致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书 译文.doc

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1、 To Lord Chesterfield致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书By Samuel Johnson 英约翰逊February 7, 1755.1755年2月7日My Lord,尊敬的阁下:I have been lately informed, by the proprietor of the World, that two papers, in which my Dictionary is recommended to the public, were written by your Lordship. To be so distinguished, is an honour, which,

2、being very little accustomed to favours from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge.日前蒙世界杂志业主相告,两篇向公众推荐我所编纂的词典的文章是出自阁下之手。受此推崇,甚感荣幸;我素来不太习惯贵人之惠,故不知如何承接阁下之恩,不知以何言辞向阁下致谢。When, upon some slight encouragement, I first visited your Lordship, I was overpowered, like the

3、rest of mankind, by the enchantment of your address; and could not forbear to wish that I might boast myself Le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre;that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending; but I found my attendance so little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty woul

4、d suffer me to continue it When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can process. I had done all that I could; and no man is well pleased to have his all neglected, be it ever so little.当初,受他人所励,我初次拜访阁下,如芸芸众人所感,为阁

5、下言辞之魅力所折服;不禁自诩为“世界征服者的征服者,虽亲眼目睹世人为得见阁下尊容而相争,我也期望能得阁下之关切;不料拜谒之际,并为得到丝毫鼓励,自惭自尊之感顿生,断无胆气再睹阁下之容。Seven years, my Lord, have now past, since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties, of which it is useless to comp

6、lain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such treatment I did not expect,for I never had a Patron before. 尊敬的阁下,自当日候于府上外室,被拒于阁下门前而不得入,七年已逝。在此期间,我为事业颠沛潦倒,艰难竭蹶,困苦之时仍无牢骚满腹,终拨云见日,呕心之作得以出版。然于困顿始终,未得丝

7、毫援手,未闻半句鼓励之词,未见半丝赞赏之笑。受此对待,我始料未及;追溯缘由,即先前不得赞助之故。The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with unconcern on a man struggle for life in the water, and when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help? The notice which you have been pleased to take of my labours, had it been early, had been ki

8、nd; but it has delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it; till I am solitary, and cannot impart it; till I am known, and do not want it. I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the public should consider me

9、 as owing that to a Patron, which Providence(4) has enabled me to do for myself.维吉尔笔下,牧羊人终与爱神相识,才知昔日所钟不过是荒野草莽。若一人对有人落水袖手旁观,落水之人上岸时才施以援手,如此之人可谓恩人?阁下当下施恩关注我的辛劳之作,倘若早能如此,岂非成人之美?阁下此番美意,为时已晚,我无心于此,也无福消受;我已孑然一身,无人分享;如今业已成名,无须劳烦阁下关怀。未曾承恩于阁下,自当无须感怀于心。蒙上帝庇佑,我独立完成心血之作,自不愿公众为“ 赞助人”颂德邀功,愿心之所想,不担刻薄无义之名。 Having c

10、arried on my work thus far with so little obligation to any favourer of learning, I shall not be disappointed though I should conclude it; if less be possible, with less; for I have been long wakened from that dream of hope, in which I once boasted myself with so much exultation,未受学术博者之恩,我亦得此成就。著作即将

11、完工,我自不会因未受恩典而沮丧半分;承恩越少,心越平;如今,我已然从希望之幻梦中清醒过来,在那梦中,我曾洋洋自得,自诩为您My Lord,尊敬的阁下 Your Lordships most humble,您最谦卑 Most obedient servant,最顺从的仆人Sam. Johnson苏缪尔约翰逊注释1. The world: a popular periodical (1753-1756) in London edited by Eduard Moore. Chesterfield was among the contributors.2. my Dictionary: The Di

12、ctionary of the English language (1755), edited by Samuel Johnson himself.3. Le Vainqueur du Vainqueur de La Terre: French, meaning the conqueror of the worlds conqueror.4. Providence: God.【翻译提示】 萨缪尔约翰逊先生的致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书是一封很有分量的文人书信。在西方有庇护制度的传统下,一个没有得到任何庇护的文人在极为艰苦的条件下,通过自己的独立奋斗而获得了巨大的成功。这时,他写信回复一位有地位的人对他本没有任何赞助的“回报”,语言文字间所流露的复杂的感情和傲岸的文人气节,真可谓表现得淋漓尽致。 翻译要注意三点:一是其中的拉丁文,可以翻译,也可以保留,须在注释中加以说明;二是书信体特有的礼貌语言和语气,与当下文人复杂的感觉和感情相互促进,形成一种微妙而极富个性的风格,要注意传达;三是在译入语言的使用上,注意融合古汉语的有力词句和现代汉语的时代精神。当然,古今甚至中西之间的关系,也可以有自己的尺度和把握。用纯粹的文言来翻译也是可以的,或者用文雅的当代语体,也无不妥。


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