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1、英语句子成分、结构及类型,词类,名词 代词 形容词 副词 动词 数词 连词 介词 冠词 感叹词,China; pencil; salt; power,they; itself; that; who; any,beautiful; round; exciting,quite; luckily; almost; very,buy; die; have; will; must; be,one; first; ten; tenth,and; but; while; because; after,at; in; with; by; on; for; of,an; a; the,Oh; ouch; aha

2、,词类,短语,句子成分,主语 谓语 宾语 表语 补语 定语 状语 同位语 独立成分,修饰成分,句子,按结构,简单句 并列句 复合句,按功能,陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句,基本句型,(get up; so that; look for),词类(10个),名词:人名Mike地名America动物名pig植物名tree 抽象名词 idea(主意) knowledge(知识) 代词:(人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词) 动词:walk think am is are 形容词:修饰名词 高矮胖瘦白富美 副词:修饰动词 介词: 名词的“好哥们” ; at by in on “四大要犯” 连词:连接

3、单词短语句子; 不单独使用and、but、or 、so、if、when 数词:基数词,序数词 冠词:定冠词 the不定冠词 aan ;不单独使用; 与名词搭配 感叹词 :oh! Ah! well !,根据对词类概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类: 1 deep 2. finger 3. fly 4. papers 5. pass 6 refuse 7. size 8. spoon 9. delicious 10. thick 11. town 12. map 13. myself 14. and 15. on 16 sheep 17 ship 18 mine 19 important 20 an

4、21 catch 22 first 23 laugh 24 third 25 leave 26 here 27 fly 28 home 29 round 30 sing 31 blind 32 but 33 eighth 34 about 35 bad 36 yours 37 child 38 against 39 ah 40 with 41 cinema 42 Tuesday 43 cheap 44 advice 45 two 46 they 47 able 48 for 49 say 50 quickly 51 if 52.whether,根据常见的后缀辨别下列单词的词性。1 scient

5、ist 2 singer 3 conversation4 beautiful 5 loudly 6 famous7 government 8 dangerous 9 instruction 10 careful 11 lively 12 safeties 13 national 14 traditional 15 illnesses 16 wonderful 17 competitions 18 station 19 successful 20 natural 21 illnesses22 lovely 23 really 24 friendly 25 usually 26 yearly 27

6、 advertisement,句子成分的分析 (7个) 英语的基本成分有六种: 主语(subject)- S 谓语(predicate)- V 宾语(object)- O 表语(predicative)- P 定语(attribute)- Attri. 状语(adverbial)- Adv. 补语(object complement)- oc,主语 谓语 宾语,观察下面一个例句,你能找到句中的“主语” 、“谓语” 、“宾语”吗? 因此这是个典型的“主谓宾”句型。,I,beat,you .,主语,谓语,宾语,SVO,I teach you English. You are beaten .,主语

7、是动作的发出者 或承受者。,We are good friends. What I want to do is join the party. Smoking is harmful to your health. To learn English is difficult.,名词、代词 从句或非谓语动词,我们再想一想什么是谓语 (Predicate),谓语 表示一个动作、行为,是由动词充当的。 I teach you English. 一个句子能不能没有谓语?,谓语,不能,宾语 (Object)又是什么?,动词宾语:I love you. 介词宾语:I want to give this bo

8、ok to you. He told me that he felt lonely. He likes swimming.,宾语一般由名词、代词充当。 也可以是一个从句或非谓语动词。,及物动词vt.,介宾,定语 (Attributive):,定语的作用? 用于修饰、限定名词或代词。 定语一般由?充当。 girl 定语还可以由名词充当,表用途。 a pencil box,形容词,beautiful,a,Practice: an interesting book Those who want to learn English well should study harder than others

9、. a meeting to attend The man over there The books on the shelf,从句,非谓语动词,副词(词组),介词(词组),状语(Adverbial),状语是用于修饰副词、形容词、动词或句子的成分。 状语一般由副词充当。 Those problems are pretty hard.,They managed to finish the job,before Monday. The old man sat on the bench, enjoying the sunset. As he was leaving the office, it st

10、arted to rain.,介词词组,(现在分词词组),(时间状语从句),补语(Complement),He made his sister cry. His sister was made to cry. 补语是用于补充说明主语或宾语的身份或特征。 补语一般由名词或形容词充当。 Dont leave me alone. (O C),主语补语,宾语补足语,Practice: Everyone calls him Jack. He is called Jack. She laid the baby on the bed. (prep.) I saw him rushing into the c

11、lassroom.,表语(Complement),Time is up. (adv.) They are in the classroom. (prep.) The place is where we first met each other.,1)持续系动词: keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand 2)表像系动词:用来表示“看起来像” seem, appear, look 3)感官系动词: feel, smell, sound, taste 4)变化系动词: become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come,run 5)终止系

12、动词:证实,变成 prove, turn out The rumor proved false. His plan turned out a success.,同位语(Appositive),同位语是位于名词或代词后面,重复指代同一事物。 同位语一般由名词或名词词组充当 The Great Wall, one of the wonders in the world, attracts a large number of foreign friends. 名词性从句也可以充当同位语(修饰抽象名词为多) The news that he went abroad surprised me.,插入语的

13、还可以是不定式、现在分词、介词短语、形容词、副词或从句。,1.To be frank, I dont agree with you. 2.Strictly speaking, you are wrong. 3.This, in my opinion, is only a simple question. 4.By the way, where is Xiao Li. 5.Sure enough, enemy planes came again the next day. 6.Honestly, I dont need it at the moment. 7.You are not quite

14、fit for this kind of work, if I may say so.,英语句子的基本结构(5个),1. S+V (主+谓) 2. S+V+P(主+系+表) 3. S+V+O (主+谓+宾) 4.S+V+o+O(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 5.S+V+O+OC(主+谓+宾+宾补),判断下列各句句子的基本句型,Mr Black is English. The teacher taught us some grammar rules. The farmer dug up the soil. She found her ring lost. She left her job unfinis

15、hed.,SVIODO,SVO,SVOC,SVOC,SVP,The great poet lived in the 18th century. She introduced her friends to us. The tape-recorder is on the desk. The guests have just arrived. She laid the baby on the bed.,练习,(一).指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分: 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I

16、 shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went hunting together early in the morning.,主,定语,宾语,谓语,状语,定语,状语,6. His job is to train swimmers. 7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing. 8. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 9. His wish is to become

17、a scientist. 10. He managed to finish the work in time. 11. Tom came to ask me for advice. 12. He found it important to master English.,定语,表语,宾语,主语,谓语,目的状语,宾语,形式宾语,真正宾语,表语,宾语,(二)。划分句子成分 1.we are working . 2.I can swim very well . 3.The waiter brought a bottle of beer to me . 4.Why does the wind blow

18、 ? 5.The rain has been pulling down for a whole day . 6.Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music . 7.Jim asked you to give his best wishes to everyone . 8.You must get the car ready by tomorrow .,9.I have a lot of clothes to wash . I have a lot of clothes to be washed . 10.He gave his son some advice o

19、n reading . 11.Read me the first paragraph . 12.Ive ordered some soup for you . 13.He began leaning English ten years ago . 14.My being late worried my teacher . 15.That president himself would visit our school excited all of us . 16.April Day is the special day of the year when you play a joke on s

20、omeone .,17.He usually takes a nap after lunch ,as is his habit . 18.I found the book in the corner of the room. 19.he finished lunch and went into the garden . 20.The telephone rang . 21.We study hard . 22.His father might have died . 23.Will you leave the door open when going out . 24.Can you make

21、 the dog stand still ?,25.The landlord had them working day and night . 26.I think a sound knowledge of grammar is important to good writing . 27.We all breathe ,eat, drink . 28.I woke up at 6:00 in the morning . 29.The book weighs five kilos . 30.They will be flying to London . 31.The shop assistan

22、t found some certain materials for me . 32.He promised me a new English-Chinese dictionary.,33.Please pass a newly- published to me . 34.He lived in Guang Zhou . 35.The father is showing the boy how to plant trees . 36.His uncle left him some money . 37.She is teaching the piano to several of the vi

23、llage children and she has taught us English for 3 years . 38.I like popular music . 39.She knows what to do next . 40.It excited all of us that the president would visit our school.,Bye-bye !,三种句子,简单句,并列句,复合句,简单句的基本词序,主语动词部分宾语 状语 (谓语) 方式地点时间 Iboughta hat yesterday. The children ran home. The taxi d

24、river shouted at me angrily. We ate our meal in silence. The car stopped suddenly. A young girl walked confidently in the room. They drove him away in a police car.,并列句,需把几个意思连接在一起时,可用分号或把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,这种结构即构成一个并列句。,用分号: We fished all day; we didnt catch a thing.,用分号,后跟一个连接副词: We fished all day;

25、 however, we didnt catch a thing.,用并列连词(如and、but、so、yet等) We fished all day, but (we) didnt catch a thing.,Exercise: 请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。,He was tired, so he went to bed.,1. He was tired. He went to bed.,3. He made a promise. He didnt keep it.,He made a promise, but He didnt keep it.,复合句是在简单句的基础上,通过从属连词将两个或两个以上简单句连接在一起而构成。从属连词所引导的从句起形容词、名词、副词的作用。复合句主要包含以下类型从句: 1. 主语从句 2. 宾语从句 3. 表语从句 4. 定语从句 5. 状语从句 6. 同位语从句,英文写作中最常使用的从句 宾语从句 状语从句 定语从句,Bye,


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