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1、,名校名师推荐 ,单元检测 必修 1Unit 2 English around the world( 限时: 35 分钟 ).单项填空1 There is_ is called Mr Smith in our workshop.A no such man as Bno such a man asC no such man D no such a man that2 The police are trying to find out the_ of the woman murdered in thebathroom.A evidence B characteristicC statusDiden

2、tity3 Applicantsforthejobmust be between 25 and 35 yearsoldand a good_of English is required.A command B experienceC demand D comment4Aftera second thought,Bill_ a betterideaof how tosolvetheproblem.A put up withB kept up withC came up with D mixed up with5 _ as a serious problem at present, it has

3、drawn a lot of peoplesattention.A Recognize B RecognizedC Being recognized D Having recognized6 We should considerthestudents request_theschool libraryprovidemore books on popular science.A that B whenC which D where7 I have no doubt in my mind_ they will be glad to see me.A if B whether Cthat D whi

4、ch8 The money collectedshouldbe made good use_the peoplewho sufferedgreat losses in the earthquake.A of to help B to helpC of helpingD to helping9 Without facts, we cant form a correct opinion, for we need to have actualknowledge _ our thinking.A which to be based on B on which to baseC which to bas

5、e on D which to base10 Einstein was_ a great scientist.He did a lot for human rights andprogress.A no more than B not more thanC more than D as much as11 Of the two apples, which one do you prefer? _bigger one.Its_ most delicious one, I think.A The; a BA; /C The; the D A; the1,名校名师推荐 ,12 Thissweater

6、fitsme,but Icantaffordtobuy_ I have tochoose_ which is cheap enough for me.A it; thatB that; itC it; oneD that; the one13 All thissuggestedthatAmericawas more likelytoendure a _, evengentle, slowing of economic growth than a sharp contraction.A simpleBvaluableC gradual D terminal14Mo Yanswinningof 2

7、012 Nobel Prize forLiteratureshows the worlds_of Chinas contemporary literature.A recognition B intentionC connectionD application15 I wonder if I could make a living by writing. _?A Who cares B How dare youC For what D Why not take a chance . 阅读理解AHello.Its one of the first words we learn as babies

8、, yet its one of the lastones we thinktouse as adults.Thatsunfortunate,because sayinghelloismore thanjustsayinghello itisrecognitionofanothersworth.Howmighttheworldchange how mightwe change ifwe masteredthisword? To findout,Ispentone monthsaying hello to every person I met.Heres what Ive learned.It

9、can boost (促进 ) productivity.In one of the few studies ever done on thissubject, Allan, an assistant professor of special education at Oklahoma StateUniversity, had middle school teachers greet their students individually eachmorning.Thisexchangeofgreetingsraisedthekidsproductivity.The_school_went_f

10、rom_impersonal_to_personal,_and_that_resulted_in_more_class_participation_and_better_grades.Environmentsinfluencefriendliness.Onestudy foundthatpeopleinthecity werelesslikely toshakehands witha strangerthanthosein thecountryside.Andresearchers say, pleasant environments generally encourage more smil

11、es and hellosthanunpleasantones.My experiencewas similar.Whateverthereason,my urbanhelloswere answered far lessoftenthan my ruralones.Similarly,peopleinvacationspots,likethe Jersey Shore,were farfriendlierthan thosehurryingtowork downtown.Itsa formofuniversalhealthinsurance.Itsimpossibletosayhellowi

12、thoutsmiling.Andsmilinghas been shown to lowerblood pressure,relievestressand boosthappiness.Apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者 ) So maybe we can make theworlda betterplaceby sayinghellotoeach other.Aftera month of doing it, I feel lighter and more connected and I hav

13、e a better senseof well being.16 What can be inferred in Paragraph 1?A The first word we learn as babies is hello.B Saying hello is recognition of anothers worth.2,名校名师推荐 ,C Adults are not willing to say hello.D The writer spent a month saying hello to every person.17 The underlined sentence in Para

14、graph 2 probably means _A students can get higher scores in tests because they greet their teachersevery dayB the exchange of greetings made more students participate in the classC there is more class participation and better grades in private schoolsD teachersand studentsgotfriendlierso thatthestud

15、entsbecame more activein learning and scored higher in tests18 Accordingtothepassage,smilingcan have thefollowingeffectson healthEXCEPT _A lowering blood pressureB reducing stressC increasing happinessD improving intelligence19 Whats the writers purpose of writing the passage?A To advise us to say h

16、ello more often.B To tell us saying hello can boost productivity.C To prove that environments influence friendliness.D To tell us saying hello is a form of universal health insurance.BIts still there, theVietnamese schoolwhere my brother andI used to go.Evenwith a new coat of paint and the high wire

17、 fence, the school I knew ten years agoremains the same.Every day at 5 pm, instead of flying kites with our friends, my brother and Ihad to go totheVietnamese school.Noamount of kicking,screaming,or arguingcouldstopmy mother,who was determinedtohave us learnthelanguageofourculture.Sheheldusby the co

18、llarand walkedwithus the sevenlong,hillyblocksfromourhometo school, leaving our tearful faces before the front of the school.We all sat in little chairs in a big empty room, which had a slight smell ofoldclothesthathad been storedfora longtime.Ihatedthatsmell.Therewas a stagefar to the right, with a

19、n American flag on one side and the flag of the Republicof Vietnam on the other side.Althoughtheschoolmainly taughtlanguage speaking,reading,dictationthelessonsalways began withan exerciseinpoliteness.Withtheentranceoftheteacher,thebeststudentwouldtap a belland everyone would get up,and sayinVietnam

20、ese,“How are you, teacher?”The language always made me embarrassed.More often than not, I had tried toseparatemyselffromtheloudvoicethatfollowedme whenever Iwent totheAmericansupermarketoutsideourarea.Thevoicebelongedtomy grandmother,a smalloldwomanwho could shoutlouderthan anyone on the street.HerV

21、ietnamesewas quickand loud,but not beautiful.In our area, the comings and goings of hundreds of Vietnamese on their dailytasks sounded crazy.I did not want to be thought of as being mad, as talking3,名校名师推荐 ,stupid.When I spoke English, people nodded at me, smiled and encouraged me.EvenVietnamese peo

22、ple would laugh and say that Id do well in life.My brother was even stricter than I about speaking English.He was especiallycrueltowards my mother, scolding herfor herpoor English.BitsofVietnamesewereoften mixed in her conversation.After two years of struggle, I finally divorced my culture.I was per

23、mitted tostopthe Vietnameseschool.I thoughtof myselfas American.Atlast,I thoughtI wasone of you; I wasnt one of them.Sadly, I am only an American.20 What can be learned from the passage?A The authors brother liked learning Vietnamese.B The authors mother taught him English at home.C The author didnt

24、 like learning Vietnamese when he was young.D The authors mother put her sons in a language school in Vietnam.21 The author often felt embarrassed because_A his Vietnamese was not beautiful enoughB he could not fly kites like other kids at schoolC his grandma spoke Vietnamese loudly in publicD his m

25、other always treated him rudely in the market22 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author feels_A frightened B peacefulC satisfied D regretful23 Whats the theme of the passage?A It is important to adapt to a new environment.B It is important to appreciate your own culture.C It is important to remember your childhood.D It is important to learn a foreign language.4,名校名师推荐 ,课时作业 ( 二 ) .1.A2.D3.A4.C5.B6.A7.C8.A9.B10.C11.A12.C13.C14.A15.D . A16 C17.D18.D19.AB20 C21.C22.D23.B5


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