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1、英语五年级(下)期末试卷(范晶)听力部分( 50 分)一、听录音,选出每组中你所听到的内容。(每题 1 分,共 10 分)() 1. A. classB. climbC. clean() 2. A. winterB. windowC. windy() 3. A. JuneB. Jan.C. July() 4. A. 4thB. 8 thC. 5th() 5. A. At 12:40.B. At 11:50C. At 7:15() 6.A. May 7thB. Mar. 7thC. Aug. 6th() 7.A. eat dinnerB. eat lunchC. eat breakfast()

2、8.A. do morning exercises B. do the dishes C. do my homework() 9.stthA. National Day is Oct. 1 .B. Christmas Day is Dec. 25 .C. TeachersDay is Sept. 10th.() 10. A. I like spring best. B. I like summer best. C. I love sports二、听录音,判断对错,对的打,错的打。(10 分)三、听问题,选答句。 (10 分)() 1.A. I like

3、spring.B. I like English.C. I like tomatoes.() 2.A. It s hot.B. It s winter.C. Its cold.() 3.A. Because I can plant trees. C. Because its sunny and hot.B. Because I can make a snowman.() 4.stststA. It s Aug. 1 .B. It s July 1 .C. Its June 1 .() 5. A. Usually I play sports at 5:00pm.B. I often play f

4、ootball at 4:30pm.C. I have P.E. class at 3:15pm.四、听对话,排顺序。 (10 分)()Then we swim()I usually get up early on my birthday()After school, I go home and play computer games.()I eat breakfast and go to school.()We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice cream五、听一段短文,判断句子的对错,对的打,错的打。(10 分)() 1.

5、Liu Ying s birthday is in February.() 2. Liu Ming s birthday is in March.() 3. They have a birthday party every year.() 4. They are twins().双胞胎() 5. Liu Ying likes summer. But Liu Ming likes fall.笔试部分(50 分)一 从 a,e,i,o,u 五个元音字母中选出合适的字母补全下面的单词。(10 分)M _ yJ_ n_d_ t_r_ d m_ mst_ dycl_ ssr_ nningwr_ t_ g

6、r_ ndp _二选择填空。 (20 分)()1.What s the date ? Its.A .February 9thB August 9C. June() 2. My birthday is _May.A onB atCin() 3. Let s draw _.A treeB horseC pictures1() 4. Kate _ playing chess.A amB isC are() 5. Are you washing clothes? _ .A Yes, you are. B. Yes, I am . C. No, I am() 6. _ are you? I min th

7、e class. .A WhatB WhereC Who() 7. _ do you do on the weekend?A WhatB WhenC Who() 8. _ season do you like best?A WhichB WhereC What() 9. Is he _ TV ? Yes he is.A watchB watchingC not() 10. _ they taking pictures? Yes, they are.A AmB BeC Are三连词成句。 (10 分)(1) do, when, you, do, exercises, morning_?(2) d

8、o, why, winter, you, like_?(3) Dad, an, writing , is, e-mail_.(4) you, can, see, the, monkey_?(5) are, pictures , they, taking,_.四 .读短文,选择正确答案。 (10 分)Today is the first day of a week. I get up at 6:15 a.m. My mom usually cooks breakfast for me. I eat breakfast at 6:40 a.m. Then I do morning exercise

9、s. And go to school at 7:20 a.m. We have classes from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Then we can play sports, play chess and clean the classroom. We often go home at 5:30p.m. At that time, my father is reading a newspaper, my mom is cooking dinner. They are all waiting for me. It is a normal (普通的 )day in my

10、life.()1. What day is it today? Its _.A. MondayB. TuesdayC. Friday()2. Who cooks breakfast for you in the morning? _.A. MyselfB. Dad.C. Mom()3. What do you usually do at 2:00p.m.? I usually _.A. have classesB. play sportsC. have lunch()4. Which one dontyou do after class? I dont_.A. clean the classroomB. go home.C. fly kites()5. What is your father doing at 5:30 p.m.? He is _.A. cooking dinnerB. reading a newspaperC. eating dinner2


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