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1、三年级1模块素质检测一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍_ Ff _, _ Ii _, _ Oo _ , _ Ss_ Vv_ , _-Q _ , _ b _.二 写出5个元音字母的大小写三.在横线上写出下列单词。hello, goodbye how morning fine.三 连线,找出单词的汉语意思。am 你好 are 谢谢hello 是 good 好的goodbye 再见 morning 是how 你 fine 早晨,上午you 怎样 thank (身体)很好四 选择合适的汉语将其序号填在题前括号内。( )1Hello,Im sam. A.你好,我是萨姆 ( )2.Hello,Sam. B. 你好

2、,我是埃米( )3.Hello,Im Amy. C.你好,萨姆( )4.Hello,Amy. D.你好,埃米( )5.Goodbye,lingling. E.早上好!( )6.Good morning, F.再见,玲玲 .( )7.How are you? G. 我很好,谢谢。( )8.Im fine,thank you. H.你好吗?五 选择题,将正确的序号填在题前括号内。1 Good _(上午),ms liu.A.morning B.afternoon C.bye.2._(你好!),Sam.A.good. B.hello C.goodbye.3._? Im fine.A.How are y

3、ou ? B Hi C Bye-bye.七根据情境,选择正确的答案。( )1.当你早晨遇见玲玲时,应该说:A; Goodbye,lingling. B,Good morning,lingling.( )2.你的同学说他很好,谢谢时,应说: A.Im fine,thank you! B.im five,thank you.( )3当你和朋友说再见时,应说:A.Hello B.Goodbye.( )4开学在学校见到老朋友和同学时应说;A.How are you? B. How do you do ! ( ) 5开学后,Amy向老师和同学这样介绍自己:A Hello,Im Amy. B. Hello

4、,Amy.八在2组中找到1组的正确答语,并用线连起来。 1.Hello! Im sam A.Hello ,sam. 2.How are you? B.Good morning,Ms liu. 3.Good morning,boys and girls! C.Im fine,thank you. 4.Goodbye,lingling D.Bye-Bye ,Daming, M2素质检测一 把下列字母按顺序写在四线三格内。Aa Cc Bb Dd Ff Ee Gg.二 在四线三格上写出下列单词too, and, boy, girl, your, name. 三.连线,找出单词的汉语意思Ms 先生 gi

5、rl 你的Mr 女士 your 女孩too 男孩 name 下午boy 也 afternoom 名字and 那么,和 what 什么四 选择合适的汉语将其序号填在题前括号内1 ( )Hi,Daming. A.你好,大明。 2 ( )Hello,sam. B.你好,萨姆3 ( )How are you,Amy? C.你好吗?埃米4 ( )Im fine.And how are you? D.我也很好,谢谢!5 ( )Im fine,too.Thank you. E 我很好,你好吗?6 ( )Good morning,boys and girls.Im Ms Smart. F 早上好,斯马特女士7

6、 ( )Good morning,Ms Smart. G 早上好,孩子们。8 ( )Whats your name? H下午好。我是李先生9 ( )Good afternoon,Im Mr Li. I 你叫什么名字五,找朋友,选出与所给单词同类的一项( )1.boy A.lingling B.girl C what ( ) 2.Mr A.Ms B.too C.name ( ) 3.you A.your B.are C.I ( )4.is A.you B.my C are ( )5.afternoon A.morning B.good C.and六 根据情境,选择正确的答案1 下午在学校遇见老师

7、时,要对老师说:A.Good afternoon B.Good morning.2 想知道别人的名字时说:A.Whats your name ? B.How are you?3 别人想知道你的名字时说:A.Im Lili B.Whats your name?4 询问别人的身体状况时说:A. Nice to meet you! B.How are you?七.从2组中找到1组的正确答语,并用线连起来1.Hello A.Hi2.How are you? B.Goodafternoon3.Whats your name? C.Im Amy4.Good afternoon. D.Im fine,tha

8、nk you.5.Goodbye. E.Bye-Bye.M3. 素质检测1. 把下列字母按顺序写在四线三格内Hh I I Jj Ll Kk Nn Mm2.在四线三格上写出下列单词the please desk chair.3连线,找出单词的汉语意思the 这个 please 请 door 椅子 window 小鸟chair 门 blackboard 黑板desk 书桌 bird 窗户4选择合适的汉语将其序号填在题前括号内(1) ( )Good morning,boys and girls. A.请坐。(2) ( )Good morning,Ms Smart B.早上好,孩子们。(3) ( )S

9、tand up,lingling. C.起立,玲玲(4) ( )Sit down,please. D早上好,斯马特女士。(5) ( )Point to the door. E.指门1.( )Point to the window. A. 指窗户 2.( )Point to the blackboard. B指玲玲3.( )Point to the chair C 指黑板4.( )Point to the desk. D指桌子5.( )Point to lingling. E指椅子5.找出不同类的单词。( )1. A.door B.please C.window. ( ) 2.A.desk B.

10、boy C.girl. ( ) 3.A.chair B.desk C bird. ( )4.A I B.you C blackboard. ( )5.A.window B blackboard C bird.6.找朋友,为句子找到合适的答语。把选项放在题前括号内。( )1.whats your name? A.Im fine,thank you.( )2.Good morning,girls. B.Bye-bye( )3.How are you,Tom? C.Thank you( )4.Goodbye,Tweet-tweet. D.Im Amy( )5.Sit down,please. E G

11、ood morning,Ms Wang.7.情景交际1你在世博会上遇到一个外国人,你想知道他的姓名,应该说:A:Whats your name? B: Whats you name?2当你请求别人关门时,应说:A.Close the door, please . B.Close the window ,please.3升国旗时,我们应该:A.stand up. B.sit down,please.4当你的朋友到你家做客时,你应该说:A.Sit down,please. B.Goodbye.5我们应该怎样称呼姓王的女老师?A.Ms Wang B.Mr Wang .M4素质检测1.把下列字母按顺序

12、写在四线三格内Oo Pp Tt Qq Ss Rr2. 在四线三格上写出下列单词 my panda yellow dog cap.3连线,找出单词的汉语意思 my 我的 yellow 黄色 it 一个 green 绿色 red 熊猫 black 狗 a(an) 红色 dog 黑色 panda 蓝色 cat 猫 blue 它 cap 帽子 4选择合适的汉语将其序号填在题前括号内( )1.Good morning,Im a chameleon. A.早上好。我是变色龙( )2.Whats your name? B.你叫什么名字?( )3.My name is Panpan. C它是红色( )4.It

13、s red. D我的名字是盼盼( )5.Its blue. E 它是黄色( )6.Its yellow F 它是蓝色( )1.Its green A 它是红色,兰色,黄色和绿色。 ( )2.Now,its red,blue,yellow and green. B 它是绿色( )3.Its a black dog. C 它是一只红色的小猫( )4.Its a red cat. D 它是一只黑色的小狗( )5.Its a yellow cap. E它是一顶黄色的帽子5找出不同类的单词。( )1.A.my B.your C door. ( ) 2.A.panda B dog C.cap ( ) 3.

14、A red B.blue C cat. ( ) 4.A. green B.black C an 6.情景交际1.你想知道一位新同学的名字时说:A.How are you? B. Whats your name ?2上课了,老师走进教室,班长说:A.stand up ,please. B Sit down ,Please.3老师让你指一只黄色的猫,应说:A.point to the yellow cat B.point to the yellow cap.4你指着一只兰色的变色龙,介绍说:A.Its a green chameleon B.Its a blue chameleon.M 51.把下

15、列字母按顺序写在四线三格内Uu Ww Vv Yy Xx Zz 2. 在四线三格上写出下列单词 many five eight ten hat.3连线,找出单词的汉语意思 many 许多 three 3how many 12 five 6twelve 11 seven 8eleven 1 six 5one 2 eight 7two 4 nine 10four 多少 ten 94. 选择合适的汉语将其序号填在题前括号内( )1.How many girls? Nine girls. A.多少个女孩?九个( )2.How many boys? Twelve boys. B 多少只狗?六只( )3 H

16、ow many dogs? Six dogs C 多少个男孩?12个( )4.How many cats? Two cats D多少只猫?2只5 按由大到小的顺序排列下列数字 four two eight five nine ten twelve three eleven seven6.排排看:(1)are you How (2)How girls many (3)Its dog a yellow7.情景交际(1)你想知道你们班多少女孩?应说:A:How many boys? B:How many girl.(2)你想告诉小玲有六只小鸟,应说:A:six birds B:seven birds

17、(3)小雨介绍一顶红色的帽子,应说: A:Its a red cap. B:Its a red cat.(4)下午你见到你的朋友,应说: A;Good morning B:Good afternoon.期中试卷听力1.听录音,选出你听到的字母。( )(1) A. Bb B. Dd C.Ff ( ) (2) A. Gg B.Ee C .Pp( ) (3) A. Hh B Ii C.Jj( ) (4) A.Kk B.Ll C.Mm ( ) (5). A.Pp B.Qq C.Rr( ) (6) A.Ss B.Tt C.Ww( ) (7) A.Uu B.Vv C.Yy2. 听录音,选出你听到的单词。

18、( )1.A how B.what C.it. ( )2.Abird B.girl C.dog ( )3 A.blue B.yellow C.green. ( )4.A. BTV B.VYU C.PRC ( )5.A.fine B.five C nine.3. 听录音,选出你听到的句子。( )1.A.point to the desk. B.point to the chair ( ) 2.A.Its a black panda B.Its a blue panda. ( ) 3.A.Whats your name ? B.How are you? ( )4.A.Hello,Im Amy. B

19、.Hi,Im sam. ( )5.A.stand up,please. B.Sit down,please.4. 听录音,写出你听到的数字。 笔试四 找朋友( )1seven girls A. 多少( )2stand up B 一只黄色的鸟( )3point to C 七个女孩( )4how many D 起立( )5a yellow bird E 指向五选出与所给单词同类的一项。( )1 Ms A.Mr B. dog( )2,morning A.good B afternoon( )3.desk A.chair B hello.( )4.blue A.bird B.black( )5.ele

20、ven A.many B.twelve.七 单项选择( )1.How many _A. boy B.boys. ( ) 2._ name is Amy. A.I B.My ( ) 3.The chair is _ A. a green B. green. ( )4.Hello,Im Daming._.A.Hello.Daming B.hello,sam.八情景交际世博会的开幕吸引了各国的记者的到来,丢失了胸卡的英国记者迈克被志愿者挡在了门外。( )1。志愿者拦下了迈克,询问其姓名A: How many ? B.Whats your name?( )2。迈克急忙介绍自己 A:Im fine B.

21、My name is Mike( )3。迈克询问迈克的记者怔是什么颜色?A:Its blue B.Its a bird. ( )4。志愿者询问迈克的证件编号是多少,迈克说A:Im nine B seven( )5。迈克的老朋友约翰看到了迈克,急忙大招呼说: A:How are you ? B:Whats your name?( )6。志愿者帮助迈克找到记者证,迈克,连连致谢:A:Thank you B: Good bye( )7。志愿者向迈克和约翰道别A: Goodbye afternoon. B: Bye _bye:Module6一默写字母Aa-Tt.二写出单词的意思this_ that_

22、book_ pen _ pencil_school_Pupil_ bag_ teacher_classroom_ English _选择汉语句子的英语意思,并写在四线三格内。1 Im a pupil2 This is my school.3 This is my classroom.4 This is my English teacher.5 Whats this? Its a desk.6 Whats this? Its a bag7 Whats this ? Its a pen8 Whats that? Its a pencil9 Whats that? Its a book.我是一名小学

23、生这是我的教室。这是我的学校1. 这是我的英语老师。2. 这是什么?这是一张书桌。3. 这是什么?这是一个书包。4. 那是什么?那是一 只铅笔。5. 那是什么?那是一本书。6. 这是什么?这是一只钢笔一 读一 读选出不同类的词。( )1.A.panda B.pen C.pencil ( ) 2. .A black B.blue C.pupil. ( ) 3.A.this B.that Cone ( ) 4.A.teacher B.classroom C.pupil. ( ) 5.A.bird B.school C.cat二 选答语.连线。1 How are you? Eight pencils

24、2 Whats your name ? Its a chairs3 How many pencils? Good morning4 Whats that? My name is Amy5 Good morning. Im fine.三 选择。1_ this?Its a bagA.Whats B what.2.Whats that?_ a pen.A Its B It.3.Whats this?Its _A. a book B. book.Module 7.一默写字母Aa-Zz二写出下列单词的意思happy_birthday_ here_ heres_ cake_ old_ how old_ l

25、ook_三选择汉语句子的英语意思,并写在四线三格内。1.Happy birthday!2.Heres your present. Thank you!3.Whats this? Its a pen.4.heres your book. Thank you.5.How old are you ? Im fine.6.How old are you? Im eight.1这是给你的礼物。谢谢2这是给你的书。谢谢。3生日快乐!4你多大了?我九岁了。5你多大了?我八岁了。6这是什么?这是一支钢笔。四 读一 读选出与所给单词同类的一项。( )1.book A.dog B.pen C.apple.( )2

26、.three A.chair B.morning C.twelve.( )3.boy A.it B.yes C girl.( )4.green A.bag B.hat C. black. ( )5.desk A.chair B.black C panda.选答语.连线。1.Happy birthday! A.Thank you.2.Heres your present! B.Thank you.3.How old are you? C. Im nine.五 选择。( )1. It _ a pen A. is B at C. am ( ) 2.Heres _ cake.A. you B. you

27、r C. it. ( )3.I am nine ,_A. to B. two C. too. ( ) 4.Happy birthday to you.Amy _.A. Happy birthday . B.Thank you C. Not at all. ( ) 5.How old are you? _.A.Im ten B.Thank you C. Im fine.七我是小交际家,我会选。( )1当老师问你叫什么名字时,你会回答:A.Your name please. B. My name is Wang Yong.( )2 开学了,班里来了一名新同学,班主任问他A.Whats your n

28、ame? B.How many girls?:( )3 同学Kate 到你家玩,你把他介绍给你的父母:A.This is Kate B.My name is Kate.( )4当你不知道某件物品是什么,应该说:A.How many? B. Whats this ?( )5 你是班长上课时,老师来了你应该说:A. stand up ! B sit down ,please.Module8.一 写出下列单词的汉语 No_ not _ isnt _ yes _ help_ kite_ where_ wheres_ in _ bag_ 二选择汉语句子的英语意思,并写在四线三格1. Its my bir

29、thday.2. Heres my birthday.3. Is it a cat? No,it isnt.4. Is it a dragon? Yes, It is.5. Look .Its a kite.6. Wheres the cat? 7. Wheres the bird?8. Is it in the yellow bag? No it isnt.9. Is it in the green bag? Yes,it is.1. 今天是 我的生日。2这是我的 礼物3是只猫吗? 不,不是。4是 条龙吗?是的。5猫在哪儿?6 看,它是 一个 风筝。7 鸟在 哪儿8它在黄色的袋子里吗?不它没

30、有9它在绿色的袋子里吗?是的。四 找答语。1.Whats that? I dont know.2.Is it a cat? Yes,it is./No,it isnt.3Wheres the cat? It is in the yellow bag.五 选答语1.( )Is it a dradon?A.Yes,it is.nt B. No.it isnt.2.Wheres the cat?A. Its in the bag. B.No,it isnt3. Good afternoon!A.Goodbye B. Good afternoon.4. Heres your presentA.Thank B.No


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