中考英语被动语态和现在完成时态 经典课件.ppt

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《中考英语被动语态和现在完成时态 经典课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语被动语态和现在完成时态 经典课件.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、中考英语被动语态,被动语态,Passive Voice,英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态 ( Active Voice) 被动语态 ( Passive Voice),主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。,We planted the tree.,The tree was planted by us.,一、定义,be + 及物动词的过去分词,有人称,数和时态的变化,二、构成,1. 一般现在时:am / is / are + 过去分词 2. 一般过去时:was / were + 过去分词 3. 一般将来时:will+ be + 过去分词 4. 现在进行时:am / is

2、 / are + being + 过去分词 5. 过去进行时:was / were+ being + 过去分词 6. 现在完成时:have / has + been + 过去分词 7. 过去完成时:had + been + 过去分词 8.过去将来时:would+ be+过去分词 9. 含有情态动词:情态动词+ be + 过去分词,歌诀:被动语态be字变,过去分词跟后面,三、各种时态的被动语态,四、用法,1) 不知道动作的执行者是谁,2)没有必要指出动作的执行者是谁,Eg. The house was built in 1950. 这座房子是1950年建的。,Eg. Many trees mus

3、t be planted every year. 每年必须种许多树。,3) 需要强调或突出动作的承受者(即宾语),Eg. Calculator cant be used in the math exam. 计算器不能用于数学考试。,4)动作的发出者不是人,Eg. Many houses were washed away in the flood. 许多房子在洪水中被冲走了。,五、主动语态变被动语态,1. 主动句中的宾语变为被动句的主语。,2. 谓语动词变为相应的被动形式即be+过去分词,(注意其人称和数随主语做出变化,而动词的时态则保持不变。),3. 主动句的主语变为被动句中by的宾语(宾格)

4、,如不需要则可省略。,4. 其它的成分(定语、状语)不变。,They make the bikes in the factory. The bikes,in the factory.,are made,them,by,We speak English.,by us.,主语,谓语,宾语,主语,谓语,宾语,主动语态,被动语态,English,is spoken,People play football all over the world. 2. The old man on TV tells a story on Sunday. 3. Students listen to the kind te

5、acher carefully.,Football is played all over the world by people.,A story is told by the old man on TV on Sunday.,The kind teacher is listened to by students carefully.,把下列的主动句变为被动句。,六、被动语态的特殊情况,1.在主动语态中,使役动词make, let, have等及感官动词see, watch, hear, notice, feel等,其后跟省to的动词不定式(即动词原形),在变为被动语态时,必须加上不定式符号t

6、o。 1) The boss made him work 14 hours a day. He was made to work 14 hours a day. 2) I see him walk to school. He is seen to walk to school.,2. 含有双宾语的主动句变被动句时,可以把指“人”的间接宾语变为主语,也可把指“物”的直接宾语变为主语,但直接宾语变为主语时,间接宾语前需加上to或for. He gave me a book yesterday.(=he gave a book to me yesterday.) I was given a book

7、 by him yesterday. A book was given to me by him yesterday.,3.许多由不及物动词加介词、副词构成的动词短语相当于及物动词,变被动语态时,介词、副词不能丢掉。 We should take care of the children. The children should be taken care of.(of不可省),4.下列动词(短语)没有被动语态: happen, take place, belong to, cost, take . eg. An accident happened yesterday.,5. 物作主语时, w

8、ant/need/require/be worth + doing相当于want/need/require/be worth + to be done,My bike needs repairing.= My bike needs to be repaired.我的自行车需要修理。,1) 表事物自然属性的动词(read, write, sell, wash, clean, wear, lock, open, cook, shut, dry, eat, drink )和副词(well/badly/easily/fast/smoothly)连用且主语为物时,常用主动语态表被动意义,The pen

9、writes very fast.这支笔写得很流畅。,This book sells well. 这本书畅销。,6. 主动表被动,This kind of cloth washes easily这种布很容易洗。,2) 连系动词look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, become等用主动表被动。,Peking Opera sounds beautiful.,1.English_inmanycountries,butChinese _theirownlanguages. A. isspoken, speak B. speaks, issp

10、oken C. isspoken, speaken D. isspoken, isspoken,2.Abigcinema_inourtownnextyear. A. willbuild B. isbuilt C. willbebuilt D. hasbuilt,3.Thisbook_byafamouswritermanyyearsago. A.writes B.iswritten C.waswriten D.waswritten,1.-Itsdifficultforthevillagechildrentocross theriverforschool. -Ithinkabridge_overt

11、heriver. A.wasbuilt B.isbeingbuilt C.hasbeenbuilt D.shouldbebuilt 2Heismade_for12hourseveryday. AworkBworkingCtoworkD.worked 3.Thegirlwasoftenheard_happilyinherroom. A.singB.tosingC.singingD.sings,4. Theapple _ verysweet. A.istastedB.tasteC.tastesD.aretasting 5.Whatyousaid_likeagoodidea. isheardB.is

12、 listenedC.soundD.sounded 6. -WhatdoyouthinkoftheTVplay? -Wonderful.Itisworth_asecondtime. A.watchingB.watchedC.seenD.seeing 7. Howdirtythetablesare!Theyneed_. A.tocleanB.cleanC.cleaningD.cleaned,8.Greatchanges_inthepasttenyearsinChina. A.were takenplace B.havetakenplace C.were happened D.have happe

13、ned,9. Astory_byGrannyyesterday. A.wastoldus B.wastoldtous C.istoldus D.toldus,五、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正过来。 1)Ihavealotofhomeworktobedonetonight 2)Isyourhistoryteacherlistenedcarefullyinclass? 3)LeiFengsnamerememberedbyallChinesepeople 4)Themusicissoundedbeautiful. 5)Bywho wasthisneweducationalCD-ROMdesig

14、ned?,do,to,is,sounds,whom,1.树要在春天种; 2.树坑要挖得够大,但不要太深; 3.把树放进坑里,扶直; 4.把泥推回坑里,用脚踩实; 5.在旁边插一根坚实的长棍子,并且保证棍子插直了; 6.用绳子(rope)把棍子和树绑起来 7.浇好水.,根据提示写一篇以How to Plant a Tree?为题目的短文,要求内容齐全,上下文连贯。尽量使用被动语态,80词左右。,Writing,1.树要在春天种; 2.树坑要挖得够大,但不要太深; 3.把树放进坑里, 扶直; 4.把泥推回坑里,用脚踩实; 5.在旁边插一根坚实的长棍子,并且保证棍子插直了; 6.用绳子(rope)把

15、棍子和树绑起来 7.浇好水.,be planted,be dug,big enough,too deep,put into,be kept straight,push back to,push hard with ,knock into ,be kept straight,be tied to with,be watered well,Trees must be planted in Spring. The hole must be dug large enough but not too deep. Put the tree into the hole and it must be kept

16、 straight. Push the earth back to the hole and it must be pushed hard with your feet. Knock a long and strong stick into the earth beside the tree and it must be kept straight. Trees can be tied to the stick with a rope. And they must be watered well.,现在完成时,1现在完成时的构成:助动词have (has) + 动词的过去分词 注:has 用于

17、第三人称单数,have 用于其他所有人称。,2现在完成时的用法: (1)现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词just,already, before, yet, never, ever等状语连用。例如: I have never heard of that before. Have you ever ridden a horse? She has already finished the work. Have you milked the cow yet? Yes, I have done that already. Ive jus

18、t lost my science book. 有时没有时间状语;多是一般疑问句。,(2)现在完成时表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去的动作或状态。可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内)的一段时间的状语连用。 如:for和since,以及 so far, now, today, this week(month, year) 等。 I havent seen her these days. She has learnt English for 3 years. They have lived here since 1990. What has happened to th

19、e USA in the last 350 years? 注意:表示短暂时间动作的词,如come, go, die, marry, buy等的完成时不能与for, since等表示一段时间的短语连用。,(3)现在完成时还可以用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示将来某时完成的动作,例如: Ill go to your home when I have finished my homework. If it has stopped snowing in the morning, well go to the park.,(4) have been (to)和have gone (to)的区别: have / has been (to) 表示“曾经去过”某地,说话时此人很可能不在那里,已经回来。侧重指经历。 have / has gone (to) 表示某人“已经去了”某地,说话时此人在那里,或可能在路上,反正不在这里。 试比较: He has been to Beijing. 他曾去过北京。 (人已回来,可能在这儿) He has gone to Beijing. 他已经去了北京。 (人已走,不在这儿)。,


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