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1、新概念英语3A级别Lesson133-138知识点复习Lesson 133- 134 Sensational news! 爆炸性新闻一 单词祥解1 reporter n. 记者 a TV / sports reporter report:v. 报道,报告 He reported that he had seen her. n. 报告,成绩单, 报纸广播报道 duty/ school report 2 sensational adj. 令人兴奋的;轰动性的:The discovery was sensational. 那个发现引起了轰动。耸人听闻的;企图追求轰动效应的: Sensational

2、news! 非常好;给人深刻印象的: She looks sensational in that dress! 她穿那条裙子的样子真令人难忘!3 mink coat mink 水貂,貂皮4 retire v. 退休 retire from 从退休 My dad retired from his company last month.adj. retired 退休的 retired workers 退休工人二 课文祥解1.Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? 您刚拍完一部电影吗,马什小姐? 现在完成时态 make a film 拍电影2. Are

3、you going to make another? make another,再拍一部。之后省略了film。 another 另/再/又一个3. I feel very tired. be tired 累的 be tired of 对厌烦 讨厌。 Im so tired of all this traveling. 感官动词+adj: 5大感官动词:look,smell,feel,sound,taste + adj.4. Lets buy a news paper. 复习祈使句的四种类型5. I wonder why!= I wonder why she is not going to ma

4、ke another film. wonder = want to know 想知道;(表示疑虑) wonder 后可以跟 why/what/who/where/when/how 等特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。 I wonder why he was late.四 重点语法 间接引语里常要改变时态,这是因为原来讲的话与转述这些话之间有一段间隔。转述通常发生在过去,所以引述动词通常是过去时。因此,转述时从句的时态通常要“往回移”(back shift)。一条普遍的规则是:现在时变为过去时,过去时变为过去完成时。为过去时的情态助动词和过去完成时在转述时不变,因为不可能再往回移了。直接引语变成间接引语

5、时在时态等方面必须作出的相应变化,详见下课解析。Lesson 135-136 The latest report 一 单词详解1 future n. 将来,未来 in the future He wants to be an artist in the future. adj. 将来的,未来的 future husband 2 marry v. marry sb. 和某人结婚 注意没有介词 不能用介词with married (adj.)get married 结婚 be married to sb. 和某人结婚 3 latest 最新的,最晚的 late later latest 晚的/稍晚

6、一些的/最晚的 latter: 两者中的后者 The latter is better than the former. 4 introduce introduce sb. to sb. 向某人介绍 introduce oneself 介绍自己 introduce sth into/ to 把(新事物)引进 The tomatoes are introduced into China from South America. nintroduction make a self-introduction 做自我介绍二 课文精讲1 Are you really going to retire, Mi

7、ss Marsh? Really 真的,确实,加强语气 Really? 真的吗? I really like it.2 I may.I cant make up my mind.I will have to ask my future husband. may 情态动词,表示不肯定的猜测 make up my mind (to do sth.) 拿定主意,下定决心 (下定决心做某事) must 主观上的必须去做某事,have to 客观上的不得不 must 是情态动词,没有数格、人称和时态的变化 have to 需要随着数格、人称和时态而变化 /had to 过去时/have had to 完

8、成时注意:have to一般不用于现在进行时 future husband 未婚夫 fiance 未婚夫future wife 未婚妻 fiancee 未婚妻3 He wont let me make another film. let sb. do sth. 允许某人做某事,让某人做某事allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做某事 / ask sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事4 Were going to get married next week. get married 结婚,表示结婚这个行为,动作,是终止性动作,不能用在完成时。 be married 强调状态,可以

9、用于完成时5 Thats sensational news, isnt it, Kate? 反义疑问句6 It certainly is. Hell be her sixth husband! certainly 肯定是/当然可以 sixth 第六,序数词三 重点语法 直接引语与间接引语相互转化时应注意的问题:第一:人称的变化。 口诀:一随主,二随宾,三不变。第二:时态变化直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语的时态要与主句的时态一致。直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时现在进行时过去进行时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成时过去完成时注意:1.直接引语为客观真理时,间接引语仍用一般现在

10、时。Teacher told us: The moon moves round the earth. Teacher told us the moon moves round the earth.2. 直接引语为一般过去时并且与具体时间状语连用时,间接引语仍用一般过去时。She said: I went to England in 1998. She said she went to England in 1998.3.主句为现在时,间接引语时态不变。He says: I bought you a book yesterday. He says that he bought me a book

11、 yesterday.can-could may-might must - had to第三:指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化。直接引语间接引语直接引语间接引语地点状语herethere时间状语yesterdaythe day before动词comegotodaythat day指示代词thisthattomorrowthe next daythesethoseagobeforenow - then 那时 today- that day tomorrow - the next daythis week/month-that week/month last/week/month-the

12、 week/month before第四:句式上的变化1.陈述句变间接引语时,用that连接。She said: I am a girl. She said that she was a girl. (that可以省略)2.一般疑问句,选择疑问句和反意疑问句变间接引语时,用连词if或whether引导,使用陈述语序。She asked me: Are you Mr. Li? She asked me if I was Mr. Li.She asked us: Do you want to go on a picnic? She asked us if we wanted to go on a

13、picnic.3.特殊疑问句变间接引语要用特殊疑问词引导,使用陈述语序。How much have we spent on petrol this year, Susan asked her husband.Susan asked her husband how much they had spent on petrol that year.4. 祈使句变间接引语,用tell (ask,order,beg等)sb(not)todosth.句型He said to her: Dont take the book away. He asked her not to take the book aw

14、ay.Lesson 137-138 A pleasant dream一 单词精讲1 football n. basketball / volleyball / table-tennis / tennis 网球 play football / play the piano 球类不加 the 乐器要加the2 pool n.赌注、总赌款 football pool 足球赛赌注水池,池塘 swimming pool 游泳池3 poor adj. 贫穷的 反义词 rich a rich/poor man可怜的,不幸的 Oh, my poor boy!笨拙的,差劲的 be poor at 反义词 be

15、good at 举例:我英语很好,数学很差。4 depend v.依靠,依赖,指望 depend on sb. I depend on you to do that. 取决于,视(情况)而定 depend on sth/ doing sth The time of leaving depends on the weather. 二 课文详解1 Are you doing the football pools, Brian? do the football pools 下足球赛的赌注 pools 赌注总额 be going to 2 What will you do if you win a l

16、ot of money? if 条件状语从句 if you win a lot of money是一个表示条件的状语从句。在英文中,条件是指某一事情(状语从句中的动作)实现之后其他事情(主句中的动作)才能发生,通常译为“假如,如果”。假如条件状语从句用于询问或谈论十分可能发生的事情,那么条件状语从句中常用一般现在时,而主句中则用一般将来时。 3 If I win a lot of money, Ill buy you a mink coat. If I , I will. 如果,我就会. 条件状语从句 造句:If I have enough time/ money, I will buy sb

17、 sth = buy sth for sb 4 I dont want a mink coat! I want to see the world. want+名词 want to do want sb to do sth. see the world 看世界 travel round/around the world 周游世界。5 But if we spend all that money well be poor again. Whatll we do then? spend v. 花费 spend money / time (in) doing sth6 If we spend all

18、the money well try and win the football pools again. try 试图 try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing 试着做 7 Its a pleasant dream but everything depends on if! if n. 条件,不肯定因素 可数或不可数 The future is full of ifs. 未来充满了不确定因素 depend on 得看,由.决定,依赖You cant always depend on your husband. 你不可以总是依赖你的丈夫三 重点语法1 一般将来时态一般将来时态表

19、示将要发生的事情和动作。一般将来时态的结构是sb. will do sth. (否定句/一般疑问句)The meeting will start tomorrow. 会议将在明天召开。 还有一个可以表示将来的句型:be going towil与be going to的区别: be going to 通常表示经过预先的计划或准备而做某事,但will没有明确的事先准备。be going to 一般表示眼下,近期要发生的事情;will表示的将来时间比较远。条件状语从句中,一般用will而不用be going to2 if 从句if的用法 if可以引导真实条件句,即可能实现的情况。 其基本结构是:if

20、 + 条件从句(一般现在时态)+ 主句(一般将来时/情态动词) 如:If it rains tomorrow, we wont go to the seaside. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去海边。 if从句中的现在时表示需具备的条件,主句中的shall/will将来时表示可能的结果。具备的条件是真实的,可能真的下雨。 如果是这样,它就会有真实的结果。这就是为什么这样的陈述句常被称为“开放”条件句或“真实”条件句的原因。例句: If he falls, hell hurt himself. 如果他摔倒了,他会伤着自己的。 If you dont hurry, well miss the train. 你要是不赶紧点儿,我们就会误了火车。


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