高一英语必修5unit4 Making the news全套课件.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Making the news,Peter Parker The spider man,Do you want to work for a newspaper, like Peter Parker? If you are offered a chance for a job at China Daily, you will need to find out what kind of jobs they have?,reporter / journalist,photographer,editor,printer,What kind of jobs do the newspaper

2、s have?,jobs,reporter,editor,designer,printer,photographer,chief editor,advertising editor,distribution organizer,Interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers,Takes photographs of important people or events,Prints the newspaper,Makes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; che

3、cks facts,Lays out the article and photographs,1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6. printer 7.critic 8.foreign correspondent 9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11. sub-editor,1).Which two words mean the same? 2).Who gives opinions on plays and books? 3).Who reports from

4、aboard? 4).Who decides on the content of the newspaper? 5).Who prints the newspaper?,1.journalist/3.reporter,7. critic,8. foreign correspondent,2. chief editor,6. printer,Quiz,6) Who writes news stories? 7) Who makes corrections to articles and design? 8) Who designs comic drawings with captions(说明,

5、标题)? 9) Who is in charge of the newspaper when the boss is away? 10) Who takes photos of important people or events?,1.journalist/3.reporter,11.sub-editor,10.cartoonist,4.deputy editor,5.photographer,1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6. printer 7.critic 8.foreign

6、correspondent 9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11. sub-editor,Quiz,How is a newspaper made?,The_ editor hold a meeting.,Journalists_ people and write stories,Photos are quickly _,Photographers _ photographs.,Editors _ the report.,Editors write the _.,The newspapers are _by train and truck,The newspapers

7、are _.,interview,developed,take,check,headlines,delivered,printed,chief,Do you remember the first time you read a newspaper? How about the first time you had your article printed on a newspaper? What kind of qualities do you think a reporter should have?,Pre-reading,What are the qualities a good jou

8、rnalist needs to have? Discuss in groups and tick the boxes below.,Prepared to work long hours,Ability to work in a team,“Unforgettable,” says new journalist,My First Work Assignment,Reading,Fast reading,2. What mistakes must Zhou Yang avoid?,He must avoid being rude and talking too much himself.,1.

9、 Where did the conversation happen? Who were talking?,Zhou Yang was talking with his boss, Hu Xin at the office of China Daily.,3. How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work ?,He felt excited ,curious and eager to go out on a story .,1 Zhou can go out on a story immediately.,2 Zhou took a noteb

10、ook, a pen, a camera with himself.,3 While interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand.,4 The footballer admitted he took the money.,5 Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school.,6 Zhou is very enthusiastic.,True or False,What does the reading passage mainly tal

11、k about?,The skills necessary to become a good reporter The skills necessary to become a good photographer How to conduct a good interview Being carefully in the new environment A and C,Find out the answers to the following questions.,1. What are the four skills needed?,2. Find out the stages in res

12、earching a story.,1) be able to tell if someone is telling the truth,2) be accurate,3) do research,4) ask questions,1) ask questions,2)note reactions,3) check facts,4) do research,Careful reading,Find out the answers to the following questions.,3. Whats the importance of listening?,4. How to check f

13、acts?,To get the detailed facts.,Use research and ask witnesses.,Careful reading,5. How to deal with accusations of printing lies?,Use a tape recorder for the interview.,The purpose of writing the passage,1) It shoes the students the skills necessary to become a good journalist. 2).It wants to show

14、how to conduct a good interview.,scanning,What a new reporter should do on the first day,1) The first time he will be put as an assistant to and experienced journalist. 2) There is no need for him to take a camera with him. He will have a professional photographer with him to take photographs.,1)He

15、needs to be curious. 2) A good reporter must have a “ nose ” for a story. 3) He has to listen for detailed facts 4) If the interviewee agrees, he can use a recorder to get the facts straight.,What a reporter needs to remember when going to cover a story,Choose the correct explanation to the phrases,

16、1 What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?,to go and interview somebody about an incident or happening B. to write a story C. to make up a story,Choose the correct explanation to the phrases,2 A good reporter must have a “nose” for a story.,A. to have a sense about what is going to

17、 happen B. to be able to “smell”when somebody is trying to hide a good story that may reflect badly on him/ herself. C. to be able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed.,A something that cheats somebody B something that helps you do the job in a professional way. C something used to achie

18、ve secrets.,Choose the correct explanation to the phrases,3 This is a trick of the trade.,A. to make sure that the story is accurate B. to get the facts directly C. to get the things specially,Choose the correct explanation to the phrases,4 We sometimes use small recorders to make sure that we get a

19、ll your facts straight.,1. What does Zhou Yang have with him when he goes out? 2. What equipment do you think a news reporter should have nowadays?,a notebook, pen and a camera,mobile phone, digital camera, small recorder, laptop computer, satellite telephone, etc.,Post-reading- Questions errorless,

20、Your answer to question must be very, very accurate.,Concise -Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct,a concise dictionary 简明词典,What should be done before the scoop appears in the newspaper?.,Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Step5 Step6 Step7 step8,- You do some research to see if the story is true

21、or not.,- You begin to write the story using the notes from the interview,-You give the article to the department editor,-The article is given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style.,- The last stage the article is checked and approved by the chief editor.,- All the st

22、ories and photos are set and the colour negatives for the printing are made ready.,-The first edition of the newspaper is printed.,- You go to an interview to get the information for your story.,We can learn from the text that the staff of a newspaper is made up of many different people.,Reporters,

23、photographers, department editors, copy editors, English editors, chief editors, news desk editors, printers .,What are they? What are their jobs?,reporters,Look at the following pictures, and guess what they are?,-Interview people to collect facts and write stories.,Editors,- read the article, and

24、check the evidence,Photographer,- take photos to match the story.,Copy editors,-edit the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading,printer,Read the passage again and think about the following questions:,What did you think about making news and being a reporter before you read this passa

25、ge? How about now? Do you think its a easy job to be a reporter?,talking and writing,Step2 -Write the scoop according the dialogue.,1.,Step 1 dialogue - Zhou Yang, the famous film star and two interviewees. Pay more attention to the questions to be asked.,the main headline at the top and a smaller o

26、ne under it. A good article should be written with no wasted words or phrases.,A film Star Caught UnexpectedlyDid he need the money?,There has been a strange happening at a downtown shopping ara. It has been said that a famous film star, Wang Ping, was caught stealing a gold necklace yesterday. He w

27、ent into a shop and when the jeweler turned his back, Wang Ping took the necklace and ran out of the shop. The shopkeeper shouted and a crowd of people gathered. The police went to Wang Pings home and questioned him. He denied he had stolen the necklace and told he had enough money to buy the neckla

28、ce anyway. He said he had been at a restaurant with his wife. But a reporter, Zhou Yang , found this was untrue. So the police are treating this case seriously.,Period 5,Reading Task,searching for the truth,As a news reporter, one has to make sure that the story is true. Otherwise, the writer will b

29、e accused of guilty. As a reader, one also has to find out whether the story is true. So no matter what you are, you have to find out the truth. How can we find the truth?,the reporters were there at the time.,primary sources,from the person presenting the programmer in the studio,secondary sources,

30、Where does the best information come from? What are primary sources? What are secondary sources? What sources are included in a newspaper? Why is it important to separate primary and secondary sources?,Where does the best information come from? What are primary sources? What are secondary sources?,t

31、hose who were there at the time.,the writings of the people who lived there.,the writings of people at a much later date who write about the same events.,4. What sources are included in a newspaper? 5. Why is it important to separate primary and secondary sources?,Because they can help us to decide

32、what is a fact and what is an opinion.,both the primary and the secondary sources,TASK,Now you have been asked to recommend a primary source from these writings about Julius Caesar, a Roman leader. Only one of them is a primary source so you must look at them carefully. Remember dates are very impor

33、tant. Tick the correct boxes. Then think which of them will have fewer facts and more opinions. Give a reason.,1 Life of Julius Caesar,(100 BC-44 BC),2 The Gallic Wars,(France),(57 BC 53 BC),3 Julius Caesar: a play,Plutarch,(Greek),Caesar,(Roman),Shakespeare,(British),between 46 AD and 120 AD,In 50s

34、 BC,1599,Book,Author,Date Written,Primary,Secondary,source,source,The primary source is _ because _. I think _ will have more opinions than facts because _.,The Gallic Wars,it was written at the time,Plutarchs Life of Julius Caesar and Shakespeares play about Julius Caesar,they were written long after the events happened,


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