Unit9:Around Town最简单.doc

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《Unit9:Around Town最简单.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit9:Around Town最简单.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit9:Around Town-words 唐金彦Teaching Aims:Sts can read the words: restaurant,bookstore,toy store,pet shop,museum,library,supermarket,bakery.Teaching key and difficult points:Key:Sts can understand and read the key words:restaurant,bookstore,toy store, pet shop,museum,library,supermarket,bakery.Diffic

2、ult:The pronunciation of “restaurant,museum,library,bakery,supermarket” The differences of “bookstore/library,pet shop/toy store”Teaching aids: PPT,pictures of words,video/audio,games,easy pen,evaluation scale,Bingo paper, Words: Around Town/next to/SK/places/the names of SK in unit9.1. Warm up and

3、Leading in: Its time for English class. 口号:English,English,I love English. Greeting,Free talk and A song. Intoduce shop/store/town:引导理解含义,看主图引标题板书Around Town,学生理解并教读。 How many houses/SK-Who/Whose?带着问题听故事学单词。 提出学习内容Today,were going to learn the places around town. (Click it!)二Presentation:自编故事+动作,引导理

4、解,简单练习。T1,T2,T3,PK to answer the questions.Come on,everybody,move our car to be No.1. Listen to my story(动作提示,快速呈现), no voice, please.Click it:(看图片忆故事+动作提示引导理解,简单初练习。1. Peter /his father. In the Restaurant 卡片,理解练习(桌椅eat/drink,对话What do you want?2. wow,so many books in the store,bookstore卡片,理解练习(whic

5、h book- like?How much?)提示位置关系:next to3. What are these?balloons.toy store卡片,理解练习Which toy-want?Toni and chip-went to/got.,cant find her. Where?over there/Mojo has them,taking.everywhere.4. :house-a cat-on the roof, pet shop 卡片,理解练习(How many.see?)small (区别)位置5. wheres Sandy?alone,by the museum 卡片,理解练

6、习(talking to,see?-dinosaur)6. A man-reading quietly-many books,no money for reading, library 卡片,理解练习(Beth/Chip-skating/skateboarding,by the library)7. A cart - supermarket卡片,理解练习(books,toys,foods,drinks,clothes) 等生活用品,towel,bottle,socks,cup,toobrush,shampoon) 提示位置关系:next to8. Bread-who baked them?so

7、 delicious,bakery 卡片,理解练习(指位置关系)9. Story again,listen and point.主图三Practice: 重听-说Game:High and low: actions with all.(输入信息)Up and down/bomb: restaurant,bookstore,toy store,pet shop,museum,library,supermarket,bakery.Whats in my hand?(图片) bookstore/library pet shop/toy store(重难点区别)Whats missing? (图片)r

8、estaurant/museum/library/supermarket/bakeryWhats winking? 复习刚刚联系过的单词。Good luck:总体认读8个图片,调动积极性,输出。 认读单词,say numbersay wordsListen,point,repeat:回到书上,听指读,小组合作质疑,你指我读。Listen,point,number,check the answers.Bingo:检验学习成果四ConsolidationFind the bird,练习方位介词,on the top of the tree next to the museum.解决问题:地点排序,

9、人物去搭配地点,总结所学,回顾故事。Homework:点读笔的应用情感目标:空闲时间和朋友们多去小镇旅游,那里有很多让我们大开眼见的事物。拓展:更多地点,设计学生自己理想的城镇。XXX group is the best one.5 Blackboard Design Unit9: Around Town (Words) SK?PeterToni and ChipSandyBeth and Donny-next to- -by-T1 T2 T3 SK-Where? At school. How many? 6. Who? What are they doing? Running. -Sport

10、s Day. Do you like running? Can you run very fast? Tell you a story:(动作提示) P1:Chip and Mojo are ready to run. Beth is shouting. This is Peter.学生理解加分。 P2:Mojo is sad, Chip is happy. Why? Mojo has 4legs,but Chip won. Donny and Sandy are cheering for him. P3:Look,Chip is hot and thirsty, He wants his t

11、owel .小组PK. Where? Toni has. Wheres his water bottle竖列PK ? There it is.Chip has. Look, its a box.(闻一闻)There is a big lunch in it, We call it lunchbox男女PK .Where? There it is, on the white bench. Can you see a school bag? Guess: Whats in it? handkerchief and key. 个人PK. P4:Peter picks up a cap, Its a

12、baseball cap. 个人PK .What color? Is that Beths cap? No. Its her baseball cap.Peter gives her the Thank you Peter. Story again, video. Listen, point 主图 Click them.三Practice:Games: High and low: actions with all Chant game/Whats missing: water bottle/lunchbox/baseball cap Wheres my.? Handkerchief /key

13、Magic finger: towel/his/her (Its his_. Its her_.) Write down, number them(练听,说,认读) Listen and point, number the pictures, check the answers.(给时间自由读,质疑)四ConsolidationFind the bird,练习方位介词,under the bench.选一男一女,从黑板上摘下单词卡片持手中。 Its his _. Its her _.情感目标:收拾好自己的物品,捡到东西要归还,保持干净和整洁。Retell the story with the key words.Homework:XXX group is the best one.6 Blackboard Design 1.his 2.towel Its his_. 3.water bottle 4.lunchbox Its her _. 5.handkerchief 6.key 7.baseball cap 8.her


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