高中英语选修六 Unit 05 D.ppt

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1、Christine is talking to a group of high school students about a cyclone she experienced when she was a young girl. Listen and write 1-7 beside the events on page 69 to show the order in which they happened.,( ) a. The wind stopped for a short while. ( ) b. They got out of the bath and looked around

2、their house. ( ) c. The family prepared food for Christmas and put presents under the Christmas tree. ( ) d. Christines father put a mattress over the top of the bath. ( ) e. They heard loud noises and the walls of the house began to shake. ( ) f. The cyclone moved away. ( ) g. Christine and Brian g

3、ot into the bath.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Listen to the tape again. Write the names of the family members in the correct place on the floor plan to show where they were during the storm.,Brian and Christine,father,mother,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Part 1 December 24th _ is a Christmas I will remembe

4、r _. It began just like any other Christmas Eve. Mum, Dad, Brian and I put all the Christmas _ under the tree and then helped prepare the Christmas _ of the next day. We were all so _ and _ that it took me a long time to get to _. Id only been _ for about an hour when I was woken up by a very loud _

5、. I felt a little confused. A moment later, Mum, Dad flew _ the room. Mum was carrying my little _ in her arms. Dad shouted at me but I couldnt _ what he was saying because of the noise. He pulled me _ of bed and pointed to the door and then pushed me from _. I _ Mum into the bathroom. She put Brian

6、 in the bath and shouted to me to get _ too. Then Dad came in _ the mattress from my bed. Mum pushed us down so we were almost _ in the bath and Dad threw the mattress over the _ of us. It suddenly became much quieter. Mum shouted “ Everythings going to be OK. Its just a bad _. Itll soon be over and

7、 youll be _ in the bath.” She pushed some blankets into the bath and _ us up again _ the mattress.,1974,forever,presents,dinner,sleep,happy,excited,asleep,noise,into,brother,hear,out,behind,followed,in,carrying,lying,top,storm,safe,covered,with,Part 2 Even with the mattress on top of us, we could st

8、ill hear the sounds of the _. I wrapped the blankets _ us and hugged Brian. He was only _ years old and trembling with _ and cold. At some point the noise _ altogether. I pushed the mattress off us and looked out. Mum was _ in the small space between the _ and the _ and Dad was between the toilet an

9、d the bath. Dad told us not to _. “ We are in the calm _ of the cyclone,” he said. “Its called the _. The cyclone will soon move away and the _ making that noise will come back.” So we _. That was the worse time, sitting in the _ waiting for the noise and violence to _. When it was finally _, Dad li

10、fted the mattress off our _ place and we stepped out into a _ world. We were all _. The side of our house was gone and _ was most of our furniture. Worse of all, the Christmas tree and all the presents had _. It was going to be a most _ Christmas!,cyclone,round,seven,fear,stopped,sitting,wall,toilet

11、,move,centre,eye,wind,waited,quiet,return,over,hiding,changed,shocked,so,disappeared,unusual,Using words and expressions,Ex. 1,The f_ hid the path ahead as he made his way along the road. After a summer shower, there is often a r_ in the sky. She showed her a_ of music and ballet performance by clap

12、ping loudly. We dont have time to read all these d_ before the discussions. Follow the a_ on the map and you will be able to find the subway station for yourself. Who can g_ that he will arrive on time? He always keeps us waiting.,Ex. 2,The word “tsunami” often arouses _ and fear when it is mentione

13、d. Yet there is no need to be so _ if you know what to do. As long as you have ten minutes warning, you will survive no matter how powerful the _ tsunami may be. Unfortunately, many people are _ of the risk they may be facing. As soon as you hear the warning, put on your shoes and walk inland as qui

14、ckly as you can. Do not fear, _ or remain tied to the spot at the thought of those high _. Ten minutes running away from the sea is all you need to save yourself from danger. Remember this and you will be _ safe.,og,ainbow,ppreciation,ocuments,rrows,uarantee,actual,anxious,unconscious,panic,tremble,

15、waves,absolutely,Ex. 3,Glancing through the newspaper, I found a news report about a typhoon in Guangdong. When I realized the precious necklace had gone, I panicked. House construction varies from country to country. However, in China you can find many diverse styles. He was unconscious after being

16、 shot and falling off the balcony. The novelist wrote a wonderful short story about a candidate who wanted to become President of the United States. After playing basketball youll sweat a lot. If you bathe, I guarantee that you will feel much more comfortable. “Thunderstorm anxiety” is common among

17、dogs, and some dogs tremble with fear under the owners beds during thunderstorms. The pilot came out of the plane in his flying suit and boots, with his helmet under his arm.,Using structures,Watching the volcano erupt, John became worried about his safety. Knowing the children were bored, I tried t

18、o make my talk interesting. Knowing the view from the top of the mountain was fantastic, Sue encouraged her friends to make the steep climb. Gathering all my courage, I ran back into the burning house to rescue the baby. Hearing the volcano was about to erupt, they cancelled their trip. Having made

19、a huge effort to impress the judges, I was disappointed when I didnt win. Having swallowed the nuts too quickly, I began to cough. Having guaranteed that we would get there before five, I panicked when the car broke down. Having watched Peter training for the race, I knew he had the potential to win

20、 the race. Having spent two years writing her book, the novelist went on a holiday.,Combine the pairs of sentences into one using the ing form as an adverbial.,Choose the proper verbs in the box to complete the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of the ing form and make some more sentence

21、s of your own.,_ volcano lava is my job and fishing is my hobby. Typhoon and hurricane are words _ the same kind of storm. It is so hot in the room, and the air is not fresh. Would you mind me _ the window? When reading a newspaper, I prefer _ the headlines first to reading the articles carefully. I

22、 saw a _ star last night when I looked out of my window. After _ at the airport, we said good-bye to our friends.,Analysing,describing,opening,glancing through,shooting,arriving,Reading task,Trapped by the flood,Key phrases: trapped by the flood pack a few things put down put the lead on the dog all

23、 the time spend some time doing sth. along the side of the river pull out the plug up to the knees attached to her back,在洪水中挣扎 打包一些物品 放下,记下 给狗带上皮带/链条 一直,向来 花时间做某事 沿着河岸 拔出插头 直到膝盖 系在背上,Reading comprehension: It was probable that_ persuaded Sara to move away to her mothers on the phone. A. Tony B. her

24、mother C. one of her friends D. her father 2. She put the lead on the dog and went in search of Monty. The underlined part means_. A. She wanted the dog to lead her to a safe place. B. She put a life jacket on her dog. C. She chained her dog for fear of its being lost. D. She hurried her dog to move

25、 ahead. 3. We can infer from the passage that_. A. it was her dog that saved Sara. B. without the car, Sara couldnt have survived. C. Sara managed to clime onto the roof of the house with her baby in her arm. D. on seeing the flood coming, Sara couldnt calm down with fear.,A,C,B,Judge the following

26、statements True or False: 1. Because her husbands birthday was coming, Sara didnt want to go to her mothers. 2. Saras mothers house was safe, for it was not raining hard there. 3. Sara had three children, James, Monty and Rosie. 4. Saras husband worked far away from the village, so he could not come

27、 back home. 5. Sara wanted to drive away before the flood came. 6. When the water rushed in, Sara did nothing to Rosie and Monty. 7. Immediately the flood rushed in, Sara climed onto the roof of the house successfully.,Read carefully and answer the questions below. 1. Who told Sara to go to her moth

28、ers house and why? Saras husband tony did. Because he was afraid the valley would become flooded. Saras mothers house was on higher ground so it was less likely to be flooded. 2. What was the first sign Sara had that she was in danger? A sound like water going down the drain in the bath. 3. Who was

29、in the house with Sara? Her baby , a dog and a cat. 4. Why did Sara climb onto the roof of her car? The water was rising and she had to get somewhere above it.,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with proper words, with books closed: Putting down the phone, Sara s_. Tomorrow was her hus- bands

30、 b_. She wanted to cook a nice meal for him and then s_ him with a new m_ bike as a p_. 2. Sara d_ baby James in warm clothes and c_the things She p_ the lead on the dog and went in s_ of Monty, but she found him s_ and warm under the covers on her bed. She p_ him in his cat basket and t_ him into t

31、he kitchen. 3. Using the car seat as a s_ she climed first onto the f_ of the car and then onto the r_. James, safely a_ to her back, made no s_ at all. Sara s_ down at the water which was r_ past the car. It was already half w_ up the doors. and still r_.,igned,irthday,urprised,ountain,resent,resse

32、d,ollected,ut,earch,laced,ook,afe,tep,ront,oof,ttached,ound,tared,ushing,ay,ising,The use of ing form in the reading task,Putting down the phone, Sara sighed. Being on higher land, it would be safe from the floods. It had been raining heavily for almost two weeks had spent the last two days putting

33、sandbags along the side of the river to stop it overflowing. Turning around she saw dirty brown water fountaining our of the drain and filling the sink. Calling to Rosie, she picked up the cat basket and ran to Knowing the water would soon be much deeper, Sara ran to the car and opened the doors. Us

34、ing the car seat as a step she climbed first onto the front of the car It was already half way up the doors, and still rising.,Listening task,Sara climbed onto the roof of the car,climbed onto the roof of the house,found a place to sit and took James out of her backpack,Rosie climbed up the house ro

35、of to join Sarah,saw a helicopter coming,arrived at hospital,A few days after Sara was rescued from the flood she told her mother about her experience. Listen and make notes about the main event in the story. Then use your notes to make a timeline.,Listen again and fill in the blanks (M: Mother S: S

36、ara) M: How are you _ now, love? S:Much better, thanks, Mum. Im just _ were all safe. M: Mmm. And its all thanks to you. How did you get onto the _ anyway? S: Well, first I got onto the roof of the car, but I could see the water was getting _. Luckily, the car was parked _ the garage. So all I had t

37、o do was climb onto the garage roof and from there onto the house roof. The _ part was _ up to the top of the roof. It was very _ and I was worried I might _ down. M: You must have been _. S: I think I was _ busy to be frightened. I found a safe place to _. I took James out of the backpack and held

38、him in my arms. Thats when I _ Rosie wasnt with us. She was still standing on the garage roof, _ wet and trembling. I called and called until she ran to where we were sitting and _ her nose _ my arm. I was so glad to have her with us. M: You must have been very _ up there. S: _. The rain was still p

39、ouring down and the water was _ closer and closer to us. M: I _ to think what would have happened if youd been up there _ night. S: Yes, we were so _ the helicopter found us _ it got dark. M: Thank goodness.,feeling,relived,roof,higher,outside,hardest,clibming,wet,slide,terrified,too,sit,realized,so

40、aking,buried,under,cold,Freezing,getting,hate,all,lucky,before,词汇运用 1. _ India, China falls behind in the development of software. A. Alongside ofB. Except forD. Regardless ofD. Rather than 2. I seldom get in touch with him but_ go on the internet in the evening to have a chat. A. eventuallyB. frequ

41、entlyC. occasionallyD. originally 3. Some students fall asleep in class but they come _ during the period of break. A. livelyB. aliveC. liveD. living 4. Strange! He didnt appear at the place we _for the meeting. A. evaluatedB. fountainedC. orderedD. appointed 5. The aim of an examination is to_ stud

42、ents studying present situations and test their abilities. A. valueB. checkC. commentD. evaluate 6. If you dont update your computer in time, its systems will soon_ probably. A. destroyB. damageC. crashD. burst 7. The girl stood at the top of the mountain, with her long hair_ in the wind, which made

43、 a beautiful scene. A. flowingB. movingC. eruptingD. fountaining,8. The husband smiled at his wife with anger, which _ her heart, in return of sweet smile. . A. eruptedB. burntC. meltedD. absorbed 9. The man pretended to be _ asleep but actually he was _ awake. A. very, muchB. fast, wideC. wide, fas

44、tD. good, fast 10. The teacher often requires the boy to keep that rough student at a(n)_ , but he ignored it. A. appointmentB. paceC. differenceD. distance 11. Seeing the old photos, memory to his childhood_ from his mind, the cottage, the smoke rising from chimney and his playmates. A. fountainedB

45、. maintainedC. flowedD. waved 12. -Do you believe in him? -_, for he has stayed with me for a long time. A. ProbablyB. ImpossiblyC. AbsolutelyD. Honestly 13. The police were _ near the house they would searched and they soon surrounded it. A. falledB. thrownC. drivenD. dropped 14. He was not a man t

46、o _ to difficulties. A. give wayB. make his way C. lead the way D. lose his way,15. You can turn to him, for he is_ to offer help. A. amazedB. enthusiasticC. eagerD. gifted 16. A teacher must be expert at draw out a students _ abilities with a far sight A. absoluteB. wiseC. potentialD. enthusiastic

47、17. Xi Jin-ping is said to be the perfect_ for the chief secretary of the Party after Hu Jin-tao. A. colleagueB. candidateC. applicantD. partner 18. Not until he has fallen far behind others does the boy student is_ of severity of his situation. A. preciousB. obviousC. nervousD. conscious 19. You can try to_ your life, such as dancing, walking and chatting but not just stay at home. A. varyB. suitC. adaptD. attract 20. In order to keep the_ of wild animals, zoologists appeal for establishing animal reserves. A. controlB. diversity C. differen


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