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1、名校名 推荐牛津译林版七上 Unit2习题第 4 课时 Integrated skills & Study skills一、翻 1喜 2 的什么 _3我的 多学生4 一幅漂亮的画_5使我感 很棒_6 与 不同 _7看很多有趣的 _8 和朋友一起打排球_二、 拼写1 I like playing tabl e( 球) very much.2 What(其他的) do you want?3 There are a_( 多) of books in the bookshop.4 It is(有趣的事) to read books here.5 It(使) me feel happy.三、 ()1.

2、There are_ interesting books in our school library.A. manyB. a lot ofC. lots ofD. A, B and C()2. What does your mother d o to keep healthy, Tim? She usually _.A. swimB. swimsC. is swimmingD. to swim()3. Which is different from the others(其他) ?A. angry; andB. back; atC. bag; gameD. hand; fan()4. Whic

3、h word has an /o/ sound?A. hotB. noC. doesD. do()5. Millie_ like sports very much.A. isntB. isC. does notD. do not四、句型 1 My cousin listens to music in her free time.(改 否定句)My cousin _ _to music in her free time.2 That girl likes reading very much.(改 一般疑 句)_ that girl _reading very much?1名校名 推荐3 I of

4、ten help my mum cl ean the house at weekends. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _often _at weekends?4 They usually play basketball on Friday afternoon.(用 He 替换 They 改写句子)He usually _ _on Friday afternoon.5 There are many people in the room.(同义句转换)There are_ _ _peoplinthe room.五、完形填空Mary is1eleven-year old girl She 2from

5、 America 。She s studying Chinese in Beijingnow She has3Chinese friends Her father and mother are teachersThey4 in BeijingUniversity( 大学 ) Mary likes Chinese very much She thinks Chinese is very interesting, 5 very difficult(困难的 ) She oftenPlays with Chinese friends They teachher Chinese ,andshe teac

6、hes6English, Marycan 7some Chinese , butshe doesn write it 8 Shewrites Chinesecharacters( 汉字 )9a pen and a ruler Mary s Chinese characters 10 pictures ()1 A aBanCD the()2 A areB is comeC comeD is()3 A manyBmuchCa lotD lot of()4 A teachesB teacherC teachD teaching()5 A andB butC orD so()6 A theirB th

7、eyC theirsD them()7 A speakBsayC tellDtalk()8 A goodB well C very goodD very much()9 A inB onCbyD with()10 A look likeB look atC 1ook afterD look for六、阅读理解Wei Jun is a good driver He is twenty-three years old He drives( 驾驶 )a car in a machinefactory( 工厂 )He works from Monday to FridayHis home is far

8、 away from the factoryHe getsup at half past five He goes to work at six oAthaclockfpast Seven he must get thereHe hasno time to have breakfastHe leaves(离开 )the factory at five oHecooksclocksupper( 晚饭 )anddoes housework in the evening He likes reading a lot Sometimes he watches TV He goes to bed at

9、about ten 2名校名 推荐()1 Wei JunA is a workerB is a car driver C teaches in the factoryDmakes machines()2 On Saturday and Sunday Wei JunA doesn t go to workB doesn t stay at homeC goes to the factoryD reads books()3 , So he has no time to have breakfastA He is very busyB His factory is too farC He doesn

10、 t like having breakfast D He often gets up early()4 He has lunchA at homeBin his carC in the factoryD in the park()5 He _in the eveningA washes his clothesB cooks supperC does houseworkD both B and C3名校名 推荐参考答案一 . 1 like reading2 what else3 my many students4 a pair of nice pictures5 make me feel great.6 be different from7 read lots of interesting books8 play the volleyball together with friends二 . 1. tennis2. else3. lot4. fun5. makes三 .1. D 2. B3. C4.A5. C四 . 1. doesnt listen2.Does; like3. What d o you; do 4. plays basketball 5. a lot of五 .BDACB DABDA六 . BABCD4


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