
上传人:李医生 文档编号:8938143 上传时间:2021-01-26 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:70.50KB
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1、A: Welcome to Science Horizon. First of all, what do you think are some of the most promising technologies for this century?B: 谢谢你的邀请。虽然我不能预知未来,但我可以完全充满相信地说某些科技进展已初见端倪。在以下领域预计一定会有进一步的发展:信息技术、新材料、遗传技术、纳米技术、环境保护、能源技术等。A: An important dimension of human history is the interaction between the evolution

2、of technology and the development of economy and society. So what technologies do you think will exert great influence on our economy and our society?B: 未来三十年,能源、环境技术以及遗传技术可能具有这种潜力。但是,展望近十几年,促使经济和社会发生变化的主要驱动力还是信息技术。从现在起的未来十年中,信息技术最有可能渗透到人类活动的方方面面。如你所说,技术发展与经济社会发展的相互作用会在以下方面带来深刻的变化:人们何时、何地以及如何工作、娱乐和休

3、息;人们如何、在什么地方已经生产什么产品,以及何时、何地、怎样与他人、企业、社会团体或政府打交道。A: Surely, in the longer term, people will be used to having networks connecting everything. They will experience smart furniture, kitchens and offices, they will live and work in smart buildings, and they will drive sensor-conducted smart cars on sma

4、rt highways.B: 的确会这样。另一项非常有发展前景的应用是影像技术,它可以用于十分先进的条形码、电子营销和虚拟购物。一些需用复杂技术的产品如汽车、摩天大楼或飞机等在生产实物产品之前都将例行在电脑空间进行设计、筹划、建造、测试和评估。A: Computer-enabled electronic commerce is likely to modify significantly current ways of doing business. Anyone with a computer and Internet access can benefit from the enlarged

5、 choice and the competitive supply on the global market place.B: 这种以及其他许多可能性将对社会结构个人生活、商业活动和政府管理产生巨大的影响。计算机的先进的功能,加之通信的低成本,可能会产生新型的社区:既有真实的又有虚拟的。可能会出现的远程工作、远程购物以及远程教育会使我们离开城市的大聚住区,从而产生新型的居住模式。A: All this will increase efficiency further, but at the same time, will provide scope for growing diversity, for greater individual choice and for many new opportunities for peoples self-determination and self-fulfillment. Thank you for coming.


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