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1、Antonym Synonym,Definition,Antonym (反义词) A word that means the opposite of another word, such as empty is an antonym of full. Synonym(同义词) A word that means the same or nearly the same as another word, such as bucket and pail.,Content,1.Three main sub-types: -Gradable Antonym -Complementary Antonym

2、-Converse Antonym The usage of Antonym 2.Two main sub-types: - Absolute Synonym - Relative Synonym,(1)Gradable antonym 等级反义词,Features of them : First, GRADABLE. That is, the members of a pair differ in terms of degree. 每对的成员在程度上有区别。 (1)The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other.

3、对一方的否定并非是对另一方的肯定。 (2)can be modified by “very” (3) have comparative and superlative degrees (4) intermediate degrees may be lexicalized (sometimes),这样一对反义词在语义的直线坐标上离开中点距离应是相等的,但是可以有它们的内项,也可能有它们的外项。 例如以hot(热的)和cold(冷的)这一对反义词来看,它们可以有内项warm(温的)和cool(凉的) 又如,以good(好的)和bad(坏的)这一对反义词来看,它们可有外项excellent(极好的)

4、和terrible(极糟的),Second, antonyms of this kind are graded against different norms. 这种类型的反义词以不同的规范划分等级 Criterion varies with the object described. For example: the comparision between a big car and a small plane.,Third, one member of a pair, usually the term for the higher degree, serves as the cover t

5、erm. 一对反义词中,通常那个较高程度的词用作覆盖整个量级的术语。 The cover term is called “unmarked” i.e. usual 覆盖性词称为“无标记词”,即一般词汇。 The covered “marked” 被覆盖的词语称为“标记词”。 Unmarked marked 名词: man woman author authoress lion lioness 形容词: old young wide narrow deep shallow 名词: length 长度 height 高度 width 宽度 Examples: How old are you? Ho

6、w tall is his brother? How do you like your food?,(2)Complementary antonym 互补反义关系,Three features: First,The members of a pair are complementary. 每对之间互补。 (1)The assertion of one means the denial of the other,and the denial of one means the assertion of the other. (2)cant be modified by “very” (3)Do n

7、ot have comparative and superlative degrees (4)Do not have intermediate degrees E.g. alive-dead male- female present- absent true- false,Second, the norm in this type is absolute.划分规范是绝对的。 Third,there is no cover term for the two members of a pair. 一对成员没有一个覆盖性词语。,the gradable vs. the contrary the co

8、mplementary vs. the contradictory,(3)Converse antonymy 反向反义词,(1)The members of a pair do not constitute a positive-negative opposition.每对反义词当中的成员并不构成肯定-否定的对立。 (2)They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. 表现两个实体之间的一种反向关系。 A. reciprocal opposites : buy-sell gain-loss go-come B. Sp

9、atial opposites : in front of- behind above below C. Social opposites : husband wife teacher-student finance -fiance,反义词的应用,把反义词放在一起用,使两个词相得益彰,可产生对比强烈,形象鲜明的效果。英语的成语当中,有一类成对词就是用反义词组成的: first and last(总的来说), to play fast and loose(反复无常),等等。 许多谚语里都成对地使用反义词: “More haste, less speed”(欲速则不达), “United we s

10、tand, divided we fall”(团结则存,分裂则亡), Hope for the best and prepare for the worst(从最好处希望,从最坏处准备),等等。,living death(虽生犹死), visible darkness(若明若暗), a victorious defeat(胜利的失败), a clever fool(聪明的傻瓜)、 audible stillness(听得见的寂静), sweet pangs(甜蜜的痛苦)、 painful pleasure(悲喜交集)、 an open secret(公开的秘密),反义词连用则是英国历代文学家喜

11、欢的修辞手法-矛盾修辞法。下面这一段引自狄更斯(Charles Dickens)所著的小说双城记(A Tale of Two Cities),It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the age of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the epoch of darkness, it

12、 was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we have everything in before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct to other ways. . . “ (这是最好的时世,这是最坏的时世;这是智慧的年代,这是愚昧的年代;这是信仰的时代,这是怀疑的时代;这是光明的时节,这是黑暗的时节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬;我们面前什么都有,我们面前什么都无;我们都在直登天

13、堂,我们都在直下地狱),(1)Absolute synonym 绝对同义词,绝对同义词, 因为它们的概念意义完全相等, 也可以叫等义词, 这类词的数量很少, 在语言运用中没有积极意义。 E.g. word-formation-word-building composition- compounding scarlet fever-scarlatina heart disease-cardiopathy,(2)Relative synonyms 相对同义词,相对同义词, 这些词在概念意义上基本相同, 但在所表达的理性意义、色彩意义和用法方面存在着细微差别, 所以也称为近义词。 E.g. help

14、 - aid careful - cautious end - finish - complete care - concern - anxiety - worry able - capable - competent - qualified,英语近义词之间的差异,随着英语词汇的增加, 英语的近义词越来越丰富, 除以上例子外, 还有四、五个一组的 跳的近义词有jump、hop、leap、spring; 语言的有language、dialect、tongue、speech、idiom; 狡猾的有sly、cunning、crafty、tricky、foxy、artful; 部分的有part、por

15、tion、piece、member、division、section、segment、fragment;,英语近义词辨析,1. 从语义方面辨析 1)语义轻重 轻 fear-horror重 disappoint-despair mistake-error 2) 范围大小 大 coast-shore 小 read-skim speak-talk 3)个体与集体 个体 person-people集体 tree-wood , forest,2. 从色彩方面辨析 1)感情色彩不同 褒义 black-中性Negro-nigger贬义 Statesman-politician Slender-skinny

16、2) 语体色彩不同 口语 tell-inform书面语 Answer-reply Go down-decline,3. 从用法方面辨析 1)搭配不同 a flock of sheep-a herd of cows-a school of whales Solve a problem-overcome a difficulty-settle a dispute 2)词性和句法功能不同 disease(n)-ill(adj.) Living(做定语)-alive(做表语) 3)所指不同 listen to(动作)-hear(结果) Look for-find Put on-wear 4) 地域不同 (美国英语)apartment -flat(英国英语) Fall-autumn,thank you!,


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