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1、20062007学年第二学期跨文化沟通课程考试试卷 AI. Vocabulary: Give the Chinese equivalents of the following words or terms (10%) 1 cross-cultural communication: 跨文化交际2 non-verbal communication: 非语言交际3 family structure: 家庭结构4 cultural values: 文化价值观念5 behavioral patterns: 行为模式6 Information Superhighway: 信息高速公路7 multinati

2、onal corporations: 多国公司;跨国公司8 negotiating style: 谈判风格9 cultural diversity:文化差异(多样性)10. communicative competence: 交际能力II. Read the following and then answer the questions briefly (15%) 共5个小题,每小题3分。 1. Once a little four-year-old American traveling in China was overheard exclaiming, “Look, Mommy, that

3、 little Chinese boy is eating ice cream, too.”Question: What does this example show to us?Sometimes similarities between cultures can surprise us as much as the differences. 2. A young Chinese woman in the U. S. was complimented (赞美) for the lovely dress that she was wearing. “Its exquisite. The col

4、ors are so beautiful!” She was pleased but somewhat embarrassed. She replied, “Oh, its just an ordinary dress that I bought in China.”Question: Is her answer appropriate in American culture? And why? No, her answer is not appropriate. The reply could have meant that the one paying the compliment did

5、 not know what a really good dress is; otherwise, how could she get so excited about an ordinary dress? The implication was that the American womans taste in clothing was questionable. 3. When talking about the Chinese countryside, English-speaking people in China occasionally asked: “Why do you cal

6、l rural people peasants? I thought their status had changed and that they are now respected. ”Question: What does the word “peasant” mean to the English-speaking people?“Peasant” in English means “a usually uneducated person of low social status” or “an ill-bred person”. 4. A Chinese man, Mr. Wang,

7、had just started working in a new company in Australia. It was morning teatime and he was sitting in a tearoom smoking a cigarette. Suddenly one of his workmates came in and angrily pointed to a “No Smoking” sign. Mr. Wang was very embarrassed. He laughed and put his cigarette out. However, this did

8、 not seen to satisfy the man, who started to talk rapidly and angrily. Question: Why did Mr. Wang laugh in such cases? What made the Australian so angry? Smile in such cases means “embarrassment” and “apology” in Chinese culture, but in Australian culture it means “challenge”. 5. In the following co

9、nversation A and B come from different cultural background. They are talking about relationships between children and parents. a) I think its terrible that in your country children leave their parents when theyre so young. Sometimes what shocks me even more is that many parents want their children t

10、o leave home. I cant understand why children and parents dont like each other in your country. b) In your country parents dont allow their children to become independent. Parents keep their children protected until the children get married. How are young people in your country supposed to learn abou

11、t life that way? Question: What cultural values and beliefs are reflected in these countries?In the eastern culture, people believe that parents should take care of young children. When they are old, their children should take care of them. In other words, mutual care is valued highly. But in the we

12、stern countries, people attach great importance to self-reliance and independence. This explains why A and B are not able to understand each other.III. Fill in the following blanks with proper words (10%) 共10个小题,每小题1分。 Examples:1. Early to bed, early to rise, makes one _, wealthy and wise. 2. The _

13、that bears the boat is the same that swallows it. 3. Strike while the iron is _. 4. You cant tell a book by its _. 5. When in Rome, do as the Romans _. 6. Good fences _ good neighbors. 7. Dont put off until _ what you can do today. 8. The devil dances in an _ pocket. 9. An apple a day keeps the _ aw

14、ay. 10. You cant have your _ and eat it too. 1. healthy 2. water 3. hot 4. cover 5. do 6. make 7. tomorrow 8. empty 9. doctor 10. cakeIV. Comment on the following ideas in English (15%) 共5 个句子,每句话的评述3分 (选自Passage 1或本学期常探讨的话题)。 1. Many cross-cultural interactions go sour due to a lack of cross-cultur

15、al awareness. When we communicate with foreign people, we are very often not quite aware of the cultural similarities and differences. We tend to think that they have the same culture as ours. This mode of thinking will lead to failures of cross-cultural communication. 2. Language is a reflection of

16、 culture. Language reflects culture. We can see traces of culture through the idioms, proverbs and speaking patterns of language. Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules as well as our perception of the world. The influence of culture is reflected in the language we use. Take for exa

17、mple the English and Chinese idioms. The English say “as strong as a horse”, but the Chinese people would say “as strong as an ox”. Language reflects culture. 3. Globalization could be a two-edged sword. Economic globalization could bring great opportunities and immense potential markets to companie

18、s, but at the same time it also brings unparalleled challenges and competitions to them. 4. What is acceptable in one culture may be completely unacceptable in another. Cultures are different. People in different cultures may use the same words or gestures to express extremely different ideas. For e

19、xample, the animal “owl” stands for “wisdom” in the western countries, but it symbolizes “back luck” in Chinese. 5. In the United States the nuclear family, which consists of the father, the mother, and the children, is considered “the family”. Generally speaking, there are two types of families: nu

20、clear family and extended family. The American nuclear family usually has its own separate residence and is economically independent of other family members. Relatives are still considered “family” but are often outside the basic obligations that people have to their immediate families. V. Translate

21、 the following into Chinese (30%) 1. Cross-cultural awareness is the ability to understand culturesyour own and othersby means of objective, non-judgmental comparisons. It is an appreciation for, an understanding of, cultural pluralismthe ability to get rid of our ethnocentric tendencies and to acce

22、pt another culture on its own terms. Many cross-cultural interactions go sour due to a lack of such an awareness. 跨文化意识是通过客观的、非主观判断的比较方式理解自己和他人文化的一种能力。它是对文化多元现象的一种欣赏和理解,即消除民族中心主义倾向、用另一种文化自身的方式去接受它。许多跨文化交际的失败都是因为缺乏这样一种意识。2. The fact that linguistic symbols are nearly all arbitrarythat is, they are co

23、nventions by which certain sounds are attached to certain objects and eventsemphasizes the social aspects of languages. In this sense, language is a part of culture. 语言符号几乎全部都是任意的,也就是说,这些符号通过约定俗成的方式把某些声音与某些物体和事件联系起来。这样一个事实强调了语言的社会性。从这个意义上讲,语言是文化的一个组成部分。3. There is a popular saying, “You are what you

24、 eat,” and although there may be some truth in that, in the United States a more appropriate saying is “You are what you do.” In that country an individual is often judged by what he or she does for a living. And the more they do and the faster they do it, the better!有一句俗话,“吃什么,是什么”。虽说这句话有几分道理,但在美国,

25、更为恰如其分的说法应该是,“干什么,是什么”。在那个国家,人们评判一个人往往是看他靠什么谋生。干得活越多,干得速度越快,越好!VI. Write a composition of 300 words or more on the following topic (20%): What should we pay attention to in intercultural communication and why?You can base your writing on your personal experience or on what you have gained through this course. Your marks will be based on the information (including general remarks and specific examples) you give.


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