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1、一、单选题(共40道试题,共100分。)V 1.Youd better take an umbrella with you _ it should rain. A. in case ofB. in caseC. becauseD. when满分:2.5分2.Hello, Id like to talk to the headmaster now. _. A. Sorry, he is busy at the momentB. No, you cantC. Sorry, you cantD. I dont know满分:2.5分3.Before I got to the cinema, the

2、film _. A. had begunB. has begunC. is begunD. was beginning满分:2.5分4.Henry would never forget _ his mother-in-law for the first time. He was so pleased with the gifts she brought for him. A. meetB. to meetC. meetingD. met满分:2.5分5.Jim _ Japan in 1980 and _ in China ever since. A. left;livedB. left; ha

3、s livedC. has left;livedD. has left;has lived满分:2.5分6.He _ whether he should make one last attempt to save the man. A. pausedB. stoppedC. waitedD. hesitated满分:2.5分7.Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _. A. Yes, I beat the othersB. Yes, I won the firstC. It is a pleasu

4、reD. Thank you.满分:2.5分8.Will you do me a favor? _. A. My pleasure.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I will.D. Id be glad to.满分:2.5分9.Tea and coffee are _ popular beverages in the United States. A. mostB. the mostC. a mostD. the more满分:2.5分10.Tom was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the c

5、lass. A. 汤姆是如此勤奋的学生,他第一个从教室里走出来。B. 汤姆学习很勤奋, 他第一个交卷。C. 汤姆是个好学生,他成了班上第一名。D. 汤姆学习如此勤奋,以至于他不久就成了班上成绩最好的学生。满分:2.5分11.Knowing first aid (急救) is _ to saving lives. A. cureB. cruelC. crucialD. crude满分:2.5分12._ a reply, he decided to write again. A. Not receivingB. Receiving notC. Not having receivedD. Havin

6、g not received满分:2.5分13.Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? _. A. Good news for youB. Go ahead, pleaseC. Yes, sureD. No, I cant满分:2.5分14.We need a place _ this one. A. twice as larger asB. twice as large asC. as twice largeD. as large as twice满分:2.5分15.The sun _ in the east and _ in th

7、e west. A. rise; setB. rises; setsC. rose; setD. is rising; is setting满分:2.5分16.It is likely that our team _ the game. A. is about to winB. will winC. winsD. has won满分:2.5分17.The workers are busy _ models for the exhibition(展览). A. to makeB. with makingC. being makingD. making满分:2.5分18.It is _ that

8、he has to ask for help. A. so a big jobB. a so big jobC. such big jobD. such a big job满分:2.5分19.I felt that I was not yet _ to travel. A. so wellB. so goodC. strong enoughD. enough well满分:2.5分20._ at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A. To publishB. PublishedC. PublishingD. To be publi

9、shed满分:2.5分21.The atmosphere _ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. A. composes ofB. is made upC. consists ofD. makes up of满分:2.5分22.Bill hit his car into a wall last night. A. 昨晚比尔在围墙内敲坏了他的车。B. 昨晚比尔将他的车弄坏了。C. 昨晚比尔撞车了。D. 昨晚比尔开车时撞到了墙上。满分:2.5分23.You shouldnt _ your time like that, Bob

10、; you have to finish your school work tonight. A. cutB. doC. killD. kick满分:2.5分24.When she was in Chengdu, she often _ to see me. A. comesB. cameC. has cameD. had came满分:2.5分25.Not only does John read newspapers, he also reads magazines. A. 约翰既不读报, 也不看杂志。B. 约翰不读报, 但看杂志。C. 约翰报纸和杂志都看。D. 约翰不仅读报, 而且还看杂志

11、。满分:2.5分26.I wonder if you could help me. _. A. I could.B. Yes, I do.C. No, not at all.D. Of course满分:2.5分27.What do you want to do? _. A. No, I dont want to do anything.B. I want to watch TV for a change.C. What do you want to do then?D. How about having a picnic?满分:2.5分28.Tom likes to playing _, w

12、hile his sister likes to play _. A. football; the pianoB. the football; the pianoC. the football; pianoD. football; piano满分:2.5分29.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! _. A. Dont worry about itB. Congratulations! Thats a difficult courseC. Mr. Brown is very goodD. Good luck to

13、you!满分:2.5分30. Alice, your hair design is really nice. _. A. No, noB. Yours is niceC. Thank you very muchD. My hair design is not nice at all满分:2.5分31.To her relief, the doctor said she could resume working immediately after she left hospital. A. 让她感到欣慰的时,医生说她马上就可以出院并继续工作。B. 让他感到欣慰的是,医生说她出院后可以马上恢复工作

14、。C. 让她深信不疑的是,医生说她出院后马上可以恢复工作。D. 让她深信不疑的是,医生说可以让她马上出院继续工作。满分:2.5分32.I found _ pleasant walking along the river after supper. A. thisB. thatC. itD. which满分:2.5分33.What is the train _ to Birmingham? A. feeB. tipC. fareD. cost满分:2.5分34.Do you know the man _ under the apple tree? A. layB. lainC. lyingD.

15、laying满分:2.5分35.It is necessary _ a foreign language. A. of college students to masterB. for college students to masterC. that college students masterD. that college students to master满分:2.5分36.The old woman next door is very keen _ growing roses. A. toB. withC. onD. at满分:2.5分37.Look _! Theres a car

16、 coming. A. upB. outC. backD. over满分:2.5分38._ from space, we can find that our earth looks like a“blue planet”. A. SeenB. SeeingC. Having seenD. To see满分:2.5分39.It never occurred to her that such a minor mistake would cause her to lose her job. A. 如此小的一个错误会使她失去工作,这是从未发生的。B. 她从未因犯小的错误而失去工作。C. 她从未在工作中犯小的错误, 这使她失去了工作。D. 她从未想到这么小的一个错误竟会让她失去工作。满分:2.5分40.When I came to see him last evening, he _ football game. A. has watchedB. was watchedC. watchesD. was watching满分:2.5分


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