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1、Page 1 of 7ICTI CARE Foundation Asia Limited WWW.ICTI-CARE.ORGRequest of Buyers Endorsement 家 工厂 能之 受政策ICP-F19 Ver.03 (EC)REASON FOR THE REQUEST 介In a statistic study on the tendency of shrinking factory scale in ICTI CARE Process (ICP), reasonable doubts were casted on the verity of producing condi

2、tion in some registered factories. For the sake of supporting the manufacturing industry with a sustainable environment, we see the need of mitigation measure to be put into force. Seizing the balance between fiscal incentive and ethical norm, we believe buyers can be playing an eminent role to asce

3、rtain the viable supply chain model.ICTI “”(“ICP”)在政性现最策的了近是怀逐一势疑步项在。下分必于降析行是的调;,趋而查为势且中了,协该在数助项策据制发略显造现制示业让定维我上持们,一不关必个禁爱需永对在程续某经序经此济营工以角的厂下度环所简与境报称道,称为德我的标们产准相能间工信以取厂制及得的定生平整一产衡体条套,工缓件确人和产保人的生值数管合得出制理信With赖的the供应data链模analysis式,我drawn们更相from信买家ICP在factory其中扮演database,着非常重it要appears的角色。many registe

4、red factories in the program come with a very limited production scale. Looking into this data from a financial model angle of traditional toy industry, it is skeptical how factories could be capable of meeting the prevalent purchasing practice of most buyers. We therefore reckoned the urge for an e

5、nhancement system to protect the integrity of the toy industry; also to ensure ICP factories are genuine special product manufacturers or small-volume producers that meet the requirements of (potential) buyers, rather than some heavily relying on excessive subcontracting from non-registrants, in whe

6、re ICP has no monitoring access to the working condition.ICP楚模看了式来解。,与我实自们在己于不所是禁合意令作识人的到产供要生许货保疑多商护问注是玩,册否具工工一行厂厂些业至的真的底生正完能产从整如规事性何模,小在ICP都就批有非必次限常须、的有特制条限定别件,一产下从套品满传优制足统化作时玩系的下具统工大产,厂部业,确份的非保买经一买家济些家的体过能下系度清单仰赖外包工程的厂商。由于这些外包商通常并非注册工厂,在我们无法对其采取任何监控管制之下,外包厂里的实际生产环境及工人待遇实在令人担忧。STATEMENT OF POLICY 政

7、策内容In从 分the析captioned数据中,显factorys示application, ICP found concerns over (some of) the following listedissues (in order of seriousness level):()()由於上述原因,我们就以下部份问题点以严重性作顺序排列:,对本次信中申请认证的工厂其生产Room能力及518,环 境Star存有House,疑问 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2111-2462 Fax: (852) 2

8、111-2126 Email: asiaicti-care.org(1.) Non-manufacturing nature of operation (e.g., a consolidation center or a warehouse) which is beyond the scope of ICP certification;( :)ICP;(2.) Limited production capacity in terms of manpower;(3.) Lack of/incomplete manufacturing processes for the type of produ

9、cts involved;(4.) Product overlap between the applicant factory and an undisclosed factory nearby;(5.) Questionable physical boundary with multi-factories at the same premises;认证条列之下营运性质非制造行业如集装工场或仓库,此类工厂已不受管于(6.) Shared management system with an undisclosed factory nearby;有限的人力产能;(7.) Common owners

10、 / stakeholders with an undisclosed factory nearby;欠缺完整的生产过程制造相关 品/;Prior to the acceptance of this application, endorsement will be required from one of the申请工 与邻近不明工厂有生产过程重迭的情况applicants buyers (brands/retailers/licensors), in which it has to be under the ICP-Committedscheme and is taking up a sub

11、stantial business volume of the captioned factory. The一区多 的问题endorsement must be signed by a representative holding a high level management position ofthe buyer company that is in charge of ethical sourcing, CSR or related responsibilities.申请工厂共享相同的管理系统/授权商签署确认的与邻近不明工厂有共同的持有人股东/授权商必须已参加 ICP 承诺计划,并且其

12、订单因此,在正式接受工厂申请前,我们将要求工厂提交一份由买家 零售商工厂产能认受函。签署认受函之买家零售商、企业社会责任或相关范畴之高阶主管授。权商签署代表人也必须为该代表公司负责道德采购In the case that the applicant factory works indirectly with the ultimate buyer through anintermediary trading partner, any information declared in the endorsement form should beverified and confirmed by th

13、at trading partner before it is escalated to the ultimate buyer./授权商的合作之间,需经过另一中间贸易伙伴的情/况下,/任量占工厂主要总订单量,买家零售商授Please be aware that only when factories receive the specific request from ICP will they berequired to follow this policy.:ICPICP若申请工厂与最终买家零售商何在认受函上所报称的资料则该首先由此贸易伙伴核实确认,再层递予最终买家零售商权商进行正式签署。存

14、有疑问的工厂,若工厂没有收到请注意此项政策只实施于的特别指示,则表示该厂不在政策条列内。Page 2 of 7Buyer Endorsement Form 工厂 能 受函Factory Basic InformationICP Registration Number工厂基本资料:Factory Name (in English)():Factory Name (in local language)():Factory Address (in English)():工厂Factory Address (in local language)():注册号Factory Phone No.:英文填写F

15、actory Fax No.全名:当地语言填写Name of Factory Key Contact工厂:英文填写地址以当地语言填写Factory Premises DescriptionMultiple factories within a boundary? (Yes/No)联络电话? ( / )Factory owns more than one manufacturing location? (Yes/No)传真号码? (/ )Total floor area of occupancy (m 2 )主要联络人姓名工厂厂区介绍():Total no. of buildings:No. o

16、f buildings (Production)():是否为一区多厂 是否No. of buildings (Warehouse )():工厂是否拥有多于一个生产点 是否No. of buildings (Dormitory)():总占地面积平方米No. of buildings (Others)总():Verified by Intermediary Trading Partner (if any)Endorsed by ICP-Committed Buyer生产部仓库( ) :ICP/:_宿舍Signature of Company RepresentativeSignature of C

17、ompany Representative建筑大楼栋数其他Page 3 of 7由中间贸易方核实若适用由承诺计划的买家零售商授权商认受公司代表人签署公司代表人签署Number of Employees员工人数DepartmentNo. of employeesNo. of employeesNo. of employees(at application)(peak season)(low season)部门()()()员工人数注册时员工人数旺季员工人数淡季Manufacturing制造部:Warehouse/Distribution仓库/分发部:Quality Assurance/Contro

18、l质量保证/控制部:Engineering工程行政部:MaintenanceAdministrativeOthers (please specify)()其他请注明 :Total:总人数:()维修Manufacturing Process and Capacity ListKey Manufacturing Process (please specify): e.g.生产工序及产能injection molding, decoration, electronics assembly, etc.()主要生产工序请列明: 如注塑、喷漆涂色、电子装配等Major Subcontracted Proc

19、ess (please specify)主要外包工序请列明:Manufacturing ProcessYes / NoUnits of Machinery/Facilities生产工序有/没有Blow Molding机械/设备数量Rotation Molding搪胶Injection Molding注塑Die CastingSpraying Painting喷漆Silk Screen Printing丝印Verified by Intermediary Trading Partner (if any)Endorsed by ICP-Committed Buyer吹塑() :ICP/:由中间贸易

20、方核实若适用由承诺计划的买家零售商授权商认受_金属压铸_Signature of Company RepresentativeSignature of Company Representative公司代表人签署公司代表人签署Page 4 of 7Tempo Printing移印Vacuum PlatingSewing车缝Hair Rooting植发General Metal Work五金Metal Plating真空电镀金属电镀Wood ProcessingIC Bonding IC木工SMT (Surface Mount Technology) (表面贴片技术)Electronics Ass

21、embly电子装配Flat Belt Conveyor传输带Paper Printing 贴合其他请在下列注明 :纸张印刷Others (please specify below)()Verified by Intermediary Trading Partner (if any)( ) :由_中间贸易方核实若适用Signature of Company Representative公司代表人签署Endorsed by ICP-Committed BuyerICP/:由_承诺计划的买家零售商授权商认受Signature of Company Representative公司代表人签署Page

22、5 of 7We hereby confirm the endorsement to the applicant factory listed above; and we understand the applicant factory will be of substantial capacity for our purchasing order and delivery timeline. In this endorsement, we have no responsibility in factorys performance in meeting ICP standards and r

23、equirements; nor in its production capacity in fulfilling any other buyers demand.我们谨此确认对上述申请工厂生产力的认知与接受,也认为此申请工ICP厂有足够能力应付我们公的规定及要求绝无任何Applicant Factory Being EndorsedFactory NameFactory Chop司的订单与货期。在此产能认受过程中,我们公司对工厂是否符合责任,也绝无需负责工厂产能是否能满足其他买家的需求。Name of Factory RepresentativePosition获认受的申请工厂Signatu

24、re of Factory RepresentativeDate工厂盖章工厂名称Email Address of Factory RepresentativeContact No. of Factory Representative工厂代表人姓名职位Verified by Intermediary Trading Partner (if applicable)工厂代表人签署 ()日期Company NameCompany Chop工厂代表人邮箱地址工厂代表人联络电话Name of Company RepresentativePosition由中间贸易方核实若适用Signature of Com

25、pany RepresentativeDate公司盖章公司名称Email Address of Company RepresentativeContact No. of Company Representative公司代表人姓名职位签署日期Page 6 of 7公司代表人邮箱地址公司代表人联络电话Endorsed by ICP-Committed BuyerICP/由承诺计划的买家零售商授权商认受Company Name公司名称Name of Company RepresentativePosition公司代表人姓名职位Signature of *Company RepresentativeD

26、ate*日期Email Address of Company RepresentativeContact No. of Company Representative公司代表人邮箱地址公司代表人联络电话REMARKS:注意事项 This endorsement must be signed by a representative holding a high level management position公司of代表人thebuyer签署company that is in charge of ethical sourcing, CSR or related responsibilities

27、. Please认受函 签note署代that表人ICP也 必may须为seek该代verification表公司负责with道德the采购intermediary、企业社会责trading任或相partner关范畴之and/or高阶主the管。ICP-Committed company and/or the signatory in regard to the authenticity of this endorsement.: ICP/请注意有可能向签署认受函的买家公司及或中间贸易方进一步核实签署人身份。If significant deviation from the informati

28、on provided in this form is identified (during on-site audit), this endorsement shall be deemed invalid. To continue the ICP auditing process to the next follow-up audit, the applicant factory shall be required to obtain an additional endorsement from the same buyer with the genuine manufacturing ca

29、pacity list.若(在现场审核中)发现认受函中所申报的资料与事实有误,该认受文件将被视作无效。申请工厂必Given须向that上次auditors签署认受find函的any买家suspicious再次申报其issues真实产only能,during重新取audits得买on家-site,的认factory受。 may get requested (after the audit is performed) to submit a buyers endorsement. In this case, the auditing process will NOT be continued pr

30、ior to the completion of endorsement. If factory fails to submit an endorsement within the permitted timeframe, ICP may consider the audit(s) previously conducted invalid.若提审交核由员买在家现签场署审的核产中能发认现受任函何。在有此疑情問况的下问,题工點厂,则工必厂须也在完可成能提会交ICP被动要作求后(,在才审能核继结续审束核后过)程效;。若工厂无法在规定期间内提交任何由买家签署的产能认受函,则将可能對是次审核视作无Page 7 of 7


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