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1、Unit 8 Our color fair!,我们的彩色游乐场,black,red,green,white,blue,indigo,pink,purple,orange,yellow,graygrey,brown,Which coloured balloon do you want?,I want.,Which coloured parrot do you like?,I like this parrot.,你喜欢哪种颜色的鹦鹉?,我喜欢这种蓝色的鹦鹉!,你想看哪种颜色?,红色的!,black,red,white,blue,indigo,pink,orange,yellow,brown,gra

2、ygrey,green,which colour do you want to see?,Red.,which colour do you want to see?,Yellow.,which colour do you want to see?,Green.,which colour do you want to see?,Pink.,which colour do you want to see?,Purple.,which colour do you want to see?,Black.,which colour do you want to see?,Grey.,which colo

3、ur do you want to see?,Brown.,which colour do you want to see?,Orange.,which colour do you want to see?,White.,which colour do you want to see?,Blue.,Red is an apple.,Red is a rose.,Red is the colour of my funny clowns nose.,Red,Green is a pear. Green is a tree. Green is the grass under both my feet

4、.,Yellow is the sun.,Yellow is the star.,Yellow is the lemon,painted on my car.,Brown,Brown is a dog.,Brown is a bear.,Brown is the colour of a Barbie dolls hair.,Blue,Blue is a shirt.,Blue are his eyes.,Blue is the sky where a big plane flies.,Black,Black is a sheep.,Black is a kite.,Black is a big

5、 cat catching mice at night.,Which coloured dog do you like?,-I like this pink dog.,Which coloured flower do you like?,-I like this yellow flower.,Which coloured T-shirt do you want?,-Grey ,please,Lets learn,ai,paint rain rainbow fail,daisy hail mail nail,pail pain rails tail,涂,油漆,彩虹,失败,雏菊,冰雹,邮件,指甲,

6、木桶,疼痛,铁轨,尾巴,Say it and do it. A colour mixing activity.,Yellow and blue is green. 黄色加蓝色变成绿色。,Blue and red is purple. 蓝色加红色变成紫色。,White and red is pink. 白色加红色变成粉色。,Colour them.,Lets talk and play. Yes or No.,Ask and tick.,Crossword.,(9)Colour and find out.,Boys and girls, thanks for your listening, See you next time!,


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