The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe狮子女巫和壁柜.doc

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1、Teaching Design-The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe From Naxi Middle School:Mu Shifang Teaching IdeologyNew Curriculum for English advocates quality-oriented education and all round learning. As for reading, it is an interactive process which involves not only the perceptions of graphic symbols but

2、 also the skills of reading fantasy literature. So in this period, T should follow the Ss-centered principle and act as the role of a guide, a helper and a facilitator of Ss. The Analysis of Teaching MaterialThe reading material is taken from Module 2 in Book 6 of FLTRP. This module focuses on the q

3、ualities of reading literature, especially, fantasy.In the reading part of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, an extract of it is greatly demonstrated for Ss to appreciate. Since Ss may not be so familiar with the background information, T should add some relevant materials. The Analysis of Stu

4、dentsThe Ss are from Senior 2. They have achieved certain ability in English comprehension. Besides, they like to air their skills and abilities to have a feast for literature, so discussion in groups is supposed to be carried out effectively.However, Ss may not be so familiar with C.S Lewis and the

5、y may know little about his greatness, so T should well present the background information to lessen Ss comprehending difficulty. Learning ObjectivesBased on the analysis of the teaching ideology, the teaching material and the students, the following objectives are set:Language KnowledgeBy the end o

6、f the class, the Ss will be able to (1) Grasp some useful words and expressions such as wisdom, snowflake, inquisitive, gave such a start of surprise, etc.(2) Use the proper expressions to describe a person and to make up a dialogue.Language SkillsBy the end of the class, my Ss will be able to (1) I

7、mprove their speaking skills through group discussion.(2) Locate specific information by scanning.(3) Grasp the plot of the story.Cultural AwarenessBy the end of the class, my Ss will be able to (1) Ss will know better about how to write a fantasy story.(2) Ss will get informed with C.S Lewis story

8、styles and have a better understanding of foreign writers. Important and Difficult PointsImportant Points(1) Understand some useful words and expressions such as brown-paper, crunch-crunch, pitter-patter, catch a glimpse of, etc.(2) Talk about the development of the story about “The Lion, the Witch

9、and the Wardrobe”.(3) Improve the Ss reading ability, for instance, understanding the text by picking out the plot based on the action of Lucy.Difficult Points (1) Draw a picture of the Faun and describe it in Ss own words.(2) Make up a dialogue between Lucy and the Faun with great imagination. Teac

10、hing MethodsTeaching MethodsHow to UseThree-Stage modelPre-reading. While-reading and Post-readingCommunicative TeachingIn Post-reading stage, Ill stimulate Ss to communicate in English to make up a dialogue.Situational TeachingIn Post-reading stage, a situation will be created for Ss to improve the

11、ir real communicative ability by speaking English. Task-Based Teaching, Cooperative and Autonomous LearningThrough the whole period, Ss will be offered with various tasks to work cooperatively and autonomously. Teaching AidsTeaching AidsPurposeMulti-Media Devices and PPT DocumentTo arouse Ss interes

12、t and to improve learning efficiency.BlackboardTo highlight the focuses and clues. Teaching ProceduresStep One: Warming-up (4 mins) 1. Ask the Ss questions: Do you like reading literature? Name the books (T gives pictures)?What is the literature type of the 4 books? 2. Ss watch a clip of a fantasy m

13、ovie. (In this way, Ss can practice their listening and know the background of the story.) Then T demonstrates and asks the Ss with questions: Which words to describe the movie and what is the name of the movie? Step Two: Pre-reading ( 3 mins) 1. Read the introduction part. The Ss read the backgroun

14、d of the fantasy story with questions demonstrated by the teacher: The Writer :_What are the Characters: _ Who was it written for: _ 2. The Ss answer them together. Step Three: While-reading (26 mins) Task 1: Get the Ss to read Para 1 quickly and hands up to answer the question. And T gives a point

15、to the students answering the question:What did Lucy see and what was she standing with? (Use Simple Sentences)_. Task 2: Ss read Para 2 and T asks Ss what will happen next by showing a picture. Ss solve the T or F questions and the multiple choices ( ) Although she felt frightened, Lucy decided tha

16、t she could run back through the wardrobe to the room.( ) When she entered the wardrobe, Lucy left the door closed on purpose.-Have a group discussion about the T or F questions. Every group demonstrates the answers on the blackboard. T gives 1 point to the group who could do them correctly.When Luc

17、y saw a strange person, he was_.(a) going for a walk in the wood(b) coming out of the wood and into the light(c) standing under a lamppost(d) doing some shopping in a city street-Answer it together.Task 3: 1. T asks the Ss with a question of Para 2:What did Lucy under the lamppost ( T shows a pictur

18、e)? 2. In Para 3, imagine & draw a picture of the Faun. Draw it on the blackboard and describe the Faun.-Group discussion and T asks a student to draw a picture on the blackboard and describe it in English. Other students hand in the drawings to the teacher.3. T gives a picture of the Faun from a mo

19、vie and makes the Ss fill in the blanks.Task 4: Draw a summary of the text and hands up to answer the questions.Lucy saw a light ahead of her, _ a moment later she found herself in a wood _ snow under her feet and snowflakes_ (fall) through the air. She _ (look) back on her shoulder and there, betwe

20、en the dark tree trunks, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she _ (set out). Later, she found a lamppost. As she stood looking at it, _ (wonder) why there was a lamppost in the middle of a wood, she heard the pitter-patter of fe

21、et coming towards her. She saw a strange person. He was only a little taller than Lucy. From the waist upwards, he was like a man but his legs_ (shape like) a goats. Lucy did not notice this at first because it was so neatly _ (catch up over) the arm that held the umbrella so as to keep it _ trailin

22、g in the snow. When the Faun saw Lucy, he gave such a start of surprise _ he dropped all his parcels with exclaiming “Goodness gracious me!”. Step 4 Post-reading (7 mins) : 1. Imagine, make up and act a dialogue out between Lucy and the Faun.-This is pair work with the desk mate.2. Homework; 1. Prev

23、iew and circle the expressions in the text.2. Do the After-Class Assessment. Blackboard designThe Lion, the Witch and the WardrobePara 11. 教学过程 具体steps 根据具体内容定; 板书steps purpose 说明; Make up and act a dialogue out between Lucy and the Faun. HomeworkLead-in:4 books 如有可能,同时完成layout设计;Imagine a Picture o

24、f the FaunThe Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeLayout Step 1Para 2Para 3Next, lets focus on the teaching proceStep 4. Development Self-ReflectionThis is a new teacher with 2.5 years teaching experience. Based on all the materials I have got from other teachers, and the networking resources, I have de

25、signed the plan with my great efforts. To some degree, with my former teaching guiding teacher (Mu Shifang) having led me about the passage 2 years ago and with the help of the 2 team leaders (Wang Yunxia and Guan Xin), I have made much progress in planning this. Being thankful to all of them, I als

26、o have to focus my own teaching weakness, for example, I spoke English a little bit fast, which made Ss confused sometimes. What is more, during the teaching, the whole class was somewhat in a disorder when having a discussion and the class was awkward and silent after finishing drawing the picture, waiting for the girl on the stage who presented her own drawing a little slowly. That still means I have a long way to go. This is my reflection of my teaching.


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