
上传人:大张伟 文档编号:8925697 上传时间:2021-01-25 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:15KB
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1、 办公室英语设备对话 以下是小编为大家推荐的办公室英语设备对话,快来看看吧。 A: I havent seen this machine before. Whats it used for? 我以前从来没有见过这个机器。它做什么用的? B:Its a really useful piece of equipment. Its for smoothing rough edges. 这是设备上一个很有用的零件。它是用来修整毛边的。 Here let me show you how it works. Its very simple to operate. 让我给你演示一下它是如何工作的。很容易操作

2、的。 A: Ive just taken a spanner set from the stores. 我刚从库房拿了一套扳手。 B: Thats fine Dont forget to update the inventory. 行。别忘了修改一下库存! A: Sorry, what do you mean? 对不起,你是什么意思? B: When you take something out of the stores you need to update the stores database so we know when to reorder. 你从库房拿东西的时候你需要更新库房数据

3、库,这样好知道什么时候再订购。 A: Hi Sven, can you help me? Could you hold the end of the tape measure, please? 你好,斯芬,你可以帮我一下吗?你可以给我拉着卷尺的头吗? B: Of course, where do you want me to stand? 当然可以,你想让我站哪? A: Just there by the door. I need to measure the length of this workbench. 就站门边上。我需要测量一下这个工作台的长度。 Were going to repl

4、ace it. OK - 3 m 47 cm. Lets round it up to 3 m 50. 我们要对它进行替换。好,3米零47厘米。咱们就算作3米50. B: Im glad youre replacing it. 我很高兴你对它进行置换。 We need more space to work on things. 我们需要更多的空间来进行生产。 How deep will the new workbench be? 新工作台多高? A: Tell me what size you want and Ill order the wood. 告诉我你们要什么型号的,我去订购木制的。 B: Well, its about 65 cm at the moment. 好,目前大致65厘米。 Could we increase it by about a third? 我们把它提高三分之一可以吗? A: Sure. So lets see. We need a piece of wood 3.5 m long by 1 m wide. 当然可以。那么让我想想。我们需要一块长3.5米宽1米的木块。 Ill order it right away and Ill be able to install it next Tuesday. 我马上去订购,这样下星期二我就能够安装了。


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