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1、【场景】租房场景1. 租房场景i. house agent房屋中介,accommodation form住宿情况登记,For lease/ rent出租, for sale出售 tenant房客,landlord/landlady房东,newspaper advertisements报纸广告,proper/real estate 房产ii. lease租约, rent/rental price租金, deposit保证金,insurance保险, telephone bill电话费, water/electricity bill水电费,heating bill取暖费,hiring a clea

2、ning maid雇清洁工,gas bill煤气费, washing charges洗衣费iii. 付款周期:week by week, per week, weekly, every week, once a weekiv. home stay寄宿 flat/apartment公寓 residential college寄宿学院 motel汽车旅馆 dorm学校宿舍 bungalow平房 caravan大篷车 residence住宿 dormitory宿舍 student hostel学生公寓 v. roommate /flatmate /dormmate /housemate室友 Stud

3、ent Accommodation Centre学生住宿管理中心 Student Accommodation Officer学生住宿管理员 housing coordinator宿舍协调员 vi. surroundings环境 rural areas乡间 suburb/outskirts郊外 downtown/urban area市区vii. rules:food requirements,vegetarian,non-smoker,no smoking,non-drinker,no drinker,no pets allowed, allergies/be allergic to过敏,loc

4、k all the windows before going outside,front door,emergency紧急情况,fire doors/escape消防通道,smoking only allowed on the balconies只准在阳台吸烟,no changes can be made to meal times准时就餐,no noise after 9 pm, mustnt play music after midnight, call the landlord/elected floor seniors管理员viii. moving company,floor plan

5、平面图,layout布局,move in搬进,move out搬出ix. room1) single room, double room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, toilet, sitting/living room客厅, study/library书房, basement地下室, attic阁楼, garden, yard, garage, store room/house储藏室, dining room/hall餐室食堂, swimming poor游泳池, bedsitter/bedsit卧室兼客厅, balcony阳台, breakfast room早

6、餐室, kitchenette小厨房 laundry room洗衣室, hall way/corridor走廊, fence栅栏 double Decker双层床,楼中楼 2) lobby大堂,大厅,休息室, doorway入口处, tennis court网球场, entrance hall一楼大厅, lounge候机、车厅, fountain喷泉x. furnished有家具的, unfurnished无家具的, hire furniture租家具1) furniture家具, air conditioner空调, vacuum吸尘器, cooker/stove炉灶, sofa, tele

7、vision, radiator电暖气, washing machine, electric fans风扇, carpet地毯, rug垫子, fireplace壁炉, bookshelves书架, lamps灯, couch睡椅, personal stereo system音响, painting油画, plants植物, pot plant盆栽, curtain窗帘, table cloth桌布, desk, shades/shutters百叶窗, armchair扶手椅, coffee table2) shower cubicle淋浴房, bath/bathtub/tub浴盆, dri

8、er干衣机, hair-drier吹风机, wash basin洗脸盆, detergent清洁剂, towel毛巾, sponge洗澡的海绵, shampoo洗发液, toilet lavatory马桶, broom,soap, lotion洗剂,cream面霜, shaver剃须刀, shower花洒, shower curtain浴帘, dust pan镊子, bathroom tile浴室瓷砖3) cooking utensils厨房用具, fridge/freezer/refrigerator冰箱, microwave微波炉, boiler/heater热水器, toaster烤炉,

9、 dishwasher洗碗机, detergent洗洁精, ventilator抽油烟机,cupboard碗橱,mixer/blender/liquidizer搅拌机, whisk搅拌器, squeezer榨汁机, kettle水壶, can/tin opener开瓶器,corkscrew起子, peeler削皮机, grater擦菜板, funnel漏斗, sieve/skimmer漏勺, grill/broiler烤架, cutting board切菜板, rolling pin擀面棍, cleaver切刀肉, vegetable knife切菜刀, tap/faucet水龙头,sink水槽, toaster烤面包机, bowl碗, mug马克杯, spoon勺子4) dresser/dressing table梳妆台, mirror, wardrobe衣柜, closet壁橱, bed-linen被单和枕套, blanket毯子, sheet床单, mattress床垫, quilt棉被, pillow枕头


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