PA66+15 GF 的物性表.pdf

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《PA66+15 GF 的物性表.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PA66+15 GF 的物性表.pdf(1页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 物性表物性表 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Versione 1 Aggiornata: 27/05/11 这里提供的信息是出于善意,仅供参考。所有项目要求的特性应认真评估。参数值为成型样品在40小时,23摄氏度和50%相对湿度条件下测得。除非另外声明,这些产 品不适合用于食品和或医疗应用。他们不应以任何方式被视为对我方部件的正式承诺或保证,尤其是由于第三方对我们产品的不正确使用。 The information contained herein are supplied in good faith and given purely as an indication. Prope

2、rties should be carefully evaluated for all projects requirements. Values are referred to moulded samples conditioned for 40h - 23C - 50% U.R. Unless otherwise posted this product is not suitable for food and/or medical application and use. They shall not be considered in any way as a formal commitm

3、ent or warranty on our part especially in case of improper use of our products from third parties. SCT REV. 1 DEL 01/01/11 POLIMID A 15 GF NATURAL PA 66 15% 玻纤 PA 66 15% GLASS FIBRE 特性特性 Properties 标准标准 Standard 单位单位 Unit 典型值典型值 Typical Values 物理和热物理和热/ PHYSICAL & THERMAL 密度 Density ISO 1183 g/cm 1.

4、25 熔点 Melting Point DSC C 260 成型收缩率 (均值) Mold Shrinkage (average) - % 0.6 1.0 吸湿率 (浸水) Moisture Absorption (water immersion) 23oC - 24h ISO 62 % 1.0 熔流指数 Melt Flow Index ISO 1133 g/10min - 维卡软化温度 Vicat Softening Temperature 50C/h - 10 N ISO 306 C 255 热变形温度 Heat Deflection Temperature 0,45 MPa ISO 75

5、-2 C 250 热变形温度 Heat Deflection Temperature 1,80 MPa ISO 75-2 C 240 耐热/球压测试 Heat Resistance / Ball test IEC 335-1 IEC 60695-10-2 C 165 连续使用温度(无负载) Continuous Use Temperature (without load) - C 110 机械机械 / MECHANICAL 屈服拉伸强度 Tensile Strength at Yield ISO 527 MPa 125 断裂拉伸强度 Tensile Strength at Break ISO

6、527 MPa 125 拉伸模量 Tensile Modulus ISO 527 MPa 6800 屈服拉伸应变 Tensile Strain at Yield ISO 527 % 4.5 断裂拉伸应变 Tensile Strain at Break ISO 527 % 4.5 悬挂梁缺口冲击强度 Izod - Notched Impact Strength ISO 180/A KJ/ m 7.5 悬挂梁无缺口冲击强度 Izod - Unnotched Impact Strength ISO 180/U KJ/m 40 电气和可燃性电气和可燃性 / ELECTRICAL & FLAME RET

7、ARDANCY 相对起痕指数 (CTI) Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) IEC 60112 V 500 阻燃性 Flammability 3,2 /1,6 / 0,8 mm UL 94 - HB 灼热丝点火温度 (GWT) Glow Wire Flammability Temperature GWFI - 2 mm IEC 60695-2-12 C 650 灼热丝点火温度 (GWT) Glow Wire Ignition Temperature GWIT - 2 mm IEC 60695-2-13 C - 成型条件成型条件 (建议) / Molding conditions (suggested) 干燥温度 Drying Temperature 3 h / 90 - 100 oC 成型温度 Molding temperature 270 - 290 oC 模具温度 Mold temperature 80 - 90 oC


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