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1、单项选择专项训练(一) 名词( )1.Where is my father? Hes left a _saying that hes in the office. A. message B. news C. excuse D. information ( )2.Would you like something to drink? Yes, some _ ,please. A. tea B. meat C. bread D. fish( )3. _ is a kind of drink, isnt it? Yes, it is. A. Glass B. Orange C. Rice D. Mea

2、t ( )4.The camera is not yours. Its _.Yours is in the tent. A. Lucys and Lily B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucy and Lilys D. Lucy and Lily ( )5.Im afraid that there is no _ for you in my car, because there are already five people. A. land B. ground C. room D. floor ( )6.Could you read the English _ on the

3、medicine bottle for me? OK, let me try. A. instructions B. documents C. pictures D. meanings ( )7.We had a _ that the one who lost the game must sing a song. A. rule B. goal C. way D. notice ( )8.There is not enough _ in the corner for the fridge. A. place B. room C. field D. ground ( )9.All the _ t

4、eachers and the _ students there are having a meeting. A. men; boys B. men; boy C. man ; boy ( )10.What do you do on the farm, Li Wei? My job is to feed the animals, such as _ and _. A. horses; sheeps B. horse; sheep C.horse; sheeps D. horses; sheep ( )11. _ is a kind of machine that can fly. A.A pl

5、ane B.A bird C.A bike D.A kite ( )12.Ten _ were hurt, but no _ were lost in that accident. A. people; life B. people; lives C. peoples; life D. peoples; lives( )13.There are few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs( )14.What _ do yo

6、u like best? Football. A.food B.subject C.sport D.music ( )15.She was born in Wuhan, but Beijing has become her second _. A. home town B. family C. house D. place ( )16.The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a _ before we order dishes in a restaurant. A. menu B. bill C. list D. form ( )17.Who m

7、ade a phone call for me just now, David? I dont know, but it was a girls _ . A.sound B.number C.answer D.voice ( )18.Please give me a _ when you get to Beijing. All right.Ill tell you everything when I get there. A. newspaper B. ticket C. present D. ring ( )19.Where can you see the notice“ALL CLOTHE

8、S HALF-PRICE”? A.In a bank. B.In an office. C.In a cinema. D.In a shop. ( )20.What do you think of the _ the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? It sounds really wonderful. A.subject B.music C.book D.animal ( )21.Can you tell me when _ is? Yes.Its on the third Sunday in June. A. Mothers Day B. Fathers Da

9、y C. Tree Planting Day D. Thanksgiving Day( )22.Bird flu(禽流感) is a kind of serious _ in the world today. A. disease B. pain C. patient D. medicine ( )23.We havent any _ in the fridge.Lets go and buy some coke and orange juice. A.vegetables B.fruit C.drink D.food ( )24.Helens mother bought her a big

10、birthday cake in the _ yesterday. A. market B. museum C. park D. station ( )25.You are late again,my boy. Sorry. My _ doesnt work. A.radio B.TV set C.watch D.computer ( )26.Where are you going? Im going to the _ to fly a kite. A. shop B. library C. park D. post office ( )27.Paper is mostly made of _

11、 . A. metal B. glass C. wood D silk ( )28.Tom hurt one of his _ when he was playing basketball yesterday,so he couldnt walk to school this morning. A. teeth B.feet C.ears D.hands ( )29.We should have _ in ourselves and we will make it if we have a try. A. success B. confidence C. progress D. knowled

12、ge ( )30.The TV _ on Channel Five are about sports. A. experiences B. performances C. programs D. problems( ) 1. A child asks all kinds of while he is growing up. A. trouble B. matters C. problem D. questions( ) 2. The Chairman Lian Chan s visit to the Chinese mainland built a “_” across the Taiwan

13、Straits ( 海峡). A. school B. factory C. bridge D. city( ) 3. Mum, Ive got an A in the English exam today! Great! And you are sure to win a second time because this is a good _. A. report B. result C. start D. skill( ) 4. _work is very important in a discussion. A. Team B. House C. Farm D. School( ) 5

14、. It has been dry for a long time there, so people save every of water. A. drop B. glass C. cup( ) 6. Please give me a _when you arrive. OK. Ill tell you everything as soon as I get there. A. ring B. present C. hand D. ride( ) 7. They won t have any lessons this Wednesday afternoon. A. sports B. sub

15、ject C. exercise D. classes( ) 8.I want to have a _with you about the problem. Sure. A. fun B. word C. play D. rest( ) 9. I m thirsty. 1 think I ll buy some _. A. water B. bread C. cakes D. eggs10. Can I help you? Id like_ for my twin daughters.A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoe C. two pair o

16、f shoe D. two pairs of shoes11. Today is September l0th. Its _Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers.A. Teachers B. Teachers C. the Teachers D. Teacher s( )11. Whats your _ for being late again?A. idea B. key C. excuse D. news( )12. Several _are talking under the tree. And their _are swi

17、mming in the lake.A woman; children B. woman; child C. women; children D. women; child ( )13. What _do you like best? Football. A. food B. book C. sport D. Music( )14. What would you like, madam? Id like _, please. A. two bottles of orange B. two bottles of oranges C. two bottle of oranges D. two bo

18、ttle of orange( )15. About _films were shown during the 5th Shanghai International Film Festival. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds of C. two hundred D. two hundreds( )16. The little baby has two _ already. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths( )17. Would you like to go to the _ to buy some food? A

19、. market B. hospital C. factory D. cinema( )18. Whats the _like today? Its windy. A. whetherB. weather C. airD. sky( )19. I feel tired. I have so much work to do and dont have much time for myself.You should take _, I think . A. health B. exercise C. lesson D. time( )20. Its not so difficult, Mr. Gr

20、een, I want _. Come on. A. a try B. a goC. startingD. to happen( )21. Did you see any _at the zoo? A. sheeps and deers B. sheeps and deer C. sheep and deers D. sheep and deer( )22. This is a boring _. A. news B. Information C. workD. job( )23. I have many friends here. Lily is _. A. mine friend B. a

21、 friend of my C. one of my D. one of them( )24. Her parents are _. A. English B. America C. Frenchman D. China( )25. Would you like some _? Thank you, but I am not hungry. A. water B. cakes C. oranges D. coffee( )26. The box is made of a kind of hard _. A. wooden B. Word C. woods D. wood( )27. How m

22、any _shall we pay for the special service? A. money B. Yuan C. dollars D. pound( )28. The children had _in the park. A. great times B. good time C. the great time D. a good time( )29. Dont make any _, my mother is listening to the tape. A. voice B. noise C. music D. Laugh( ) 30. There are sixty-seve

23、n_ in our school. A. womens teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher( ) 31. There are five_in our factory. A. woman driver B, women driver C. woman drivers D. women drivers( ) 32. These _ were sent to the villages to help the farmers. A. women doctor B. women doctors C. woman doc

24、tors D. woman doctor( ) 33. They write most of their_ in English. A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters( ) 34. We came to a _ at last .and went in. A. watch shop B. watches shop C. watching shop D. watchs shop( ) 35. This shop sells apples, bananas and things lik

25、e these. Its a_. A. food shop B. book shop C. fruit shop D. vegetable shop( ) 36. She broke a_while she was washing up. A. glass of wine B. glass for wine C. glass wine D. wine glass( ) 37. Ive forgotten both of the_. A. room numbers . B. rooms number C. rooms numbers D. room number( ) 38. September 10th is_in China. A. Teachers Day B. TeachersDay C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day( ) 39. The football under the bed is_. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys( ) 40. This is my_dictionary. A. sister Mary B. sisters C. sister, Marys D. sisters Marys


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