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1、新概念同步测试卷121-125I. 填入下列单词所缺的字母。(10分)1.cust_ mer 3.rec gnize 4.g _ess 5.bea_ d6.se _ve 7.terr _bly 8.nuis _nce 9.s _rprise 10.dr_11.tr_p12.d_ring 13.cou_ter 14.f_rget 15.ro_ d16.trav _l 17._ ffer 18.j _b 19.gro _ 20.k _ttenII.根据句子含义及首字母提示填入正确的单词。 (10分)1. I knew him but I cant r_him now.2.The waiters a

2、lways s_ very well.3.The drugs(麻药) can be traded over(交易) the c .4.The m_asked his assistant to prepare .5.I recited it yesterday but I f_ it now .6. All r_lead to Rome.7. Let me g_who it is.8. He o his help and I accepted.9. He g_a beard last year.10. There is no water and it is very d_III.填入句中所缺的词

3、。(10分)at, is ,behind, with, a, am, to, before, in, by1. The man a hat is my father.2. I forget to take my glasses _me.3. The shop assistant _the counter served me.4. I did it the day_ yesterday.5.What _ nuisance!6It is not you, _it?7. Finish your homework_ yourself.8. I have go to hospital every day

4、.9. I afraid I had to.10. I looked_the words but I could not see clearly.IV选择。(10 分)( ) 1.The man I saw was _ a hat. A. wearing in B.putting on C. dressed D.in( ) 2.The man _ I served was him.A. what B. how C. which D. whom( ) 3.The book _ I am reading is hers.A. that B. whose C. when D. how( ) 4.I

5、bought them but forgot to take them _me.A. to B. in C. on D .with( ) 5.These are books _I bought yesterday.A. who B. Whom C. where D .which( ) 6. It is the book I am looking for.A. which B. that C .whom D. how ( ) 7. He grew a beard last year but shaved it _later.A. on B. for C. off D. in( ) 8. You

6、must water the flower , and then you can have a rest.A. first B. in first C. for first D.on first( ) 9.He fell before the finishing line and lost medal._.A. What a pity ! B. What pity C.How a pity D. how pity( ) 10. _ that it was not here. .A. Im afraid B.I was afraid C.Were afraid D.Its afraid V.判断

7、下列句子是否正确,不正确请改正(20分)1. Has you got a hat?.2. I bought two dictionaries half a hour ago.3. Who served with you, sir?4. I forgot to watering the garden .5. The man which I served was not drinking.6. The dog who is carrying a basket.7. The picture I am looking is not mine .8. This is a photo I took dur

8、ing my trip in Australia.9. I grew beard during the trip.10. What nuisance!VI.英汉互译。(20分)1半小时前我在这买了两本很贵的词典。_ _ 2.我昨晚忘了把字典带上了 3.半小时前你接待过这位先生吗?_ _4.我去年旅行时留了胡子。_ 5. 他就是在美国给我工作做的那个人_ 6. He said he was the man who bought these books._ 7. Is this the gentleman you served?_ 8. The lady who is standing behin

9、d the counter was wearing a hat yesterday. _ 9. The dog carrying the basket is not his_-VII.用所给的正确形式组成句子。(20分)1. I grew bread a during trip the_ _.2.lady standing behind who the counter is my friend the_ _.3.I bought two expensive hats here ago half an hour _ _ _.4.he the man who offered job England is a me _ _ _5. the I have to shaved off beard_ _.6.you not look well you must ill do and be_ _.7.this is car I bought the day which before yesterday_.8. a beautiful ship what_!9. you put it on would please_10. is the this man you the served_?


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