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1、名校名 推荐Unit 4Earthquakes .单项填空 (建议用时8 )1 _our earth, or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on.A ProtecteB To protectCProtectingD Protect2 What happened? Oh, a bee appeared on Kate sdress, and her sudden_ of cry scared us.A breakB burstC attitudeD express3 What happened to the priceless work

2、s of art? _.A They were destroyed in the earthquakeBThe earthquake was destroying themCThey destroyed in the earthquakeD The earthquake were to destroy them4 _ deep down in the earth , the dead forests rotted away and became coal.A BuryingB BuriedCTo buryD Having buried5 Our government are taking fi

3、rm measures to make pollution_.A to the endB put to an endCin the endD without end6 There are _ books in our school library ; however, _ of them are old.A a large number of; four- fifthBa good number of ; fourths fiveCthe large number of ; four fifthsD a large number of; four fifths7 It is_ for us t

4、o deal with.A an enough difficult situation1名校名 推荐Bsuch a difficult situationCtoo difficult a situationD so difficult a situation8 I know Jack spends at least as much time reading as he_.A does writingB is writingCwritesD does to write9 This area experienced _ heaviest rainfall in _ month of May.A /

5、;aB a; theCthe;theD the; a10 Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? Thank you._.A It couldn tbebetterB Of course you canCIf you likeD It supto you11 The place _ interested me most was the ChildrensPalace.A whichB whereC whatD in which12 The girl cried because she _ the elevator.A has trapp

6、ed inB had trapped byCwas trapped withD was trapped in13 The boys, _ could not reach the shelf , went to look for something to stand on.A the tall of whomB the tallest of whomCthe tallest oneD the tallest of them14 I passed the driving test! _!A CongratulationBCongratulations for youCCongratulations

7、D Congratulation on you15_ the rockets coming into being ,the Space Age began,_ China is sure2名校名 推荐to play an important role.(2010济南统考 )A As; whenB With ; at whichCWith ; in whichD As; while .完形填空 (建议用时16 )One of my fathersfavorite sayings as I was growing up was“ Try it !” I couldn tsay Ididn tlik

8、e _16_ ,whatever it might be , _17_ I tried it.Over the yearsI vecome to _18_how much of my success I owe to my _19_ of those words as one of my values.My _20_ jobwas just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _21_ what I wanted to do as acareer(职业 )_22_ I believed I would work for a fe

9、w years, get married, stay home and raisea family , so I didn tthink the job I took _23_ that much.Icouldn thave been more _24_.Imastered the skillsofthat beginning level position and I was given the opportunity( 机会 )to_25_ through the company into different _26_.I accepted each new opportunity with

10、 the_27_,“ Well , I tryll it ; if I don tlike it I can always go back to my _28_ position.” But Iwas with the same company for the past 28 years, and I ve_29_ every career change I vemade.I discovered I _30_ a large number of different talents(才能 ) and skills that I neverwouldhave thoughtwere within

11、me had itnotbeen formybeing _31_ tryingnewopportunities.Ialso discovered that if I _32_ whatI m doing and work hard at achieving my_33_,I will succeed.ThatwhysI mso _34_ to be a part of CareerFables .com.I think _35_has come and I am determined to make it a success.16 A.everythingB somethingCeverybo

12、dyD somebody17 A.until afterB ever sinceCso thatD long before18 A.considerB argueCincludeD realize3名校名 推荐19 A.suggestionB explanationCacceptanceD discussion20 A.hardB bestCextraD first21.A.determinedB examinedCexperiencedD introduced22 A.ActuallyB GraduallyCFinallyD Usually23 A.helpedB requiredCexpr

13、essedD mattered24 A.carefulB mistakenCinterestedD prepared25 A.look upB take upupC moveD put up26 A.situationsB choicesC directionsD positions27 A.thoughtB replyC actionD advice28 A.easierB newerC earlierD higher29 A.permittedB countedC organizedD enjoyed30 A.showB possessC needD gather31 A.lucky fo

14、rB slow atCopen toD afraid of32 A.think ofB give awayC believe inD turn into33 A.businessB goalC fortuneD growth34 A.excitedB curiousC surprisedD helpful35 A.dreamB timeC powerD honor .阅读理解 (建议用时8 )Recently ,scientists attending a meeting in Chicago presented new studies showing how foodand its prod

15、uction affect global warming.They offered some suggestions for how to eat in a moreenvironmentally friendly way.For many years, scientists have warned us that our planet is getting warmer.If current trendscontinue , animals may start to die offand lifecould get very difficultforeveryone.The4名校名 推荐te

16、mperature is rising because humans have been releasing massive amounts of greenhouse gasesinto the atmosphere,which surround the planet and keep heat from escaping.One of these gases iscarbon dioxide.Most carbon dioxide we produce comes from the process of making and eating food , thescientists repo

17、rted in Chicago.The production of meat contributes to a lot of carbon dioxide.Andmuch of meat scontributioncomes from beef, which is responsible for releasing even moregreenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The process of making a hamburger ,for example ,requires a lot of energy.A cow has to be fedand

18、 raised, and cowswastes are a major source of greenhouse gases.After the cow is killed ,themeat has to be processed and shipped to a consumer,which takes fuel.And most of the cowwonteven be used for meat people eat.By the time a hamburger finallylands on a dinner plate, it has taken a heavy toll on

19、theenvironment.It is believed that the process of making a half-pound all- beef burger adds about 19times the weight of hamburgers in carbon dioxide.The message is clear: We can greatly reduce the production of greenhouse gases by eatingless beef.Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less har

20、m to the environment at least interms of the amount of greenhouse gases released.Nathan Pelletier , a scientist at DalhousieUniversity in Canada ,reported that if everyone in industrial countries ate chicken instead of beef,we would cut the Earth sgreenhouse gases by more than half.All kinds of meat

21、 , the scientists reported, are harder on the planet than vegetables.To growand eat a pound of potatoes,for example ,sends less than one quarter pound of carbon dioxide intothe air.So shifting our diet to less meat and more vegetables may do the world some good.36 The text mainly tells us _.A what w

22、e eat can affect the whole planetBthe way we live affects the environmentChow we can save energy on the EarthD how we can produce environment- friendly food37 What is likely to happen if the climate is getting warmer according to the passage?5名校名 推荐A Sea level will continue to rise sharply.BHuman be

23、ings wonthave enough food.CIt would be very hard for man to survive.D All the animals and plants will disappear.38 Why does the author mention the process of making a hamburger?A To show meat is usually part of a hamburger.BTo illustrate that our food contributes to greenhouse gases.CTo prove making

24、 a hamburger is a complex process.D To suggest a lot of energy is needed to make hamburgers.39 The author believes one effective way to fight global warming is _.A we should eat no pork and no chickenBwe should eat more chicken than beefCwe should eat not meat but vegetablesD we should eat less meat

25、 and more vegetables40 Which of the following statements would Nathan Pelletier agree to?A Eating pork and chicken is more environmentally friendly.BMeat consumption is the main cause of greenhouse gases.CPeople in industrial countries consume more beef than fish.D Eating more beef is a more efficie

26、nt way to save more energy.答案 . 填空1 D2.B burst(感情的 )爆 。 3 A 答句句意 : 品在地震中被 了。因此需用被 构。4 B 去分 短 作状 。5 B 去分 短 作 。6 Da large/good number of 可修 可数名 ,而“ 五分之四 ” four fifths 。 7 Ctoo.to.太 而不能 。 8 A 考 as.as的用法。从句中does 代替 spends,介 in 省略了。 6名校名 推荐9 C10 AIt could nt be better意为:太好了!表示很高兴接受别人的帮忙。11 Awhich 用作关系代词,

27、在定语从句中作主语。12.D13 B由句子结构可知,两个逗号之间为一个非限制性定语从句,故排除C、 D,三者及三者以上当中最高的一个要用最高级,故选B 项。 14 C15.C经典例题 _ with farmers in the country in your summer vacation,and you willlearn a lot about farming.A WorkBWorkingC To workD Having worked错因分析有些考生会认为前面是非谓语动词短语作状语,于是误选B、C 或 D ;其实,前后两句之间有and 连接,说明前面应该是一个独立的句子,故答案为A ,构

28、成祈使句。得分笔记 “祈使句 and/or (else)陈述句”是一个常考句型。and/or (else)前面的祈使句表示一个条件,相当于if 引导的条件状语从句,而and/or (else)后面的句子表示一种结果。在这个句型中,and/or (else)前面的祈使句如果带有比较级修饰的名词,可将谓语动词省略,构成“比较级名词and陈述句”结构。 .完形填空16 B此处 something“某事 ”,指不确定的事情,符合题意。17 A本句是 “not.until. ”句型。 18 D结合本句中的 “Over the years”和 “come to”可知此处是指 “我 ”逐渐意识到的过程。 1

29、9 C此处强调的是 “我 ”对父亲的那些话的接受,故选C 项。 20 D根据本句中的 “until ”可知 “我 ”在选定职业之前只是想先找一份工作暂时工作两三年,由此可判断此处是指 “我”的 “第一 ”份工作。 21 A“我”决定先暂时尝试一份工作,工作两三年后再“决定 ”自己的职业。 22A结合上一句中的 “a couple of years”和本句中的 “a few years”可知,应选 A 项。 23 D此处 matter 表示 “要紧,有重大影响”。 24 B本句中否定词与比较级连用表示最高级含义。25C “我 ”掌握了岗位要求的技能后又得到了“升迁 ”的机会,此处 move up

30、表示 “提升 ”。26 D因为 “我 ”敢于尝试新的挑战,所以在公司中被提升到不同的“职位 ”。7名校名 推荐27A根据本句后半句引号中的内容可知这是“我”当时内心的 “想法 ”。文章中没有提到“我 ”需要回答别人的询问, 所以 B 项不正确;此处显然也不是给别人的建议, 因此 D 项错误。28C“我 ”当时抓住机会去尝试, 心想如果不喜欢所从事的工作,总可以回到 “先前的 ”岗位上去。 29D在不同的岗位学到很多不同的技巧。由此可知 “我”非常 “喜欢 ”每一次职业改变。 30 B此处是指 “我 ”在不同的工作岗位上得到了锻炼。31 C此处 open to 表示 “思想开明的 ”。上文提到父

31、亲的话对 “我 ”产生了重要影响,所以此处强调的不是幸运,因此A 项不恰当。 32 C此处是指 “我 ”“相信 ”自己所从事的工作。 33 B “我 ”认为如果相信自己所从事的工作并持之以恒地为实现目标而奋斗,就可以成功。 achieve ones goal 表示 “实现目标 ”。 34A由上文可知 “我”此时已经是一名成功人士, 此处表示 “我 ”为目前的成就感到无比“兴奋 ”。 35 B“我 ”认为 “时机 ”已经来临并决定在工作中取得成功。 .阅读理解36A主旨大意题。 文章的第一段通常表明文章的话题。结合本文第一段和全文的内容可判断出文章的话题是食物对全球气候的影响。37C细节理解题。

32、根据文章第二段的内容可知,如果全球变暖的趋势持续下去,动物可能开始灭绝, 人类的生存更加困难。C 项的陈述与第二段中的“life could get very difficultfor everyone ”意义相符。 38B推理判断题。第三段的第一句告诉我们:科学家们认为,人类在食物生产的过程中制造了大量的二氧化碳,而二氧化碳正是造成温室效应的气体之一。在第四段中作者用制作汉堡的例子来证明自己的观点。39D细节理解题。 根据最后一段的内容可知,科学家发现所有的肉类对地球的危害都比蔬菜大,饲养动物比种植蔬菜消耗的能量多得多。因此,如果我们能少吃肉多吃蔬菜,就会对地球有益。D 项的陈述符合最后一段

33、的意思。40A推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中Nathan Pelletier所说的话可知,鸡肉比牛肉释放的温室气体要少一些。得分策略8名校名 推荐如何解答阅读理解中的细节理解题?高考考查文章中的事实与细节一般有:时间、地点、人物、事情、经过( 排序 ) 、结果、识图、 数据推算、 信息比较及例证辨别等。这类题的题干和正确答案在含义上等同于原文中某部分内容,但通常表达方式不同。事实细节题源自阅读材料,做题时要忠实于阅读材料,应紧扣阅读材料解答,不能脱离原文, 不能想当然地依赖自己的文化背景知识,而应该在文章中找出相应的内容,并根据相应内容做出选择。做细节理解题型的方法一般是先用寻读法找出与问题相关的词语或句子,再对相关的部分进行细读,确定正确答案。9


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