外研版初中英语九年级下学期试题练习试用 Unit3单元测试题.doc

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1、Unit3单元测试题I. 用a,all或the填空(不用填时请画“”)1. It took US about_ hour to go to _ Hainan Island by _ plane. 2. This is _most important question of all.3. Mike is never late for school, he is always _first one to arrive. 4. -Where is _ guide?-Hes standing in line to buy _tickets for us.5. _Greens are on_ visit

2、 to_ beautiful city in China. 6. June 1st is _Childrens Day. 7. When she woke up, she found herself in_ hospital. 8. Pass me _dictionary next to the radio and I also need_ pen to write something. 9. We cant see _ sun on a rainy day. 10. _ China is_ old country with_ long history. . 英汉互译1. 体育明星_ 2. a

3、 huge step forward_3. 跨越大西洋_ 4. the same day_5. 以的速度_ 6. come back from the holiday_7. 对环境有害_ 8. in airplane history_9. 在一次可怕坠机事件中_ 10. get off_. 单项选择1. Tony is_ American boy. He studies _Chinese in_ university in Beijing now. A. a; a; al B. an; a C. the; the; a D. an; the;2. We made our way _ the v

4、illage to the farm. A. to B. on C. from D. through3. The sweater is _small for him _wear. A. too; to B. very; that C. as;/ D. so; that4. -She looks _. Whats the matter?-Her sister is ill _. A. happy; in hospital B. happily; in the hospitalC. worried; in hospital D. worried; in the hospital5. _ numbe

5、r of the people_ more than 560. A. A; are B. A; is C. The; are D. The; is6. I will never forget that terrible accident _ it happened so long ago. A. only if B. even though C. only when D. ever since. 用方框中词或短语的适当形式填空carry go do harm to invent noise 1. Dont you think the bar was too_? I cant stand it.

6、 2. The bus is big enough to _50 passengers. 3. Modem farming methods have _ the countryside. 4. The dishwasher is a wonderful _. It helps US save much time. 5. Has Tina decided _ to Rome for her holiday?V. 句型转换1. Mr. Li spoke for over an hour at the meeting. (改为同义句)Mr. Li spoke for _ an hour at the

7、 meeting. 2. Peter was so tired that he couldnt continue running. (改为同义句)Peter was _tired_ continue running. 3. Reading in the sun isnt good for our eyes. (改为同义句)Reading in the sun_ _ _our eyes. 4. Jane spent 3 hours finishing reading this magazine(改为同义句)_ Jane 3 hours_ reading this magazine. 5. The

8、 story was written by a middle school student. The story is popular in schools. (合并为一句)The story _ by a middle school student is popular in schools. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. 布莱克一家正考虑要去法国度假。The Blacks_ _ _going to France for their holidays. 2. 果汁可能对儿童的牙齿有损害。Fruit juice can be _ childrens teeth. 3.大长今是我看过的最精彩的电视剧

9、之一。Dae Jang Geum is one of _ _ _TV _ that I have ever seen. 4. 在上周末我们开了次班会。We _a class meeting_ _ _ _ last week. 5. 青少年不应该花费很多时间玩电脑。Teenagers shouldnt _ much time_ computer games. VII. 阅读理解In 2000, at the age of 56, Jeff was going to take a difficult and dangerous journey in the Arctic. He was plann

10、ing to walk to the North Pole all by himself, pulling his food, tent and other things behind him in two sledges (雪橇). Because the Arctic is covered with ice and water, he would sometimes have to sit on his sledges and use them like a boat.Jeff was seven days into his journey in the Arctic. It was da

11、rk and terribly cold ( -35 ).In face of this terribly low temperature, he had made good progress across the ice. Suddenly, the ice was broken and one of his sledges fell into the sea. Jeff needed to get it back, so he hadto put his hand into the ice-covered water. Once he had got the sledge back, Je

12、ff put up his tent, lit a fire and tried to warm up his cold hand. It was no help-his hand was seriously hurt as it had been in the cold for so long. He radioed for help, and an airplane was sent to save him. Finally, he arrived at a hospital in Canada. The doctors there said he hurt his left hand i

13、n the icy water. They saved his hand and advised him not to travel to the North Pole any more. But Jeff was an explorer and nobody could change his mind. It would be yet another long and difficult battle for Jeff soon.1. Jeff was planning to walk to the North Pole all by himself inA. 1970 B. 1972 C.

14、 1998 D. 20002. After one of his sledges fell into the sea, what did Jeff do first?A. He put his hand into the water. B. He lit a fire near the tent.C. He warmed up his hand. D. He put up his tent.3. What can we infer (推断) from the last sentence of the article?A. Jeff would practice more for the nex

15、t journey.B. Jeff would explore another part of the Arctic.C. Jeff would try his best to realize his wish.D. Jeff would refuse to take any advice.参考答案I. 1. an; /; / 2. the 3. the 4. the;/ 5. The; a; a 6. / 7. / 8. the; a 9. the 10. /; an; a II. 1. sports stars/sporting heroes 2. 一个巨大的进步 3. travel ac

16、ross the Atlantic 4. 在当天 5. at the speed of 6. 度假回来 7. be bad for the environment 8. 在飞行史上 9. in a terrible crash 10. 下车 III. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. BIV. 1. noisy 2. carry 3. done harm to 4. invention 5. to go V. 1. more than 2. too; to 3. is bad for 4. It took; to finish 5. written VI. 1. are thinking about 2. harmful to/ bad for 3. the most wonderful; plays 4. had; at the end of 5. spend; in playing VII. 1. D 2. A 3. C


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