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1、初一英语上册知识点总结归纳(3单元)Unit 41、try on试穿2、we/I will take it我们/我买下了(这里的take相当于buy)3、buy sth for sb=buy sb sth给某人买某物;4、Im just looking我只是看看;5、three hundred and sixty-five365(百位数和十位数之间加and,十位数和个位数之间加”-“)6、a pair of一对/一双7、running shoes跑鞋8、Are you kidding?你开玩笑吧;9、think about考虑;10、thank you all the same仍然谢谢你;11

2、、Is that all?就这么多吗?Thats all.就这么多吧I2、I think so.我认为是这样的.Idont think so.我认为不是这样的.13、当把东西给某人时可以说:Here you are或Here be+东西或Here it is.14、Dont worry.别担心worry about+宾语如:Do you worry about your leesson?Worried烦恼的be worried about+宾语如:She is worried about her mother.15.a few+可数名词(肯定);一点,一些;few+可数名词:(否定)几乎没有a

3、 little+不可数名词(肯定);一点,一些;little+不可数名词:(否定)几乎没有16、be free=have time有空的;反义词:be busy=have no timeI have no time.=Idont have any time.She has no time.=She doesnt have any time.Areyou free tomorrow?=Do you have time tomorrow?17、在某一天使用介词on,在某个时刻用at如:On Sundayat a half past six当this接时间,不用介词,this Sunday18、Wh

4、ats up=whats wrong?=Whats the matter什么事?19、forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(事还没做)forget doing sth忘记曾做过某事(事已做完)20、tell sb about sth.告诉某人某事tell sb sth=tell sth to sb把某事告诉某人ask/tell sb to do sth叫某人做某事否定形式:ask/tell sb not to do sth叫某人不要做某事21、电话用语:Whos this?你是哪位?Is this你是吗?This is(speaking)我是May I speak to我可以找吗?2

5、2、go for sth=go to do sth去做某事如:go for to have class.23、Its fun真是有趣的事24、call sb=give sb a call打电话给某人call sb back给某人回电话25、Im afraid/sorry(that)+从句恐怕/对不起,26、I have no time=I dont have any time我没有时间(no=not any)27、be not in=be not at home=be out出去了,不在家;28、sing a song/sing some songs唱歌;fly a kite放风筝;draw

6、picture画画play sports做运动;watch TV看电视read books看书read newspaper看报纸29、let sb do sth(后接动词原形)让某人做某事30、时间读法有顺读法和逆读法:顺读法(eleven thirty-six表示11:36)逆读法(分钟数小于等于30分用past,分钟数大于30分用to,如five past ten表示10:05;five to ten表示9:55,half past six表示6:30,a querter to six表示5:45)31、show sth to sb=show sb sth把拿给某人看;作为名词表示演出,表

7、演32、祈使句的否定句,直接在句首加上Dont就可以了33、have to=must(后接动词原形)不得不/必须48.Its time for(doing)sth Its time to do sth该到做的时候了?Its time for sb to do sth是某人做某事的时候了33、next time下一次next week下个星期the next day第二天;34、next to=near在旁边35、get up起床go to bed上床睡觉;getsb up叫某人起床36、doones homework做作业;37、have a picnic野餐;have class上课have

8、 a meeting开会have a party举办聚会have dinner/breakfast/lunch/supper吃正/早/午/晚餐have+东西吃/喝have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得很愉快have sb to do sth让某人做某事have to do sth不得不38、on the weekday在周末;39、lot of=lots of=many=much许多的,大量的40、in the sun在阳光下;41、sb like-best=sbs favorite+种类is/are谁最喜欢42、on ones way to.在某人去的路上;on o

9、nes way home在某人回家的路上43、Here we are.我们到了44、Its very kind of you你真是太好了;45、thanks/thank you for+n/v-ing为而感谢你;46、.in the tree在树上(外物附着)onthe tree在树上(树上本身长出的东西)In the wall在墙里(如window)on the wall在墙上句型:1、What do you think of.?=Howdo you like.?你认为怎么样?例:What do you think of your English teacher?=Howdo you like your English teacher?2、How much be+主语?(回答:Its/Theyre+价钱.)How much is your English book?问价格还可以用whats the price of3、Why not(后接动词原形)=Why dont you(后接动词原形)为什么不做某事呢?回答:Good idea好主意;4、What time is it?=What is the time?(回答:Its+时间)


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