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1、名校名 推荐语法填空词语运用题一:阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填 3 个单词)。Plentyofpeopledreamofgoingtopeople,13-year-old Alyssa Carson has been workingage of 4, accordingtoa new reportwhichMars ( 火 星 ) .1differentfromthose2(happy) for that dream since the3(make) by the BBC not long ago. Alyssatellsthe BBC,“

2、I hope4 (go) to Mars because it is a place that no one has been to before.I wanttotakethat firststep. ” Accordingto the BBC, she5(attend)USA s threeworldspace camps so far.Herfather,BertCarson,tellstheBBCthatAlyssaplanstobe on thefirstlongjourneyto Mars whichis expectedtotakeplacein6yearof2033.“ Wea

3、re proud 7 her,”he says.“ We have the next eighteen8(year)plannedout. ” One ofthoseplans isAlyssaattending the International Space University.Ofcourse,Alyssa s dream couldcome with9(big)sacrifices(牺牲) thanothers.If Alyssa goes to Mars, maybe10is very difficult for her to return to Earth. Still,her f

4、athersays, “ Ifthat s theonlychoice she has, she stillwants togo. ” Alyssaagrees.题二:阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填 3 个单词)。Riding airplanes is always fun. Just the thought of 1 (fly) high in the sky isexciting. The flight attendants are very nice and they try 2 (make) your trip ascomfortabl

5、eas possible.Ifyou areon a longdistanceflight,you even getto watch a movie.Someairlineseven have a personalscreen foreach seatso passengers can3(convenient)watch a movie or TV program of their choice. The food may not be that delicious, but most4 (flight) can offer different kinds of menus to choose

6、 from.Airplanes5 (be) not always as safe as they are today. In fact, the earliestairplanes were quite simple6 style and very old-fashioned. They weren t even thatfast. Nowadays, however, airplanes have jet engines that allow them to travel as fast as900 km7hour. They also have lots of life-saving eq

7、uipment and8(prepare) wellfor emergencies. Today,9therewere many scary ne ws reports of airplanescrashes, 101名校名 推荐(few) people were hurt because of airplane accidents than because of car accidents. Manypeople still consider airplanes the safest way of travel.题三:词语运用根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空

8、一词)。When I was 18, my family left China. And a year later, we made our way to New York.Unluckily,my father 1.(失败) to find a job,so Ihad tohelp supportmy family.Ilookedt hrough the want ads every morning and later had an 2.(面试) for aj ob at WaterburyHospitalHealth Centre.There Iwas told my workwould3

9、.(包括) sweepingfloors.Ismiledand remembered my father s advice.“ Take pride in what you do,” my father said,“ whether you re a4.(老板) or aresweeping floors.”So even if my job was the lowest, I was5.(激动的) to do it. Each morning, I 6.(想象) all the patients not being able to eat if I wasn t there to clean

10、 the plates andbowls.Once 7.(早饭) was made, I cleanedtoilets,swept floorsand did some otherdirtywork. I wanted people to say “ That young man sure does a nice job” ,8.(尽管) I wasdead tired.Through 9.(十一) jobs Ive ever held, my father s10.(明智的) words have stayedwith me. Ive swept floors, and Ive been t

11、he manager. I think Dad would be proud.题四:词语运用根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Gapyear isthe time-offtaken afterhigh schoolor university.Many peoplethinkthat“ gap years ” are simplyan excuse forrichstudentsto take a(n)1 (特别 ) long vacation.But that s not the case in the UK and other countries. S

12、ome students are using their gapyear to volunteer or2 (提高 ) life skills.TeganMorgan,a studentatCardiffUniversity,volunteeredina languageprojectthreeyears ago,where she helpedthekids withtheirEnglish3 (语法 ). “This experiencehasactuallymade me feelmore4(确定的 )aboutmy lifegoalsnow. ” She wroteon herblog

13、.A gap yearalso helpsstudentsunderstand responsibilitiesinthe 5(真实的 )lifeworld.Duringthegap year,the studentslearntocompete basiclifeskillson theirown, 6(包括 ) cooking and laundry.2名校名 推荐“ Infact,volunteersare7( 欢 迎 )by many schools,andforwould-beteachers,volunteering is a8 (明智的 ) choice. Universitie

14、s like to see proof of commitment tosubjectand self-discipline,”Jennifer,a9( 专 业 的 )researcherattheUK sUniversity of Hull business school told The Guardian.But the gap years don t only benefit aspiring teachers.“ A year of volunteer workcanhelpgraduatesdeveloptransferableskillsliketeamwork,10( 交 流 ),problem-solving and planning,” said The Guardian.3


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