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1、Auld Lang Syne,Auld Lang Syne Shouldauldacquaintancebeforgot. 老朋友怎能遗忘掉,Andneverbroughttomind? 永不再放心上Shouldauldacquaintancebeforgot. 老朋友怎能遗忘掉,Anddaysolangsyne? 还有过去的好时光? Forauldlangsyne, mydear, 为了过去的好时光, (亲爱的)Forauldlangsyne, 为了过去的好时光,Welltakacupokindnessyet 让我们干一杯友谊的酒,Forauldlangsyne. 为了过去的好时光。Andh

2、eresahand, my trustyfiere (friend) 老朋友, 我已伸出我的手,Andgieeahandofthine, 请你也伸手相握,Welltakacupofkindnessyet 让我们干一杯友谊的酒,Forauldlangsyne. 为了过去的好时光。,Friendship,Discuss the following questions:,Do you need friends? Why or why not? 2.Do you have any good friends? What do you think of them?,Do you have friends?

3、 What kind of friend do you like?,friends,kind,honest,brave,helpful,generous,humorous,clever,hard-working,patient,responsible,When it rains, I think friendship is a small It can give me a piece of clear sky. When Im crying, I think friendship is a white It can wipe my tears dry.,handkerchief.,umbrel

4、la.,What is friendship?,When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm It can bring me happiness again. When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong It can help me escape my troubles.,word.,hand.,What is friendship?,Original poem by Shirley Redcay,Faithful Reliable Interesting Everlasting Nice

5、Different Sharing Helpful Incredible Polite,Read the poem.,可靠的,可信赖的,永恒的,难以置信的,Describe one of your friends,His/Her name is He/She is years old. He/She likes and dislikes He/She enjoys and hates He/She is very kind/friendly/ When we got to know each other,pair work,What will you do to be a good frien

6、d? Are you good to your friends?,add up 合计,相加 add to 增添,增加 add up to 总数为,The bad weather only added to our trouble. His entire school education added up to no more than a year. Add up these numbers and give me the total.,1. CCTV made a _ of public opinion about the poisonous milk powder.,survey,2. “

7、He is very clever but a bit naughty,” he _.,added,3._ 8_3, youll have 11.,Add,to,4.The news _his sadness.,5. _the expenses(花费), see if we could afford it.,6. His income _3000 yuan a month,To make/do/carry out/conduct a survey,added to,Add up,adds up to,Addto Add to,Add up Add up to,increased,Do the

8、survey on P1 by yourself. Then add up your score and see how many points you get.,4-7 points: You are not a good friend. You either ignore your friends needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think about what a good friend needs to do. Think more about this.,8-12 points: You are a g

9、ood friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities.,13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good fr

10、iend you need to balance your needs and those of your friends. Well done!,What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?,get it repaired,get sth. done 请人做某事 (非亲自动手) =have sth. done,1 上周我去城里剪头发了. Last week I went to the town to _.,get / have my hair cut.,2 爸爸明天要去检查身体. Tomorrow Dadd

11、y will_.,have/ get himself examined,Exercises,让某人一直做某事,让某人做某事,让某人一直做某事,让某人做某事,What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?,upset sb.使某人生气/心烦 upset sth.弄翻某物 be upset with sb.对某人生气 be upset about sth.为某事感到心烦,1.upset vt.使心烦/生气;弄翻 adj.心烦意乱的;不适的,upset vt instead they offer help when

12、it is needed. 6)Although Tim and Mike come from _different backgrounds, they became close friends.,at dusk,add up,entirely,P4 Exercises,III Summary,Lets summarize what we have learned :,New words: Phrases: Sentence patterns: Others:,Unit 1 Friendship,Grammar Direct speech & Indirect speech,Pay atten

13、tion to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: My name is Anne Frank and my family is Jewish.,T: She said that her name was Anne Frank and her family was Jewish.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,_,_,Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: My family and I are hid

14、ing in Amsterdam.,T: She said that she and her family were hiding in Amsterdam.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: My only true friend is Kitty my diary.,T: She said that her only true friend was Kitty her diary.,Direct speech,In

15、direct speech,_,_,_,Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: After hiding here for a long time, Ive become crazy about nature.,T: She said that after hiding there for a long time, she had become crazy about nature.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,_,Warming Up,Pair 3

16、A: My only true friend is Kitty my diary. T: She said that her only true friend was Kitty her diary.,Pair 2 A: My family and I are hiding in Amsterdam. T: She said that she and her family were hiding in Amsterdam.,Pair 1 A: My name is Anne Frank and my family is Jewish. T: She said that her name was

17、 Anne Frank and her family was Jewish.,Pair4 A: After hiding here for a long time, Ive become crazy about nature. T: She said that after hiding there for a long time, she had become crazy about nature.,Find Differences,1.陈述句:,“I dont like computers,” Sarah said to her friends.,Sarah said to her frie

18、nds,that,said,didnt,she,Sarah said to her friends that she didnt like computers.,Sarah,2.一般疑问句: Is it easy to improve the condition of the soil? ( They asked him ),They asked him,if/whether,It is easy to improve the condition of the soil.,it is easy to improve the condition of the soil.,asked,is,was

19、,They asked him if it was easy to improve the condition of the soil.,3.特殊疑问句: When do you do the homework ? ( They asked him ),They asked him,When,you do the homework,you do the homewok.,he,did,They asked him when he did the homework.,1. Jack said to me, “You look worried today.” Jack told me that _

20、 worried _. A. he lookstoday B. you looktoday C. we lookedthat day D. I lookedthat day,Exercise II,5. They said to us, “Are you afraid to leave this house ?” They asked us _ afraid to leave _ house. A. that were wethis B. that we werethat C. if were we this D. if we werethat,6. Jane said, “What did

21、he hear about a week ago?” Jane asked _ about _. A. that he hearda week ago B. what he had heardthe week before C. what he had herd a week ago D. if he heardthe week ago,由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况时态不变:,1. 不变的真理,生活哲理 The teacher said to the students, “Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0.” The tea

22、cher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0.,Try to do SB P.5 Ex.2,1. Anne said that she didnt know the address of her new home. 2. Anne told her father that she had got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows. 3. The girl said that she ne

23、eded to pack up her things in the suitcase very quickly. 4. Her father asked her why she chose/ had chosen her diary and old letters.,III Practice,Reading, listening and speaking,Can boys and girls be good friends? Why? What do you think when a boy and a girl become good friends?,Dear Miss Wang, I a

24、m having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. Im getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This h

25、as made me angry. I dont want to end the friendship, but I hate others gossiping. What should I do? Yours Lisa,Lisa,Making suggestions and giving advice:,I think/suppose you should. How/what about? I strongly advise you to It would be a good idea to Why dont you/ Why not?,Group Work,Listen to Miss W

26、angs reply and answer:,Whats Miss Wangs advice?,There is nothing wrong with you and this boy _ friends and _ together. _ your friendship with this boy would be a _ thing to do. Teenagers like to _, and they often see something isnt real. My advice is to _ your classmates. That way you will _ them th

27、at you are more _ than they are.,being,studying,Ending,stupid,gossip,ignore,show,grown-up,Discussion,Agreeing I agree. I think so. Exactly. Youre right / correct. Good idea. I think thats a good idea.,Disagreeing I disagree. I dont think so. Im afraid not. Thats not right. Im sorry, but I dont agree

28、.,reasons?,Read Xiao Dongs letter on page 7 and answer: What is Xiao Dongs problem?,Hes not good at communicating with people. He finds it hard to make friends with his classmates.,I Lead in,To ask people their likes and dislikes,To join in discussions,To show interest in others ideas,To share his f

29、eelings with others,II Brainstorming,Your advice for Xiao Dong,Presenting the problem,Proposing the solution,Conclusion,Sample 1,Dear Xiao Dong, Im sorry youre having trouble in making friends. However, this situation is easy to change if you take my advice. First, why not talk to your classmates an

30、d ask them their likes and dislikes. Secondly, you can join your classmates to play games after class. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you can help them when they are in trouble. Yours, ,How to make it better?,Dear Xiao Dong, Im sorry youre having trouble in making friends. However, this situati

31、on is easy to change if you take my advice. why not talk to your classmates and ask them their likes and dislikes. you can join your classmates to play games after class. it would be a good idea if you can help them when they are in trouble. Yours, ,Here are some tips to help you:,If you do this, yo

32、u can find more,Classmates with the same interests.,That way, you will be able to get to know more,people and let them see you are friendly.,By doing this, I believe your classmates,will like you more.,I hope you will find these ideas useful and make more,Firstly ,In addition ,Finally ,Sample 2,frie

33、nds.,Dear Xiaodong, Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you: Firstly / First of all / To begin with, why not? If you do this, Secondly / In addition / Whats more, you should/can In this way, Thirdly / Finally / Last but not least, it would be a good idea if By doing this, I hope you will find these ideas useful. / Yours ,Write by yourself!,Writing,


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