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1、 三大从句综合练习题 1. Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of she spoke fluently. A.who B, whom C. which D. that2. When the news came the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army. A.since B. which C. that D. because 3. Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea.

2、 A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that 4. The school shop, customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays. A. which B. whose C. when D. where 5. Having checked the doors were closed, and all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to is bedroom. A. why B. that C. when D.

3、 where6.You must keep on working in the evening _ you are sure you can finish the task in time. A. as B. if C. when D. unless 7. A bank is the place they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. A. when B. that C. where D. there8. This is _ she was born. A. wh

4、ere B. which C. that D. what9.We were about to set off on our way, _ it suddenly began to rain. A. while B. when C. as D. after10.The last time we had great fun was we were visiting the Water Park. A. where B. how C. when D. why11. All the neighbors admire this family the parents are treating their

5、child like a friend. A. why B. where C. which D.that 12 . Its quite a time_ Yao Ming was injured, but it wont be long _ he returns to the court.A. since, before B. after, when C. before, since D. that, when 13. It is the third time that she has won the race, _ has surprised us all. A. that B. where

6、C. which D. what14 . The question is _ it is worth doing.A. if B. whether C. which D. what15. Youd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor _ you have to wait. A. even if B. as if C. in case D. in order that16. My advice is that he _ regular house. A. keep B. would keep C. keeps D

7、. kept17.It was some time_ we realized the truth. A. when B. until C. since D. before 18._ knows the truth will tell you about it. A. Who that B. Whoever C. Whom that D. That who19. Sales director is a position _ communication ability is just as important as sales A. which B. that C. when D. where20. You must do well _ the teacher asks you to do. A. which B. what C. that D. where


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