a whole morning, hasnt it?Whether they will come or not doesnt matter too much, does it?Those dont work well, do they?5. 当陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing, scarcely等否定词或半否定词时,附加疑问部分的动词用肯定形式。如:He never dared to go, did he?Few people like the doctor,

6、 do they?She seldom showed her feeling, did she?He can hardly write, can he?如果陈述部分带有un-, dis-, im-等否定词缀的词时,那么该陈述部分作肯定句处理,附加疑问部分一般仍用否定形式。如:She was unsuccessful, wasnt she?Its unfair, isnt it?6. 当陈述部分带有表示“拥有”含义的动词have时,附加疑问部分既可以用have形式,也可以用do形式。如果陈述部分的动词是have的否定形式,附加疑问部分用have形式还是do形式,取决于陈述部分的动词形式。如:Yo

7、u have a new bike, havent you?/ dont you?She hasnt lot of time to rest, has she?Tim doesnt have any money in his pocket, does he?当陈述部分的have不表示“拥有”而表示其它含义时,附加疑问部分须用do的相应形式。如:You often have headaches, dont you?They had a good time yesterday, didnt they?7. 当陈述部分带有情态动词ought to时,附加疑问部分在英国英语中仍用ought,但在美国英

8、语中常用should。如:Tom ought to study hard, oughtnt he?We ought to go by plane, shouldnt we?当陈述部分带有情态动词used to时,附加疑问部分可用used形式或did形式。如:He used to come on Sunday, didnt he?The Blacks used to live in the country, usednt they?当陈述部分带有情态动词neednt时,附加疑问部分通常仍用need,有时也可以用must。如:You neednt go yet, need you?She need

9、nt do that, must she?当陈述部分带有情态动词must时,附加疑问部分通常仍用must。如:You must study hard next term, mustnt you?We mustnt walk on grass, must we?若must作“有必要”解,附加疑问部分也可以用neednt。如:You must go to school right now, neednt you?当must表示“一定”、“想必”等推测性意义时,附加疑问部分间或也可以根据上下文采用其它动词。如:She must be in the room, isnt she?(She must b

10、e in the room= Im sure she is in the room.)分析:句中must be是对现在情况进行推测,可当作一般现在时来处理。He must be playing football on the playground, isnt he?(He must be playing football= Im sure he is playing football.)分析:句中must be是对现在情况进行推测,可当作现在进行时来处理。He must have waited here for a long time, hasnt he?(He msut have waite

11、d =Im sure he has waited)分析:句中must+完成时表示推测过去情况中的动作持续到现在,这时就可以按照现在完成时来对待。You must have seen the film last week, didnt you?(You must have seen = Im sure you saw)分析:句中must+完成式表示对过去情况的推测,可以作为一般过去时来处理。当陈述部分带有dare, need, had better, would rather等情态动词时,附加疑问部分就要用这些情态动词。Had better有时也可以用shouldnt。如:You darent

12、play with us, dare you?You had better come tomorrow, hadnt you?You had better have a rest, shouldnt you?Youd rather work than play, wouldnt you?但是当dare, need作实义动词时,附加疑问部分就要用do。如:She doesnt dare to touch the snake, does she?8.当陈述部分的行为动词是表示愿望的wish时,附加疑问部分用may,而且前后两部分都用肯定形式。如:I wish to go home now, may

13、 I?9.当陈述部分是there be句型时,附加疑问部分没有语法上的主语。Theres an apple on the table, isnt there?There isnt anyone at home, is there?当陈述部分以副词there引导时,则根据主语的单复数选择相应的代词形式作附加疑问部分的主语。如:There goes the bell, doesnt it?There stand some statues in front of the buiding, dont they?10. 当陈述部分是一个带有that分句作宾语的主从结构时,附加疑问部分一般应与主句的主语和

14、谓语动词保持对应关系。如:You think you are funny, dont you?She thinks she is going to become an actor, doesnt she?He says I did it, doesnt he?但是,当陈述部分的主句是I suppose, I believe, I suspect, I imagine, I think, I guess等结构时,附加疑问部分往往与that分句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移。如:I think they have left for Shanghai, havent they?I

15、dont think she will come tomorrow, will she?11.当陈述部分的主语是I,附加疑问部分表示的意思相当于一个句子时,附加疑问部分的主语用you。如:I dont care much for him, do you?(do you= how about you)12. 陈述部分如果是并列句,附加疑问部分的主谓语应与临近分句的主谓语保持一致。如:We must study English hard or we cant be good at it, can we?Mike speaks English, but his wife speaks Chinese

16、, doesnt she?陈述部分如果是主从复合句,附加疑问部分的主谓语应与主句的主谓语保持一致。如:You neednt do that when your servant is here, need you?She was talking to the girl whose father was the manager, wasnt she?13. 当陈述部分的宾语具有否定意义时,附加疑问部分既可以用肯定形式,也可以用否定形式。如:He said nothing at the meeting, did(nt) you?You saw nobody in the room, did(nt)

17、you?14. 当陈述部分为each of/ some of/ none of + 名词(代词)结构时,若名词(代词)为不可数时,附加疑问部分的主语用it。如:None of the money was yours, was it?若名词(代词)为可数,附加疑问部分的主语则视情况相应地选用we, you或they。如:None of us knew how to work out the problem, did we?None of you like an outing on a rainy day, do you?Some of the books are very interesting

18、, arent they?在some of + 名词(代词)结构中,若说话人也包含在内,附加疑问部分的主语用 we, 否则用they。如:Some of us wanted to go swimming, didnt we?On the way home, some of us lost the way, didnt they?如果陈述部分是each of结构时,当强调个体时,陈述部分的主语用he, 当强调整体时,则可根据情况用we, you 或they。 如:Each of the successful candidates was presented with a ceritificate

19、, wasnt he?Each of the boys passes the examination, didnt they?15. 在由“祈使句+附加疑问”构成的附加疑问句中,附加疑问部分一般用will you, wont you, would you,有时也可用can you, cant you, why dont you, could you等。如:Come in, wont you?Tell her to come here, will you?Open a window, would you?Shut up, cant you?Be quiet, can you?在祈使句否定结构后面

20、,附加疑问部分只能用will you。如:Dont forget, will you?以Lets开头的祈使句之后,附加疑问部分用shall we。如:Lets go fishing, shall we?Lets begin, shall we?以Let us开头的祈使句,如果含义是allow us,且不包括听话人在内时,附加疑问部分则用will you。如:Let us go home now, will you?Let us have a look at your photos, will you?16. 感叹句后面接附加疑问句,其附加疑问部分须用一般现在时态的to be的否定形式,主语要根据是对人的感叹(用he, you等人称代词)或对事物的感叹(用it)而定。如:What good news it is isnt it?What a good worker he is, isnt he?17. 在口语对话中,有时回答是重复对方的话并附以问句,有时是回答带有讽刺、威吓或怀疑的口吻,答句的陈述部分和附加疑问部分则应同是表示肯定或否定。如:A: You must do as I tell you.B: Oh, I must, must I?


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