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1、SKF HEAT TREATMENT,SUBCONTRACTING MARTENSITE HARDENING OF BEARING COMPONENTS IN THROUGH HARDENING STEEL 分包商热处理要求分包商热处理要求-淬透轴 承钢马氏体淬火 No. 1920 105E STANDARDS PRACTICES Ed. 11 Date 2013-09 Page 1(7) D33-Sw/P24 Comp: Issued Approved 1. Scope范围范围 This specification describes the requirements on subcontr

2、acted martensite through hardened bearing components. The specification is valid for all SKF through hardening bearing steels. 此标准为分包商业热处理技术要求,针对的是淬透轴承钢零件的马氏体淬火,适用于 SKF 所有淬透轴承钢。 The process parameters must be specifically chosen for each material and product to meet the product requirements. 对每一种材料、

3、每种产品的热处理参数都要做出明确规定,以达到产品要求。 The selected process parameters and furnace equipments that were used at the approval of the component are frozen and may not be changed without new tests and following SKFs rules for process changes, ref.SKF Quality Standard for Suppliers 加工每种产品的热处理设备和工艺参数一经选定、批准后,必须冻结。需

4、要修改时,要经过 试验后按照 SKF 过程变更规则进行。 Deviations from this specification must be approved by responsible purchaser from SKF Sverige AB. 偏离本标准规定时,必须经过 SKF 相关采购人员批准方可。 2. Equipment设备设备 The Heat Treatment equipment must fulfill the following main criteria: 热处理设备必须满足以下主要要求: Give small variations in process data

5、(to be verified by regular capability studies) 工艺参数变化小,要经过定期保障能力测评验证 No handling damages 不允许产生磕碰伤。 3. Process工艺工艺 The process data must be fixed for each component and may not be changed. The process data and each step in the process must be documented. The description of the process shall in genera

6、l at least include the following steps: 每种零件的工艺参数都必须要固化,不允许改变。工艺参数和工艺步骤都要文件化。工艺文 件至少要包括以下工步内容: Charging 装料方法 Pre-treatment 预处理 Austenitizing 奥氏体化 Quenching 淬火 Washing 清洗 Post cooling 后冷却 Tempering 回火 Post treatment 后处理 3.1 Charging装料装料方式方式 Instructions must exist for each component describing how to

7、 load component into the furnace. Care must be observed when handling to prevent nicks, dents or other handling damages. The charging must be arranged so that each component will receive similar heating, gas through-flow quenching and tempering. Care should also be taken so that non-post machined su

8、rfaces will pass the requirements for appearance. Charging instructions must at least include the following: 作业指导书中必须明确如何装载零件进炉。装料时必须注意防止划痕、垫伤及其它损伤。必 须保证每个零件均匀受热、气氛均匀流通、均匀冷却淬火和回火。对后续不加工面的外观颜 色要予以特别注意。装炉作业指导书必须至少包含如下内容: Number of components per load cycle/basket/pallet 每个料盘/料框的装料数量 Load pattern装卡模式 W

9、eight/charge alternatively weight/hour每批炉料重量或每小时上料量 3.2 Pre treatment预处理预处理 All components shall be cleaned and dried so that they are sufficiently free from oil, grease, moisture, particles, phosphate or other substances which may influence product properties, surface appearance or the Heat Treatme

10、nt equipment. Components with corrosion shall not be hardened. 所有零件必须清洁、干燥,不准附有油脂、水分、硫酸盐、颗粒物及其它影响到产品性能、 表面外观或热处理设备的任何物质。粘有腐蚀性物质的零件更不能进炉。 3.3Austenitizing奥氏体化奥氏体化 Austenitizing parameters are chosen to meet the requirements on product properties given in section 5 so that a stable and repeatable hard

11、ening result is obtained. 选定的奥氏体参数要满足本规范第 5 节中规定的产品性能要求, 并且要做到质量稳定、 复现 性好。 3.3.1Heating time加热时间加热时间 Heating time is defined as the time for the component to reach an even temperature. 加热时间是指零件加热到设定温度所需的时间。 3.3.2Holding time保温时间保温时间 Holding time is defined as the time the component is held at the au

12、stenitizing temperature. This is calculated from the moment when all components in the heat reach an even temperature. 保温时间是指工件在奥氏体化温度保温的时间,从工件加热达到恒定温度时刻起计。 3.3.3Temperature温度温度 Whenever possible, the austenitizing temperature shall be measured directly on the components with the assistance of a sta

13、tionary or a portable pyrometer. 应尽可能直接使用固定式或手持式测温仪直接测量工件表面确定工件的奥氏体化温度。 3.3.4Atmosphere气氛气氛 The furnace must be equipped with a well-controlled protective gas. The protective gas that has been selected must be neutral to the components, i.e. not give either carburizing or decarburizing. The atmosphe

14、re shall have an automatic control-and alarm system based on an oxygen probe or equivalent. 炉子必须配有保护气体,控制稳定,且必须是中性,既不产生渗碳也不脱碳。应装有氧探头 或同等测控元件,自动控制气氛,配有警报系统。 3.4Quenching淬火淬火 Components must be completely submerged in the quenching bath after leaving the austenitizing chamber, fast enough to avoid for

15、mation of slack quench phase. The bath shall contain stable, fast cooling oil with a temperature selected to meet the product requirements without creating risk for cracking, or a hot salt at a temperature below the Ms temperature resulting in a fully martensitic structure. 工件离开奥氏体化区域后,必须足够快的完全浸入淬火池

16、中,以避免形成不完全淬火组织。 淬火介质可采用性能稳定的快速淬火油, 选用合适的淬火油温, 保证达到产品要求而又避免 产生裂纹。或选用在产品 Ms 温度以下的盐浴,以获得完全马氏体组织。 For rollers with a diameter above 90 mm, hot salt quenching or hot oil quenching at the same temperature range is preferred. 对直径大于 90mm 的滚子,最佳方式是采用盐浴淬火或同样温度范围下的热油淬火。 It is preferable that the quenching shal

17、l take place with the assistance of a quench elevator to minimize handing damages. The bath and/or components shall be agitated so that an even quenching is obtained to minimize form changes. The quenching time must be sufficient as to allow the components to reach the temperature of the bath. 最好采用升

18、降台式淬火机构, 以最大限度减少淬火磕碰。 要对淬火介质或工件进行搅拌以便 使工件均匀淬火、减小淬火变形。淬火时间必须足以让零件达到淬火介质温度。 3.5Washing清洗清洗 The components must be clean before tempering to avoid the presence of substances that may affect the surfaces of the components or the tempering furnace in a harmful manner. 在回火前零件必须清洗,以避免工件上的残留物会对零件表面或回火炉造成有害影

19、响。 3.6Post cooling后后冷却冷却 Post cooling(5-12)is strongly recommended for tempering class A and B. When post cooling is used, the components shall be cooled immediately after quenching. The maximum time between quenching and post cooling should be 30 minutes. 对于 A 类和 B 类回火工匠,强烈建议在 5-12进行后冷却,并且要在淬火后尽快进行

20、。淬 火和后冷却之间的最长间隔时间为 30 分钟。 The submersion time must be sufficient to allow the components to reach the bath temperature. Components that are quenched at temperatures above 100 shall additionally be cooled at an intermediate temperature bath to avoid crack formation. 工件在后冷却介质中的时间必须足以使工件达到介质的温度。淬火介质超过

21、100时,出淬 火槽后应先在一中间槽中冷却,然后再放入后冷却槽以防止工件开裂。 3.7Tempering回火回火 Tempering shall proceed within 4 hours after the quenching was initiated and at specified combination of time and temperature so that product properties and retained austenite levels are met. 回火应在淬火后 4 小时内进行。 回火温度和时间的确定要保证达到产品性能和残奥量的要求。 3.8Pos

22、t treatment后处理后处理 The components shall normally receive corrosion protection. The method and media used for protection shall be approved by SKF. 一般都要进行防腐处理。处理方法和防腐剂类型应获得 SKF 认可。 4.Follow-up跟进跟进 The following process parameters must be recorded. If possible, record additional parameters. 必须记录以下工艺参数,尽

23、可能也记录其他额外参数。 Component type and data 零件型号、参数 Loaded charge weight 装料重量 Time and temperature at heating and austenitizing 加热时间及奥氏体化温度 Furnace atmosphere levels, i.e. flows and carbon potential 炉子气氛,即流量和碳势 Time and temperature at quenching 淬火介质温度、时间 Time between quenching and post cooling 淬火和后冷却之间的时间

24、Time and temperature at post cooling 后冷却温度、时间 Time and temperature at tempering 回火温度和时间 A hardness test shall be made on each charge and additionally a control of the microstructure for each order, or as agreed upon. Deviations/disturbances shall be reported immediately. A summary of all tests shall

25、 be sent to SKF monthly or according to agreement. 每盘工件的硬度检测记录和每个订货号的金相组织检查结果, 或按照双方协议要求提供的检 验报告。检验结果超差或出现异常时必须立即报告。每月(或按照要求的频次)向 SKF 提 供检验汇总报告。 5.Product requirements产品要求产品要求 The hardness values in the surface layer 1 must correspond to the requirements give foe each component as stated on the prod

26、uct drawing. If no specific demands are indicated on the product drawing, the values in the table below apply. 工件的表层硬度符合零件图纸上的要求。图纸上没有要求时,遵照下表执行。 注 1:The surface layer is defined as 3 mm below the surface for bearings with a roller diameter60mm and 1/20th of the roller diameter for bearings with rol

27、ler diameter60mm. 对于滚子直径60mm 的轴承,表层是指距表面 3mm 处;对于滚子直径60mm 的轴承,是指距表面 1/20 滚 子直径的位置。 The carburizing or decarburization depth may be maximum 0.02mm. Free ferrite is not permitted 渗碳或脱碳深度最大 0.02mm,不允许有游离铁素体。 The microstructure shall consist of fine martensite, see photos in section7. The troostite (pea

28、rlite/coarse bainite; also namedslack quench phase)level must not exceed the given levels in the table below. The microstructure must not contain more retained austenite than give in the table below. 金相显微组织是细针状马氏体, 参见第 7 部分的金相图片。 屈氏体组织 (珠光体/粗贝氏体, 又称不完全淬火组织)和残奥量不能超出下表规定。 The evaluation of hardness, m

29、icrostructure, decarburization and retained austenite shall be made according to methods approved by SKF. The hardness and retained austenite level for each tempering class are indication in the table below. The hardness target value should aim for the middle of the interval. 硬度、微观组织、脱碳及残奥应按 SKF 批准的

30、方法评判。 各类回火的硬度和残奥量见下表规定,硬度值应该尽量控制在中限。 Temperi ng class 回 火 类 别 Micro-structure 微观组织 Troostite 屈氏体 Hardness 硬度 Retained austenite content 残奥含量 Product examples 产品样件 A See7.1 Rings: Component thickness 10mm:max TN3. Component thickness 10mm:max TN4. Rollers: Max TN3,see 7.3 62-65HRC 15% B See7.1 60-63

31、HRC 8% SRB,SRTB and CARB rollers, Dw 140mm C See7.2 58-62 HRC 3% D See7.2 59-62 HRC 2% SRB rings, SRTB washers, CARB rings E See7.2 56-59 HRC 1% F See7.2 54-57 HRC 1% G See7.2 51-54 HRC 1% For large rollers,where it is difficult to achieve the same hardness throughout the component, the centre of la

32、rge rollers shall fulfill below given limits(reduced hardness due to areas of pearlite/coarse bainite/troostite) 对直径大的滚子, 由于心部珠光体/粗贝氏体/屈氏体的存在, 很难达到表面和心部的硬度一 致,但其心部硬度要达到以下要求: Roller diameter,Dw【mm】滚子直Min.core hardness【HRC】最小心 径 部硬度 50 and 65 55 65and 70 54 70 and 75 53 75 and 80 52 80 and 85 51 85 50

33、 Surfaces that are not machined/treated after heat treatment(these surfaces are defined by SKF)must be even in colour and without contrasting spots/stains. For certain components it is required to use special charging to avoid contact points. 热处理后不加工/处理的表面(由 SKF 定义)要求颜色均匀一致,没有明显的斑点。对于某 些零件,要求使用特定的装料

34、方式以避免出现接触斑点。 6.Approval批准批准 For each component (group of components) is it required that an approval is given by SKF for the chosen process, based on the obtained properties, appearance and geometry of the product. 每种零件(零件组合)的工艺都要经过 SKF 批准。SKF 是在基于对加工的产品性能、外观及 几何尺寸进行评判后决定的。 7.Photos for rating of mi

35、cro structure微观组织判定图片微观组织判定图片 The ratings shall be made on ground and polished metallographic samples, etched in Nital (3%).Magnification 1000 x.For troostite(7.3)the etchant is give in section7.3. 应在光滑抛光过的金相样块上评级, 使用3%硝酸液腐蚀, 1000 倍放大。 对于屈氏体 (7.3) 蚀刻剂在章节 7.3 里有说明。 7.1For tempering class A and B,the

36、following photos shall be used: 对于对于 A,B 类回火件类回火件使用下图使用下图 Level 2:Acceptable Level 3:Acceptable 2 级:可接受级:可接受 3 级:可接受级:可接受 Level 4:Not acceptable for class B, Level5:Not acceptable but acceptable for classA. 4 级:级:B 类回火件类回火件不可接受,但不可接受,但 A 类回火件类回火件可可以以接受接受 5 级:不可接受级:不可接受 7.2For tempering class C-G, th

37、e following photos shall be used: 对于对于 C-G 类类回火回火件件使用如下图片使用如下图片 Level 2:Acceptable Level 3:Acceptable 2 级:可接受级:可接受 3 级:可接受级:可接受 Level 4:Acceptable Level 5:Not acceptable 4 级:可接受级:可接受 5 级:不可接受级:不可接受 7.3Photo references for needle shaped troostite(TN): 针状屈氏体(针状屈氏体(TN)参考照片)参考照片 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TN5 TN6


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