英语听力教程 第三版 学生用书2 单词.doc

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1、Kindergarten: a school or class for young children, usually four to six years old, that prepares them for Nursery school: a school for very young children, usually 3 to 5 years of ageCoo: speak gently and lovely wedding: the act or ceremony of becoming marriedBride: a woman who has just been married

2、 or is about to be married relationship:Pick up: stop for and take or bring(person) along with one a romantic or sexual involvementStability: steadiness, the state of being not likely to separate, break down or fall apartDiscipline: strict control to enforce obedience; punishment / control, train, p

3、unishLenient: merciful, not severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, ect.Spare the rod, spoil the child: a child who is not punished will become undisciplined and unruly.Harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or more severe than is necessaryFoldaway: that can be folded together for easy storage. Detach

4、ed: not connected, separateBlind: anything that keeps out light, as a window shade or shutter.Estate: landed property; individually owned piece of land containing a residence.Sink:any of various basins, as in a kitchen or laundry, connected with a drainpipe and usually, withAppliance: a device or ma

5、chine for performing a specific task, esp. one that is worked mechanicallyProperty: a building or area of land, or both togetherMortgage: an agreement that allows you to borrow money from or similar organization,Tenant: a person who pays rent for the use of land or a buildingCounselor: someone who i

6、s paid to listen to peoples problems and provide support and advice.Make the grade: succeed; reach the necessary standard quit: stop (doing something) and leaveGoody-goody: a person who likes to appear faultless in behavior so as to please others, not becauseEmblazon: decorate something with a desig

7、n, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easilyGo to pieces: lose the ability to think or act clearly because of fear, sorrow, ect.Potter about: do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing something that Plough through: make slow progress through something difficult o

8、r boring especially a bookSmall hours: the early morning hours just after midnight. Regulate: make work at a certain speedWell-rounded: complete; well-planned for proper balance Abstruse: deep; hard to understandCompulsory: required; obligatory; that must be done Be cut out for: be fitted for; be su

9、ited forBurn ones bridges: destroy all means of going back, so that one must go forwardSegregation: separation; isolation; the policy or practice of compelling racial groups or people ofDispel: scatter or drive away; cause to disappearCohort: a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of

10、 behaviorHigh-flyer: a person who has the desire and the ability to be very successful in their job or theirFlunk: fail to reach the required standard in (an exam, test, or course of study)Career: the general course of a persons working life. Client: a person who buys goods or servicesPersonnel: the

11、 department of a company or organization that deals with its employees when they need Make a fortune: earn a great amount of money, possessions, etc.Torture: severe pain or suffering caused in the mind or bodyShift: a group of workers who take turns with one or more other groupsTeamwork: the ability

12、 of a group of people to work together effectively Survey: a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out byCross-section: a part or group that is typical or representative of the whole Brainstorming: a way of making a group of people all think about sth at the same time, often in order


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