ktv装修中的声学问题(Acoustic problems in KTV decoration).doc

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1、ktv装修中的声学问题(Acoustic problems in KTV decoration)Acoustic problems in KTV decorationRelease: 2012-03-29 Author: Source: Chinese interior design web browsing: 398 times | print collection this paperKTV decoration problem is very complex, it involves building, structure, acoustics, ventilation, heating

2、, fire, lighting, audio, video and so on, but also related to the safety, practicality, environmental protection, culture and other aspects (decoration). The Cara OK style of the decoration is different, China is the worlds most populous country OK Cara, what one sees and hears decoration style prob

3、lems but each one has its own merits, is the effect of poor acoustics, decoration special luxury for us to sing KTV the existence of defects in the same acoustic feel is very difficult to sing (a good sound system the case) or there is a phenomenon of sound staining. Crosstalk phenomenon in some are

4、as is a serious, multi room karaoke singing becomes when the toad hole. The severe KTV site became the sound of pollution, the birthplace of noise. Investors are not willing to do anything like this because they affect their business after all.As an audio worker, we are very concerned about this iss

5、ue, and some of our experts in Beijing have worked as design consultants for some places of entertainment (acoustics or acoustics), and they really do a good job. The following are some common sense questions discussed below.First, the rooms sound insulation:Sound insulation is the best way to solve

6、 crosstalk. Theoretically, the higher the hardness of the material, the better the sound insulation effect. The most common method of decoration is light steel keel, plasterboard partition wall, although in the middle of the sound absorption cotton, but because the quality is not enough, the sound i

7、nsulation effect is very poor. Most of the KTV in Beijing are decorated using this method, the sound insulation effect is very poor. Beijing Fangzhuang area is a decoration of the KTV also adopts this decoration method, the test of audio equipment when the effect of crosstalk phenomenon is serious,

8、there is no way investors can hire experts to study the acoustic modifications, could have only days before the opening of the extension, the time delay caused incalculable economic losses to investors. Therefore, it is suggested that those who are ready to decorate Cara OK entertainment must consid

9、er the sound insulation of the room before they are decorated.So what should be the best material for soundproof walls?The first choice for economic and practical use is the 2/4 red brick wall, with cement walls on both sides. This partition wall must be built to the top, and need to go through the

10、ventilation pipe or other lines, then punch through, should pay attention to the sealing of the pipeline, otherwise it can cause crosstalk. Followed by noise wallboard, this material is a professional sound insulation materials, both sides of the metal plate, in the middle of the role of sound insul

11、ation foam plastic, the greater the thickness of this wall, the better the sound insulation effect. In some places due to bear the weight of the problem, not by brick or other masonry way, can only use plasterboard of light steel keel approach, our proposal is cement board on the outside and then ad

12、ded a layer of gypsum board hardness is relatively high, the appearance of cement board and gypsum board (the same size is similar, but the hardness is far) above the gypsum board, good insulation material, it should be noted that the construction process, especially the gap part must be sealed. Che

13、ck the effect of noise in the room is a normal broadcasting music, in the degree of attenuation of the door one meter measuring sound, such as the sound pressure level in the room is 90dB, the sound pressure level measurement at one meter outside the room is 60 dB that the noise 30 dB.Treatment room

14、 door is also difficult decoration design problems, the studio door handle is professional, sound insulation effect is good, but the cost is very high, usually a noise gate price of at least 4 to 5 thousand yuan, more than a million. At present, more practical is the use of forming one door, the doo

15、r side sealing seal approach, with the door closer, sound insulation effect is good (relative to ordinary doors).The term social living noise as mentioned in this Law refers to the noise caused by human activities in addition to industrial noise, construction noise and traffic noise, which interfere

16、s with the living environment around them.The provisions of Peoples Republic of China environmental noise pollution prevention act, in the city area where noise sensitive structures are concentrated, by using fixed equipment in commercial activities caused by environmental noise pollution in commerc

17、ial enterprises, must be in accordance with the competent administrative department of environmental protection regulations, and the prevention and control of environmental noise pollution to the local peoples government environmental protection the administrative departments in charge of reporting

18、has caused environmental noise pollution equipment facilities; noise boundary new culture and entertainment business must conform to the environmental noise emission standards prescribed by the state, does not meet the standard of environmental noise emission state regulations, the competent adminis

19、trative departments of culture shall be issued a business license; in the management of cultural entertainment, the managers must take effective measures to make the boundary noise Over the state of environmental noise emission standards; the prohibition of the use of radio loud speakers in commerci

20、al activities or other means that produce high noise to attract customers; use air conditioning and cooling towers in commercial activities are likely to produce environmental noise of the equipment and facilities, the operators and managers shall take measures to keep the noise at the boundary do n

21、ot exceed the state of environmental noise emission standards; all units and individuals are forbidden to use high pitch loudspeakers in the area of the city urban noise sensitive structures are concentrated in the city; urban streets, squares, parks and other public places of entertainment, organiz

22、ing meetings and other activities, the use of audio equipment too large volume may cause interference around the living environment, must comply with the regulations of the local public security organ.Two, room reverberation:This issue is always controversial, and some acoustical experts believe tha

23、t strong sound absorption is beneficial to improve the articulation and sound location of sound. Some experts believe that sound should be diffused enough to increase the loudness of the entire space. I think the sharpness and loudness can not be ignored, should sound diffusion fully under the premi

24、se to ensure clarity, I oppose the room full of soft decoration method. I have visited many high-end luxury KTV, the decoration looks gorgeous, but singing songs are very hard. Whats the room reverberation time? The problem is related to the size of the room. The larger the room, the longer the reve

25、rberation time should be. Some KTV places make rooms irregularly shaped, and sofas and decorations subtly solve sound flaws, avoiding sounds that resonate, resonate, and resonate.Some audio experts believe that the room reverberation problem is not very large, because modern digital technology can c

26、ompletely solve the sound transmission quality through scientific technology. We dont doubt that, but KTVs investment is certainly unacceptable. Long and short reverberation should be relative, not in order to reduce the reverberation room decoration deliberately into strong absorption type, appropr

27、iate absorption is necessary, especially at the top of the dont make cavity structure, the ceiling should be higher as much as possible, the space of the room (M3) is bigger, the spread of sound the better. The wave propagation in the KTV room, walls, ceilings and floors are sofas and decorative ite

28、ms, obstacles such as reflection, each reflection will be obstacles to absorb some. So when the sound source stops sounding, sound waves to repeated reflection and absorption in the room, and finally disappear, we feel to stop the sound source also continue for a period of time after the sound. This

29、 phenomenon is called reverberation, this period is called reverberation time. The reverberation time length is Cara OK and other important acoustic characteristics of entertainment.The KTV room, reverberation time is obviously not too long. Because the room is not more than 100 square meters, we us

30、ually sing every second about a 2 to 3 words, two words that a love you, imagine the reverberation time is 2 seconds, then, after sending the word love sound although, the sound intensity gradually weakened, but also for a period of time (1 sec), the issue of you the voice of the moment, you word of

31、 the sound intensity is still quite large. So the two words sound mixed together,I cant hear anything. But the reverberation time can not be too short, too short, the loudness is not enough, and also can not hear clearly. Therefore, an optimal reverberation time is required. Usually, the Cara OK roo

32、m reverb time is between 0.5 and 1 second. Reverberation time is too short, singing will be difficult, reverberation time is too long, it will affect the clarity of the sound, serious will cause howling.Experienced acoustic experts will skillfully use the changes in the structure of the decoration a

33、nd combinations of different materials to solve acoustic problems in the sound field environment. We see in many places there is no decoration of the soft, is indeed not easy to sing naturally.Three, room structure:Some acoustic experts are introducing the so-called golden ratio refers to the room h

34、eight and width and length ratio is a direct impact on the quality of the sound field conditions, when the ratio of the right, the rooms resonant frequency distribution, acoustic usually pushed for the ratio of the golden rule, namely 1:1.618. It is well known that the golden rule. None of the KTV p

35、ackages weve seen satisfies this golden ratio. But some places use a very good sound system, singing really well. The key question is whether we can solve all aspects of KTV in a comprehensive way. Of course, acoustics is the basic problem. Therefore, we observe the latest design concepts abroad, th

36、e room structure design is ingenious, acoustic problems have been solved, the decoration effect is very innovative.The sound field of Cara OK compartment is different from that of the general theater or auditorium. The biggest feature is that the room is small enough to cause howls, so the sound fie

37、ld conditions in Cara OK compartment are very complex, and the acoustical design is sometimes more difficult than the theatre design. The ingenious combination of decoration design and decoration design is the best way to effectively solve the problem of sound diffusion. Studio control room is desig

38、ned to be the best of our reference model, such as the control room of the United States MIX magazine in 2004 10 studio, acoustic design is based on the gap and the proliferation of different structure, so that the sound field structure can effectively improve the clarity and loudness of voice, irre

39、gular type (relative) to avoid the same frequency with phase offset each others problems. Of course, it can not be designed as a deformed structure. It should be analyzed according to the specific environment, and the acoustics problem that can destroy the sound effect is solved on the basis of stru

40、cture. Some KTV rooms with plush toys tapestry or decorative items, including large number of the room to place a lot of flowers, plants and so on, are to improve the room sound field effect. We conducted acoustic test for Beijing had an international club KTV rooms, the room ground is marble, the r

41、oom ceiling is plasterboard, but also is the cavity structure, in the room of normal speech can be heard clearly, broadcasting sound became the voice of the image. Decoration has been done, and then re decoration is obviously uneconomical, we propose to increase the decoration in the room to solve t

42、he problem of poor sound field. We hung a flower shelf in the ceiling, and then buy some fake vines, flowers filled the shelves, the room into the greenhouse with green plants, the improvement of the sound field effect significant improvements in performance, that the guests come in the room singing

43、 will be returned for a while, and now this room has become the highest utilization rate a.Four, room furniture:KTV private room furniture is usually made of sofa, coffee table, TV cabinet, bar, desk and chair (middle, big private room) and so on. These furniture to some extent on the sound field to

44、 improve the role of choice should be made of hard materials, do not use the frame structure, the outside is three plywood, this structure is easy to resonate.We know that the sofa material is a certain sound-absorbing effect, the more loose the material, sound-absorbing effect is greater, on the co

45、ntrary, the more dense material, the more smooth, sound absorption effect is poor. The sound-absorbing effect of cotton fabric is greater than that of leather.In fact, the person we sing is a sound absorber in itself, the more people, the greater the sound absorption. What we care most about is the

46、location of the furniture.The distance between the stereo and the singer is as far as possible, so that the diffusion of sound will be better.The furniture itself placed above things such as: song, put the vase and flowers, phone trays, advertisements and so on. These things act on the sound, some a

47、re sound absorbing, some are reflective, and others are diffuse. The irregular things played a very good help for the sound, especially some sound through the coffee table is reflected to the microphone will cause howling, the existence of these things can be avoided howling.Five, room decoration ma

48、terials:KTV room decoration materials directly related to sound field parameters. From the perspective of environmental protection in the decoration design should adopt environment-friendly materials, designs and some very luxurious place, people will shed tears in the room (chemical stimulation), t

49、his room is only cant use. On the one hand to use environmentally friendly renovation materials, on the other hand to be used for acoustic decoration materials, such as: mineral wool acoustic board etc.We sing in a good sound environment, is actually singing in the decoration materials, materials of good and bad is directly related to human health and sound quality, we need to choose environmentally friendly decoration decoration materi


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