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1、,名校名师推荐 ,精编优选练 (三十 )完形填空 说明文 (限时: 35 分钟 )A(2018 黑龙江哈尔滨六中三模) New geneticanalysis has revealed that many Amazon treespecies are likely to survive human- made climate warming in the coming century,contrary topreviousfindings that temperature increases would cause them to die out. A study, _1_ in thelat

2、estedition ofEcology and Evolution,reveals the_2_ age of some Amazoniantreespecies morethan 8 million years and _3_ shows that they have survived previous periodsas warm asmany of the global warming imagined periods_4_ for the year 2100.The authors writethat, having survived warm periods inthe past,

3、 the trees will_5_survivefuturewarming,provided thereare noothermajorenvironmental changes. _6_extreme droughts and forest fires will impact Amazonia as temperatures _7_,the trees willstand the directimpact of higher temperatures. The authors_8_that as well as reducinggreenhouse gasemissions to mini

4、mizetheriskof droughtand fire,conservation policyshould remain_9_on preventing deforestation ( 采伐森林 ) for agriculture and mining.Thestudydisagrees withotherrecentresearcheswhichpredictedtreespeciesextinctions_10_relatively small increases in global average air temperatures.Study co- author Dr Simon

5、Lewis (UCL Geography) said the_11_ were good news forAmazontree species,but warned that drought and over-exploitationofthe forestremainedmajor _12_to the Amazons future.Dr Lewis said, “ The past cannot be compared directly with the future. While tree speciesseem likelyto_13_higher air temperatures t

6、han today,the Amazonforestis beingtransformedfor agriculture and _14_ ,and what remains is being degraded ( 使恶化 )bylogging ( 伐木 ),and increasingly split up by fields and roads. ”“ Species will not move as freely in todays Amazon as they did in previous warm periods,when there was no human _15_. Simi

7、larly,todays climate change is extremely fast,makingcomparisons with slower changes in the past _16 _. ”“ With a clearer _17_ of the relative risks to the Amazon forest,we_18_ that directhuman impacts such as forest clearances for agriculture or mining should remain a key pointofconservation policy.

8、We also need more aggressive _19_to reduce greenhouse gasemissions in order to make minimum the risk of drought and fire impacts and_20_thefuture of mostAmazon tree species.”语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。主要讲了一项最新的研究,研究表明气候变暖不会使亚马逊古代树种灭绝。1 A.advertisedB describedCpublishedD presented解析 :advertise 做广告; describe 描述; p

9、ublish 公布; present 呈现。此处表示: 生物1,名校名师推荐 ,与进化的最新版公布的一项研究。故选C。答案 :C2 A.frighteningB surprisingCexcitingD interesting解析 :frightening 令人害怕的; surprising令人惊讶的; exciting令人兴奋的; interesting有趣的。句意:这项研究揭示了一些亚马逊树种惊人的年龄。故选B。答案 :B3 A.stillB neverthelessChoweverD therefore解析 :句意:这些古代树种有着 800 多万年的树龄, 因此表明了它们可以幸存于和先前

10、所有时期一样温暖的全球气候变暖的时期,预测为2100 年。 therefore 因此。故选 D。答案 :D4 A.assessB confirmCforecastD promise解析 :assess评定; confirm 确认; forecast 预测; promise 允诺。由上题解析可知选C。答案 :C5 A.particularlyB probablyCmerelyD possibly解析 :句意:作者们写道, 亚马逊的树种曾在高温气候中生存下来,所以将来也有可能在气温升高的气候中存活。故选B。答案 :B6 A.SinceB AlthoughCWhenD If解析 :句意:虽然随着温度

11、的升高,严重的干旱及森林火灾将会影响亚马逊流域,但这些树木将会忍受更高温度的直接影响。故选B。答案 :B7 A.riseB changeCdropD end解析 : rise 升高; change 变化; drop 掉落; end 结束。由本句末的“highertemperatures ”可知应是温度升高。故选A 。答案 :A8 A.considerB decideCguaranteeD recommend解析 :consider 考虑; decide 决定; guarantee 保证; recommend 推荐,建议。后面是作2,名校名师推荐 ,者的建议,故选D。答案 :D9 A.based

12、B builtCfocusedD made解析 :base 以 , 为基础; build 建造; focus 集中; make 制作。句意:保护措施应当仍然集中于为了农业和矿业的发展而采伐森林。故选C。答案 :C10 A.in relation toB in response toCin reply toD in reference to解析 :in relation to 关于 ,涉及 ;in response to 响应 ,回答 ,对 ,做出反应 ;in reply to答复 , ;in reference to 关于。句意:这项研究与最近其他研究不同的是他们预测树种的灭绝是对相对小幅度的

13、全球平均气温升高的反应。 故选 B 。答案 :B11.A.findingsB thoughtsCinventionsD writings解析 : finding 发现; thought 想法; invention 发明; writing作品。句意:教授说这些发现对于亚马逊树种来说是一个好消息,但他警告称干旱和过度采伐森林对于亚马逊的未来来说仍然是主要的威胁。故选A 。答案 :A12 A.threatsB disadvantagesCembarrassmentsD instructions解析 :threat 威胁; disadvantage 不利条件; embarrassment 窘境; in

14、struction 说明, 指示。由上题解析可知选A 。答案 :A13 A.acceptB tolerateCpermitD require解析 :accept 接受; tolerate 容忍,忍耐; permit 允许; require 要求。句意:虽然树种好像能忍耐比现在更高的温度,但亚马逊森林正在向农业和矿业转变。故选B。答案 :B14 A.farmingB plantingCcateringD mining解析 :farming 畜牧业; planting 种植业; catering 服务业; mining 矿业。由第二段最后一句中的 “ deforestation ( 采伐森林 )f

15、or agriculture and mining ” 可知选 D 。答案 :D3,名校名师推荐 ,15 A.powerB influenceCdesireD violence解析 :power 力量; influence 影响; desire 欲望; violence 暴力。句意:当这里没有人类影响的时候。故选B 。答案 :B16 A.difficultB clearCeasyD important解析 :句意:现在气候变化极快,使之与过去缓慢的变化比较起来很难。故选A 。答案 :A17 A.beliefB directionCunderstandingD suggestion解析 :句意:

16、更清楚地理解了亚马逊森林所面对的危险,我们推断出人类直接的影响,比如为了农、矿业而采伐森林,仍是保护政策的重点。答案 :C18 A.doubtB concludeCcalculateD prefer解析 :conclude 推断,做结论。由上题解析可知选B 。答案 :B19 A.thoughtB guidanceCprotectionD action解析 :句意:为了把干旱和火灾的风险降到最低并保护大部分亚马逊树种的未来,我们也需要更多积极的行动来减少温室气体的排放。action 行动。答案 :D20 A.secureB advanceCsacrificeD evaluate解析 : secu

17、re保护,使安全。由上题解析可知选A 。答案 :AB(2018 安徽黄山质检)Men and women may have differentexperiences in shopping forclothes.A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decidedin_1_ . He knows what he wants, and his_2_is to find it and buy it. Allmen_3_walk into a shop and ask the shop a

18、ssistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock (库存 ),the deal can be done and _4_ is completed in less than five minutes,with hardly any chat toeveryones_5_.4,名校名师推荐 ,For a man,slightproblems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. Inthat_6_, the salesman tries to sell the cus

19、tomer something else he _7_the nearest tothe article required. A good salesman brings out such a substitute (替代品 ) _8_ ; he may say, “ Iknow this jacket is not the style you want,sir, but would you like to try it for size? It_9_to be the color you mentioned. ”Few men have_10_ withthis treatment,and

20、the usualanswer is:“ This is the right color and may be the right size,but I shouldnt be_11_ mytime and yours by trying it on.”For a woman,buying clothes is always done in the_12_way. Her shopping is notoften _13_ on need. She has never fully decided what she wants,and she is only“ having alook arou

21、nd”.She is always _14_ to persuasion,willing to try on any number of things.Deep in her mind is the thought of finding something that _15_ thinks suits her. Most womenhave an excellent sense ofvalue and are always on the lookout for the unexpected_16_ .Faced witha roomful ofdresses, a woman may easi

22、lyspend an hour going fromone rail toanother_17_ selecting the dress she wants to _18_ . It is a tiresome process,but clearlya(n) _19_one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting_20_.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了男女在购物方面的不同表现。1 A.detailB hurryCadvanceD mind解析 :根据下句 “He knows what he wants .可知”男人购物时 ,他们

23、要买的东西预先 (inadvance)就决定好了 。答案 :C2 A.adviceB goalCdemandD question解析 :既然他知道他想要什么,因此他的目标(goal)就是发现它并购买。advice 建议;demand 要求; question 问题。答案 :B3 A.quicklyB immediatelyCsoonD simply解析 :所有的男士只是 (simply) 走进商店向售货员要他们想要的东西。quickly 迅速地;immediately 立即; soon 不久。答案 :D4 A.oftenB constantlyC normallyD finally解析 :如果

24、商店有现货就可以进行交易,交易过程常常(often) 在不到5 分钟之内就可完成,几乎没有闲聊且皆大欢喜(to everyones satisfaction) 。constantly 不停地; normally 正常地,一般地; finally 最后。5,名校名师推荐 ,答案 :A5 A.confidenceB amusementCsatisfactionD surprise解析 :解析见上题。 confidence 信心; amusement 娱乐; satisfaction 满意; surprise 惊奇。答案 :C6 A.timeB eventCsituationD case解析 :如果

25、那样的话(in that case),售货员就会竭尽全力卖给顾客其他东西 售货员会把离这位男顾客想要的东西最近的那件提供(offer) 给他。答案 :D7 A.givesB offersCpresentsD delivers解析 :解析见上题。 give 给予; present 赠送,呈现; deliver 送 (货 )。答案 :B8 A.skillfullyB attentivelyCactivelyD carefully解析 :好的售货员会巧妙地 (skillfully) 拿出这样的替代品。 attentively认真地; actively积极地; carefully 仔细地。答案 :A9

26、 A.occursB happensCcomesD takes解析 :先生,我知道这件夹克不是你想要的款式,但是你能试一试这件看看尺码合适吗?那碰巧 (happen)是你提到的那种颜色。答案 :B10.A.patienceB interestCexpectationD experience解析 :根据上文男士购物特点的介绍可知:很少的男士会对这种服务有耐心(patience)。interest 兴趣; expectation 期待; experience 经验。答案 :A11 A.losingB spendingCgivingD wasting解析 :这件的颜色和大小可能都合适, 但我不应该通

27、过试穿它来浪费(waste)你我的时间。lose 丢失; spend 花费; give 给予。答案 :D6,名校名师推荐 ,12 A.sameB cleverCoppositeD similar解析 :对于女士来说,她们总是以迥然不同的(opposite)方式购买衣服。same 相同的;clever 聪明的; similar 相似的。答案 :C13 A.reliedB basedCdoneD related解析 :女士购物经常不是基于需要。be based on 基于 ,; be relied on 被依赖。没有be done on 和 be related on 结构。答案 :B14 A.o

28、penB readyCcloseD happy解析 :根据后半句中的 “.willing to try on any number of things. ”可知,女士总是乐于接受(be open to) 劝导。没有 be ready to sth.和 be happy to sth.句式,故排除 B、D 两项; be closeto sth.接近某物,不合句意,故被排除。答案 :A15 A.nobodyB somebodyCeverybodyD anybody解析 :在女性购物者内心深处是想找到每个人(everybody) 都认为适合她的东西。anybody常用于否定句和疑问句,故被排除。no

29、body 和 somebody 不合本句句意,可直接排除。答案 :C16 A.dealB surpriseCluckD bargain解析 :根据上文 (大多数女性都有超高的价值意识)可推知,女性购物者总是对意外的便宜货(bargain) 很留意。 deal 交易; surprise 惊奇; luck 运气。答案 :D17.A.afterB asCbeforeD by解析 :面对满屋子的衣服, 女性购物者可能会很容易花一个小时从一个服装架走到另一个服装架才 (before)会选中自己想要试穿 (try on) 的衣服。答案 :C18 A.try onB try outCtry upD try for解析 :参见上题解析。7,名校名师推荐 ,答案 :A19 A.tiringB enjoyableCboringD graceful解析 :这个过程很烦人,但对女性购物者来说显然是一种令她们很愉悦的(enjoyable) 过程。答案 :B20 A.customersB assistantsCwivesD husbands解析 :男士不愿意购物,因此大多数服装店总是给等待女士购物的丈夫们提供椅子。答案 :D8


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