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1、1. take off: to remove (usually said of clothes) o John took off his jacket as he entered the office.o Take your sweater off. The room is very warm. to take off: to leave the ground (for airplanes); to leave, often in a hurryThe noun form takeoff derives from this idiom.o The plane took off over an

2、hour late. The passengers had to buckle their seatbelts during takeoff.o Do you have to take off already? You just arrive an hour ago!2. to turn off: to cause to stop functioning (also: to switch off, to shut off) Turn on and turn off, as well as their related forms, are used for things that flow, s

3、uch as electricity, water, gas, etc.o Please turn off the light when you leave the room.o Are you really listening to the radio, or should I turn it off?3. right away: very soon; immediately (also: at once)o Dad says that dinner will be ready right away, so wed better wash our hands and set the tabl

4、e.o Tell Will to come to my office right away. I must see him immediately.o Stop playing that loud music at once!4. to pick up: Tolift; tograspandraise.o When youpick upthe bag, make sure to support the bottom. Tocollectan object, especially in passing.o Can youpick upa pint of milk on your way home

5、?Toclean up; to return to anorganizedstate.o Arent you going topick upafter yourself?Tocollectapassenger.o Illpickyouupoutside the library.To collect and detain (a suspect).o The cops havepicked upthe man they were looking for.Toimprove,increaseorspeedup.o Prices seem to bepicking upagain.o I was in

6、 bed sick this morning, but Impicking upnow.Torestartorresume.o Letspick upwhere we left off yesterday.o Tolearn, tograsp; to begin tounderstand.o It looks complicated, but youll soonpickitup.Toreceive(a radiosignalor the like).o With the new antenna, I canpick upstations all the way from Omaha.Tono

7、tice,detectordiscern, often used with on.o Did youpick uphis nervousness?o Did youpick up onhis nervousness?To point out (a persons behaviour, habitsor actions) in a critical manner.o Shes alwayspickingmeupon my grammarTomeetandseducesomebody forromanticpurposes, especially in a social situation.o H

8、e was in the fabric store not to buy fabric but topick upwomen.o She could tell he intended topick up onher.o Did youpick upat the party last night?Toanswera telephone. Seepick up the phone.o Im calling him, but he just isntpicking up!Topayfor.o The company willpick uplunch with customers for sales

9、calls.5. sooner or later: eventually, after a period of timeo If you study English seriously, sooner or later youll become fluent.o Im too tired to do my homework now; Im sure Ill do it sooner or later.6. as usual: as is the general case, as is typicalo George is late for class as usual. This seems

10、to happen every day.o As usual, Dora received first prize in the swimming contest. Its the third consecutive year that she has won.7. to take out: to remove, to extract; to go on a date with (also to go out with)o Student, take out your books and open them to page twelve.o Did you take Sue out last

11、night?o No, she couldnt go out with me.8. to think over: to consider carefully before deciding o Id like to think over your offer first. Then can we talk it over tomorrow?o You dont have to give me your decision now. Think it over for a while.9. to get over: to recover from an illness; to accept a l

12、oss or sorrowo It took me over a month to get over my cold, but Im finally well now.o It seems that Mr. Mason will never get over the death of his wife.10. to make up ones mind: to reach a decision, to decide finallyo Sally is considering several colleges to attend, but she hasnt made up her mind ye

13、t.o When are you going to make up your mind about your vacation plans?11. for good: permanently, forevero Ruth has returned to Canada for good. She wont ever live in the United States again.o Are you finished with school for good, or will you continue your studies some day?12. out of order: not in w

14、orking conditiono The elevator was out or order, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the building.o We couldnt use the soft drink machine because it was out of order.13. To figure out: to solve, to find a solution ; to understand o How long did it take you to figure out the answer to the math pr

15、oblem?o I was never able to figure it out.14. to wear out: to use something until it has no value or worth anymore, to make useless through wear o When I wear out these shoes, Ill have to buy some that last longer.o What do you do with your clothes after your wear them out?15. to have to do with: to

16、 have some connection with or relationship too Ralph insisted that he had nothing to do with breaking the window.o What does your suggestion have to do with our problem?16. now and then: occasionally, sometimes (also: now and again, at times, from time to time, off and on, once in a while)Both now a

17、nd then and once in a while can be preceded by the adjective every. Another idiom with the same meaning and form is every so often.o I dont see him very often, but (every) now and then we arrange to have lunch together.o Gary gets a cold (every) once in a while even though he takes good care of hims

18、elf.o Every so often my brother and I get together for a camping trip.o I like to sleep late in the morning from time to time.17. to get through: to finish, to completeThis idiom is followed either by the ing form of a verb (a gerund) or by the preposition with.o I didnt get through studying last ni

19、ght until almost eleven oclock.o At what time does your wife get through with work every day?18. to keep track of: to keep or maintain a record of; to remember the location ofo Steve keeps track of all the long-distance telephone calls related to his business that he makes from his house.o With seve

20、n small children, how do the Wilsons keep track of all of them?19. out of date: not modern; not current, not timely; no longer available in published formAgain, hyphens separate the parts of this idiom when it precedes a noun form as, in the second example. The passive verb to be outdated derives fr

21、om this idiom.o Many people buy new cars when their old cars become out of date.o I dont know why Gene likes to wear out-of-date cloth. His clothes are so outdated that even his girlfriend hesitates to be seen with him.o This book cant be ordered any more because it is out of date.20. to blow up: to

22、 inflate, to fill with air; to explode, to destroy (or be destroyed) by explosion o Daddy, could you please blow up this balloon for me?o When the airplane crashed into the ground, it blew up immediately.o The military had to blow the missile up in midair when it started to go the wrong way.21. to t

23、ake into account: to consider a fact while evaluating a situation Again, a noun or pronoun often follows the verb take.o The judge took the prisoners young age into account before sentencing him to three months in jail.o Educators should take into account the cultural backgrounds of students when pl

24、anning a school curriculum.22. to have ones way: to arrange matters the way one wants (especially when someone else doesnt want to same way) (also: to get ones way)o My brother always wants to have his way, but this time our parents said that we could do what I wanted.o If Sheila doesnt get her way,

25、 she becomes very angry.23. to take advantage of: to use well, to profit from; to use another persons weaknesses to gain what one wantso I took advantage of my neighbors superior skill at tennis to improve my own ability at the game.o Teddy is such a small, weak child that his friends take advantage

26、 of him all the time. They take advantage of him by demanding money and making him do things for them.24. in vain: useless, without the desired resulto All the doctors efforts to save the injured woman were in vain. She was declared dead three hours after being admitted to the hospital.o We tried in

27、 vain to reach you last night. Is your phone out of order?25. by far: by a great margin, clearlyo Jacquie is by far the most intelligent student in our class.o This is by far the hottest, most humid summer weve had in years.26. to run into: to meet someone unexpectedly; to crash or collide into (als

28、o: to bump into)o It was a shock to run into an old friend from high school recently.o The drunk driver was slightly injured when he ran into a telephone pole.27. more or less: approximately, almost; somewhat, to a certain degreeo Although your bedroom feels smaller, its more or less the same size a

29、s mine.o Ted more or less agreed with our decision to put off the meeting until more members could show up. At least he didnt object strongly.28. to keep ones word: to fulfill a promise, to be responsibleAn idiom with the opposite meaning is to break ones word.o Suzanne kept her word to me not to le

30、t on to others that I intend to step down next month.o Thomas always intends to keep his word, but invariably the end result is that he breaks his word. He just isnt capable of being a responsible person.29. to get through to: to communicate with, to make someone understand (also: to break through t

31、o)This idiom has the meaning of to make someone catch on (Lesson 29, eighth idiom, the first definition)o Some of the students in my reading class understand English so poorly that it is difficult to get through to them.o The doctors have never succeeded in breaking though to Mr. Ames, who is a sile

32、nt and secretive patient.30. to carry on: to continue as before; to conduct, to engage in; to behave in an immature mannero Even in the face of disaster, the inhabitants carried on as though nothing had happened.o The business associates decided to carry on their discussion in the hotel bar instead

33、of the conference room.o I cant believe that John carried on so much just because his dog died. He looked depressed and cried for weeks after it happened.31. Come up with: To think up32. Try out: Try something new33. Phony: Fake34. Go off: be very mad at someone and blame someone35. On the right tra

34、ck: Someone is right, understanding something, or doing something right.36. Chance of a lifetime: A special opportunity37. In the long run: Long term, in the future38. Have a temper: To have anger issues39. Have a clue: Have an idea/to understand40. Give ones best shot: Try ones best41. Made up ones

35、 mind: decide something42. Detached from: indifferent43. Thought provoking: make people think 44. Pull through: get better in a process45. Gut: To be brave46. Spit it out: tell someone something47. Make a scene: Make something into a huge deal in public or with others around48. Make it: be able to do something49. Avant-garde: Having new and modern ideas50. Obsessed with: love something like crazy


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