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1、高二英语试题参考答案第一部分 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)15 CBCAB 610 BABBB 1115 ACABC 1620 ACACB第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)2125 CADCB 2630 CDDAD第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)3135 CCDBB 3640 ACDCC 4145 BCADB 4650 CCBDD第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)5155 DCCDD 5660 DBDCA 6165 DDACC 6670 BDADD第四部分 书面表达

2、(共三节,满分40分)第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)71. challenges 72. quarrel(l)ed 73. optimistic 74. meanwhile 75. symptom(s)第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)76. felt 77. but 78. leading 79. higher 80. to see 81. poorly 82. examination 83. finished 84.who 85. for 第三节 写作 (满分25分)One possible version:Dear Brown,How worri

3、ed I am to hear the news that you had your right hand broken while riding a bike. Im anxious to know more about your injury, wondering whether you are feeling any better now. Thanks to your help I have made great progress in my English learning, especially in spoken English. I was afraid of speaking

4、 English in public before, but now I can express myself freely both in and after class. Thats all because of your encouragement and help.Up to now, I still have been impressed with your interesting and attractive English classes and I really benefited a lot. Looking forward to your coming to Shandon

5、g again next summer and expecting you to recover as soon as possible!Sincerely yours, Liu Yang附听力原文Text 1 M: You want $20 for this scarf? Can you lower the price?W: You can have it for $18.M: Ill take it for $15 and not a penny more.W: $17 and its a deal.Text 2 M: Could you describe the two people w

6、ho robbed the bank?W: Well, the man was tall with dark hair and he was wearing a black sweater. The main thing that I remembered about the woman was that she did most of the talking.Text 3 W: Honey, wheres my favorite orange skirt? I thought you said that you would wash it, so I put it in the bathro

7、om.M: It has to be dry-cleaned, sweetheart. I took it there this morning. It should be done by this afternoon.W: Oh, no. What am I going to wear to the party?Text 4 W: Ive been studying American History this year, and I have really enjoyed my studies.M: Thats a subject that I have always enjoyed, to

8、o. When you think of the founding fathers, who do you admire the most?W: There are so many that I admire that it would be hard to choose. I think most Americans would say George Washington, though. He is known as the father of our country. Text 5 W: I cant believe that you hurt your back. I thought

9、you were a professional weightlifter.M: I am a professional, and usually that amount of weight is no problem. I was just being stupid. I thought I could lift 180 kg without warming up.Text 6 W: I love my new red boots. They were so cheap. The man wanted $100 for them, but I ended up getting them for

10、 $80.M: $80? Thats not a very good deal. Ive seen these same shoes in a lot of places. The price is only $50. Look, they arent even real leather.W: What? The man at the store told me these shoes were special. I cant believe it! I spent all my money on these shoes.Text 7 M: Excuse me, madam, but Im a

11、fraid you cant park your car here.W: Why not? Its my parking space.M: Im afraid it isnt, madam.W: Oh? Thats a surprise. Let me see. D0411, our dogs birthday. Yes, Im sure this is my parking space!M: But a red car usually parks here.W: Oh, weve just repainted our car. It was red before.M: But the car

12、 that owns this space has a broken mirror on the left-hand side.W: Yeah. It used to. We got that fixed yesterday, too.M: Could you wait for a minute, madam? Id like to check for myself.W: Sure, go ahead.M: Sorry, madam, my mistake. I guess this is your parking space.W: Thats all right. Its not your

13、fault.Text 8 W: Good morning, Antonio. How are you today?M: Not bad. But Ive been working all night in my restaurant, so Im going to bed soon.W: Well, thanks for talking to us. How long have you been here in Ibiza?M: All my life. I was born in the north, but Ive been living in Ibiza since 1995. That

14、 was when I opened my own restaurant.W: Whats it like living here in Ibiza?M: Ah, it used to be a wonderful place, but now the tourists have spoiled it.W: But tourists have been coming to Ibiza since 1960s.M: Thats true, but theyve changed. Tourists used to behave much better than they do today. Eng

15、lishmen used to be gentlemen. Now its all drinking and swearing.W: What sort of people come to your restaurant?M: Well uh tourists.Text 9 M: I read on the Internet that you have a lot of rare books. Im a collector of rare print books. Would you mind telling me a bit about your collection?W: Sure! Mo

16、st of our books are found at yard sales where people sell off their old belongings. We take the books here, restore them if needed, and then put them in a special temperature-controlled environment to keep them looking new.M: Can you tell me a little more about the types of books in your collection?

17、W: Yes. We have a wide variety of books, but right now, we mostly have American classics. We specialize in literature from the 1920s in America, but we also have some European books.M: Im interested in mostly European classics. Do you have anything from early England?W: Yes. We have the MacMortimer

18、account of the classic 1910 events in London. Its a first edition with the original cover. I can give it to you for just $100 if you like.M: Only $100? Thats nothing. Put it in a bag for me! Do you have anything else by MacMortimer?W: Certainly, I have several of his classics that I will be happy to

19、 pull out of storage for you.Text 10 In 1873, a boy named Chester Greenwood used to ice skate with his friends. However, on really cold days, his ears would get too cold to stay outside for very long. Chester decided to solve this problem. He thought about how to keep his ears warm. He wanted to cov

20、er his ears with warm fur. His grandmother helped him sew two pieces of fur to a piece of wire. He put the wire over his head. Now one piece of fur covered each ear. He called his invention “earmuffs”.When he first went out to skate wearing his earmuffs, his friends pointed and laughed at his new in

21、vention. But soon his friends had to go inside. Their ears were cold. They saw that Chester could stay outside for a long time because his ears were warm. Soon they wanted a pair of earmuffs of their own. Chester continued to improve his invention. When he was 18 years old, the U.S. government recognized earmuffs as his invention. Only Chester was allowed to make and sell earmuffs. By 1883, when Chester was 25 years old, he had his own factory. It made thirty thousand pairs of earmuffs per year!


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