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1、名校名 推荐【走向高考】(12 省专用) 2015 高考英语大一轮复习基础晨记提升Unit 1 Cultural relics新人教版必修 2 . 速 A 1 _ (adj.)稀罕的;稀有的;珍 的2 _(n.) ; 案;构思(vt.) ; 划;构思3 _(adj.)奇特的;异 的(vt.)想象; 想; 好4 _(vt.)移 ;搬开5 _(adj.)以前的;从前的6 _(prep.) 得的;相当于的价 (n.)价 ;作用(adj.) 古 的7 _(adj.)本地的;当地的8 _(vi.)下沉;沉下9 _(n.)争 ; (vi.)争 ; B 想串 10_ (adj.) 重的; 有价 的 _ (n

2、.& vt.) 价 ; 重 _ (adj.)极有用的;极宝 的11 _ (vi.)幸免;幸存;生 _ (n.) 生存;幸存 _ (n.) 幸存者12 _ (vt.)使吃惊;惊 _ (adj.)令人吃惊的 _ (adj.)吃惊的 _ (n.) 惊奇1 3 _ (vt.)挑 ; _ (n.) ; 拔14 _ (v.)装 ;装修 _ (n.) 装 品15 _ (n.) 疑;疑惑(vt.) 疑;不信 _ (adj.) 疑的16 _ (n.)根据; 据 _ (adj.) 明 的;清楚的17 _ (vi.)爆炸 _ (n.)爆炸18 _ (adj.)非正式的 _ ( 反 ) 正式的答案: 1.rare2.

3、design3.fancy4.remove5.former6worth 7.local8.sink9.debate10.valuable ; value ; invalua ble11.survive;survival ; survivor12.amaze ; amazing ; amazed; amazement 13.select; selection14.decorate; decoration15.doubt; doubtful16.evidence ; evident17.explode;explosion18.informal ; formal . 短 互 1属于 _2作 答;回

4、_3 于交 状 _4拆开 _5而不是 _6 in search of _1名校名 推荐7 serve as _8 less than _9 think highly of _10 develop an interest in _答案: 1.belong to2.in return3.at war4.take apart5rather than 6. 找 7. 充当;起作用8. 少于 9. 看重;器重10. 培养 的 趣 . 典句 析A完成句子1 could not/never have doneFrederick William I, the King of Prussia, _ ( 不可能想

5、到 ) that hisgreatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.2 There is no doubt that._ ( 毫无疑 ) theboxes were then puton a t rainfor K?nigsberg,whichwas at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.3 what 引 名 性从句After that, _ (所 生的一切 ) to the Amber Room remains a mystery.4 whic

6、h 不定式In a trial, a judge must decide _ (哪些 人的 可信,哪些不可信) B典句仿写1没有 辛的 , 位运 根本不可能 得 比 。_2毫无疑 ,没有快 生活将是空虚和毫无意 的。_ _3他留 我 印象最深的是他的幽默。_4 没有确定要 哪个城市来 运 会。_答案: A.1.could never have imagined2.There is no doubt that3 what happened4.which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believeB 1.Without hard trainin

7、g, the player could never have won thegame.2 There is no doubt that life will be empty and meaningless without happiness.3 What he has impressed us most is his humour.4 It has not been decided which city to host the game. . 要点串 运用所学 言基 知 , 充完整下面短文,并背 之。1 _ ( 毫无疑 ) the vase 2._ (属于 ) Li Ming is a val

8、uable culturalrelic. The vase made of bamboo was designed 3._ (奇特的 格 ) and was givenas a Christmas gift by his friend, an artist. 4._ (作 回 ), Li Ming gavea rare sta mp tohisfriend. But5._( 令他震惊的是 ), the vasewas stolen lastSaturday. 6._ ( 目前 ), the police are trying their best to 7._ ( 找 )it. However, whether it can be found 8._ (仍是一个 ) 答案: 1.There is no doubt that2.belonging to3.in a fancy style4.In return5.to his amazement6.At present7 search for8.remains a mystery2


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