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1、汾阳二中20142015年度第二学期高二英语周周练I、完型填空(60 points ) From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I _1_ a note.Often written on a napkin, it might be a thank-you for a _2_ moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting , or a bit of _3_ for the comin

2、g test or sporting event. In early grade school they _4_ their notes. But as children grow older they become self-conscious( 有自我意识的 ),and _5_ he reached high school , my older son, Marc informed me he no longer _6_ my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to _7_ them but I still needed t

3、o write them. I _8_ until the day he graduated. Six years after high school graduation , Marc called and asked if he could move _9_ for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college , _10_ two internships ( 实习 ) in Washington, D.C. , and _11_ , becoming a technical assis

4、tant in Sacramento. _12_ short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home . With his younger sister leaving for college , I was _13_ happy to have Marc back . Since I was _14_ making lunch for his younger brother , I _15_ one for Marc , too. Imagine my _16_ when I got a call from my 24-ye

5、ar-old son, _17_ his lunch. “Did I do something _18_?” Dont you love me _19_, Mom ?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I _20_ asked him what was wrong. “My note, Mom .” he answered . “ Wheres my note?”1. A. carriedB. foundC. includedD. held2. A. difficultB. specialC. comfortableD. s

6、eparate3. A. congratulationB. improvementC. explanationD. encouragement4. A. lovedB. answeredC. wroteD. examined5. A. latelyB. by the way C. by the timeD. gradually6. A. receivedB. understoodC. enjoyedD. collected7. A . copyB. readC. takeD. send8. A. held upB. gave upC. followedD. continued9. A. out

7、B. homeC. to collegeD. to Sacramento10. A. organizingB. planningC. comparingD. completing11. A. hopefullyB. finallyC. particularlyD. certainly12. A. Because of B. Instead ofC. Except forD. As for13. A. especiallyB. immediatelyC. equallyD. generally14. A. onceB. againC. stillD. even15. A. packedB. fe

8、tchedC. boughtD. filled16. A. fearB. surpriseC. angerD. disappointment17. A. waiting forB.worrying about C. caring forD. asking about18. A. wrongB. funnyC. strangeD. smart19. A. any moreB. enoughC. once moreD. better20. A. interestinglyB. bitterly C. politelyD. laughinglyII、 阅读理解 (39 points)A Rosa P

9、arks was an African-American woman who began the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat to a white person on a bus . She stood up for what she believed was right , and her courage inspired countless others to do the same. Born in Alabama in 1913 , Mrs. Parks grew up on a farm just out

10、side Montgomery in a town called Pine Level . She was home-schooled until she was 11. She later attended the Industrial School for Girls in Montgomery. She briefly atended the Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes , but had to drop out to take care of her mother and grandmother when they became

11、 ill. Mrs. Parks married Raymond Parks in 1932 . He encouraged her to finish her education . This was very uncommon at that time , especially for a woman. Less than 7 percent of African-Americans studied in a high school in the 1930s. Mrs. Parks also succeeded in gaining the right to vote, which was

12、 very difficult for blacks under the segregation laws( 种族隔离制度 ) . In 1943, she began working as a secretary for the NAACP-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Mrs. Parks made her historic decision on December 1, 1955. She recalled in her autobiography(自传) :“When the driver saw

13、 me still sitting, he asked if I was going to stand up and I said , No, Im not. Then he said , Well , if you dont stand up , Im going to have to call the police and have you arrested . I said , You may do that.” Mrs. Parks died on October 24,2005. “ She sat down in order that we might stand up,” sai

14、d civil rights leaders Jesse Jackson. “ Her imprisonment opened the doors for our long journey to freedom.”21、From the passage we can infer that in Rosa Parks time black people _. A. were not allowed to take buses B. only stood in the buses C. were looked down upon D. had no right at all22、 From the

15、 second paragraph we know that Rosa Parks _. A. began to learn at the age of 11 B. studied at home until she was 11 C. attended the Industrial School when she was 11 D. graduated from the Alabama State Teachers College 23、 Rosa Parks didnt give up her seat to a white person because _. A. she was tir

16、ed after a days work B. there were empty seats on the bus C. she didnt want to stand on the bus D. she wanted to be treated equally24、 In this passage the phrase “ stood up for ” in the first paragraph probably means “_”. A. acted to protect B. paid attention to C. looked forward to D. gave up toBKi

17、ngs College Summer School Kings College Summer School is an annual training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of king s College and other colleges in New York . Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.

18、This years summer school will be from July 25 to August 15. More information is as follows:Application dateStudents in New York should send their applications before July 18,2007. Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16,2007 Foreign students should send their applicati

19、ons before July 10,2007.Courses English Language Spoken English :22 hours Reading and Writing : 10 hours American History : 16 hours American Culture : 16 hoursSteps A letter of self-introduction A letter of recommendation (推荐)* The letters should be written in English with all the necessary informa

20、tion.Cost Daily lessons :$200 Sports and activities : $ 100 Travels: $ 200 Hotel service : $400* You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.Please write to : Thompson , Sanders 1026 kings Street New York, NY 10016 , USA E-mail : KC Summer School yahoo. com25、You can most

21、pribably read the text in _. A. a newspaper B. a travel guide C. a textbook D. a telephone book26、 Which of the following is TRUE about kings College Summer School? _. A. Only top student can take part in the program B. Kings College Summer School is run every other year C. Visits to museums and cul

22、ture centers are part of the program D. Only the teachers of kings College give courses27、 If you are to live with your relatives in New york , you will have to pay the school_. A. $ 200 B. $ 400 C. $ 500 D. $ 90028.、 What information can you get from the text ? A. The program will last two months.

23、B. You can write to Thompson only in English. C. As a Chinese student , you can send your application on July 14,2007. D. You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.CWhen I was eight years old, I had a big accident. I get scared even now when I think about that time. There were m

24、any people skating near my house, and seeing them skate so wonderfully, I couldnt wait to have a try, just a piece of cake, I thought .I went with a friend who was very skillful. He spent a long time teaching me how to skate , but I still didnt learn much , which made him very angry. Finally , he le

25、ft me and skated all around. I skated alone and soon got bored because I kept falling down so I took off my skates and just walked around on the ice in my shoes. It was cold and my feet were frozen.Suddenly, I stepped on something that was not hard. What was it ? It was a weak place in the ice . Whe

26、n I stepped there, I sank under the ice. I thought that I was going to die, but I did my best to grab something to get out from under the ice. I would have climbed out myself by grabbing the edge of the ice, but at that time I was only a child of eight . I cried out.fortunately, someone helped me. H

27、e grabbed my arms and pulled me up. Those several minutes seemed a year to me. I thanked him. At that time, my friend came back. I was annoyed at him because he was supposed to take care of me, but he didnt. He was embarrassed. When I took a taxi home, the taxi driver was surprised and asked what ha

28、d happened. I didnt want to say anything because I was tired and scared. Since then, I have never touched skating.29、At first the writer thought that skating _. A. was hard to learn B. was only suitable to watch C. was easy to learn D. can only be done with support30、 Why did the writers friend leav

29、e and skate alone? _ A. He wanted to show off his skating skill before the writer. B. He was disappointed at the writers performance. C. He was too tired to go on teaching the writer. D. He found he had no gift for teaching others to skate.31、 Before the accident , the writer himself was_ A. searchi

30、ng for his friend everywhere. B. skating with great care and interest C. going to find a place to warm himself up. D. walking on the ice with no special purpose32、 According to the writer, if an adult sank under the ice, he would _. A. grab the edge of the ice and get out. B. have courage to call fo

31、r help C. wait until people came to help D. not like to accept others help33、 What effect did the accident have on the writer? A. He broke away from his irresponsible friend. B. He didnt dare to skate any longer C. He fell ill because of staying under ice too longer. D. He lost interest in all kinds

32、 of sports.参考答案:I、完型填空:1-5 C B D A C 6-10 C B D B D 11-15 B C A C A 16-20 B D A A DII、阅读理解:21-24 C B D A 25-28 A C C B 29-33 C B D A B参考答案(解析版):I、完型填空:试题分析:母亲(即本文的作者)不厌其烦的年复一年的为孩子们上学包午餐,随同午餐盒,这位母亲总坚持给孩子写上简单的一张便条,便条上都是些丁点儿鼓励的话语关于即将到来的考试啊运动比赛啊,还有一个特殊时刻的感激啊等等都写上两句。就这样,这位母亲从孩子一开始上小学到高中毕业都一直坚持这样做。天底下的母亲在

33、生活小事上处处传递的伟大的爱!各小题解析与分析:1、此题可用排除法,纸条是放在午饭中的,B、D 显然不对,A 项carry 这个词是携带的意思,与题意也不合,include 除包括以外,还有放入,算进去的意思,合题意。2、此题要结合前面a thank-you for,既是感谢的时刻,应用special 特别的才对。3、与上题一样,要结合空后面的意思选择,为要举行的考试或体育比赛写的话,该是鼓励的。4、考查动词:A. loved 爱B. answered回答 C. wrote写D. examined检查,一开始,他们很喜欢这些便条。选A。5、考查副词:A. lately最近B. by the w

34、ay顺便说一下C. by the time到时间为止D. gradually逐渐的,到他们上高中为止。选C。6、考查动词:A. received收到B. understood理解C. enjoyed享受D. collected收集,可由上下文的意思分析:我最大的儿子不再享受我的便条。选出C。7、考查动词:A. copy复制B. read读C. take拿D. send送,母亲写条,孩子读,选B。8、考查动词:A. held up举起,耽搁B. gave up放弃C. followed跟随D. continued继续,我继续写直到毕业那天。选D。9、可由下文提到的我从最小的孩子走了以后,尤其希望

35、大儿子回来推断出大儿子是想回家住几个月。10、考查动词:A. organizing组织B. planning计划C. comparing对比D. completing完成,这些是做完了的事,所以用completing.11、考查副词:A. hopefully有希望的 B. finally终于C. particularly尤其是 D. certainly当然,完成学业,经过实习以后,他终于成了技术助手,用finally 符合语境。12、考查介词短语:except for 除了,as for 至于;孩子住得远,只是除去短短的假期回家拜访。13、考查副词:A. especially尤其是B. imm

36、ediately立刻C. Equally相等的 D. generally一般地,马克回来我特别高兴。选A。14、考查副词:A. once曾经B. again再次C. still仍然 D. even曾经,做以前一直在做的事,still 仍旧。选C。15、考查动词:A. packed收拾行李B. fetched去拿C. Bought买D. filled填满,因为我还在为最小的弟弟准备午餐,我也帮马克准备了一份。选A。16、考查名词:surprise 前文提到过大儿子在上大学的时候说过不需要母亲的纸条了,所以,对于现在大儿子对见不到纸条的失望,母亲感到的是惊奇。选B。17、考查词组:A. waiti

37、ng for等待B. worrying about担心C. caring for照顾D. asking about询问,想象我的惊讶当儿子打电话来询问便条的事情。选D18、考查形容词:儿子见不到母亲的纸条,很失望,所以打电话问是不是自己做得不好了。选A。19、考查词组:notany more,不再,难道你不再爱我了吗?选A。20、考查副词:A. interestingly有趣的,B. bitterly痛苦的C. politely礼貌的,D. laughingly笑着,可用排除法,laughingly,符合当时母亲对儿子的态度。选D。点评:如果考生能吃透作者的写作意图,透过这个角度进行语言的思维

38、,这篇看似比较复杂难懂的文章就会容易多了。就语言特色来讲,它也考查了这些语言点:动词,形容词及副词,名词,动词短语,介词短语及非谓语等等。当然,完形填空试题还有一个重要的侧枝功能,就是上下文逻辑的理解考查,在这篇测试中,也综合考查到了。本测试更多的偏重到了逻辑选词,所以,多数考生在对全文理解不透的情况下,往往感受到了该题偏难。II、阅读理解:A篇:答案解析(减缩版): 考点:考查人物传记类短文。点评:故事情节整体清晰,逻辑性强,细节引人入胜。主要还是考查了细节题和推理题,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。B篇:25解归纳题,根据文中语

39、句理解可知,这是一则广告,应刊登在报纸上。26节理解题,根据文中语句“Kings College Summer School is an annual( 每年的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English.”理解可知。27解计算题,根据文中语句“Daily lessons: ¥200Sports and activities: ¥100Travels: ¥200”理解可知。这三项费用应是500.28节理解题,根据文中语句“The letters should

40、 be written in English with all the necessary information.”理解可知C篇:试题分析:本文讲述了作者的滑冰的经历,因为不慎掉入冰里面,幸好有惊无险,但这件事让作者再也不敢滑冰了。29、理解题:从第一段的句子:I couldnt wait to have a try, just a piece of cake, I thought .可知作者认为滑冰很简单。选C。30、从第二段的句子:but I still didnt learn much , which made him very angry. Finally , he left me

41、and skated all around. 可知朋友对我的表现不满意。选B31、理题:从第一段的句子:“I went with a friend who was very skillful. He spent a long time teaching me how to skate , but I still didnt learn much , which made him very angry.”可以看出男孩对于滑冰并没有什么特殊技能。所以选D.32、理题:从第三段的句子:I would have climbed out myself by grabbing the edge of th

42、e ice, but at that time I was only a child of eight . I cried out.可知要是成年人就可以抓住冰的边缘爬上来了。选A。33、从最后一段的句子:I didnt want to say anything because I was tired and scared. Since then, I have never touched skating.可知作者后来不敢滑冰了。选B点评:文章对于高三学生很简单,而且题目也是文章直接可以找到答案的,考生只要注意几个选项的区别,到文章中间寻找信息句,就可以得到答案,同时要我们理解有些重点的句子。集中考查了句意理解题和细节题,要求考生有一定的细节理解能力。 2015年英语研究组


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