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1、名校名 推荐Unit 1Cultural relics . 填空1 What do you think of the furniture on sale?Pretty good.But_what you bought with the samples , I dont think it is_themoney.A comparing ; worthB compared; worthwhileC compare; worthyD comparing ; value解析句意: 你 正在出售的 件家具怎么 ? 很好。但把你 的那件和 些 品相比 ,我 件不 那么多 。 空 所在句子,既无并列 又无从

2、属 ,由此可知第一空考 分 作状 ,排除C ;主句主 与 compare 之 上的主 关系,排除B ; It is worth 后可跟 the money/the price/ 数,故 A 。答案A2 Fortunately , the little girl_the earthquake , but unluckily , the other family memberswere killed.A was survivedB has been survivedCwas survivingD survived解析考 的 和 。 是一个由but 接的并列句, 根据 一致原 可知,此 用一般 去

3、,sb.survive(s) sth. 表示 “某人从 中逃生 ”,故用主 。句意 :幸运的是,小女孩在地震中幸存了下来,但是不幸的是,其余的家人都遇 了。答案D3_, the basketball team which has so many fans at home and abroad lost again!A FortunatelyB UsuallyC SurprisinglyD Hopefully解析句意:那支在国内外 有众多球迷的 球 又 了比 。此句表达了一个令人吃惊的消息,因而C 正确。 fortunately 幸运的是; usually 通常; hopefully 有希望地。

4、答案C4If you want to advance yourself in your studies ,you will first have to_yourself of thoseshortcomings that can become barriers to progress.A removeB reactCridD reduce解析句意 :如果你想在学 上有 步,你自己首先得克服阻碍你 步的那些弱点。remove 移开,取出;react 反 ; reduce 减少,降低;rid 去除, 脱;rid sb.of 使某人1名校名 推荐 脱,故 C 正确。答案C5 Its importan

5、t to_that this situation is only temporary.Yeah.And I believe we will go through the difficulty soon.A admitB realizeC agreeD debate解析admit 承 ; realize 意 到; agree 同意; debate 。根据前半句句意“ 种局 只是 的, 到 点很重要”可知,答案 B。答案B6It takes_money to help those who have suffered in flood in Tailand;it also takes love.A

6、more thanB other thanC rather thanD less than解析考 短 的辨析。more than 多于;超 ;不 ;other than 除 之外; ratherthan 而不; less than 少于。答案A7Theres no doubt_the famous professor will come to give us a lecture.A ifB thatCwhatD whether解析考 句型的搭配。There is no doubt that. 毫无疑 。句意:毫无疑 那位著名的教授要来 我 做演 。答案B8 US scientists say

7、they have developed the technology to_painfulmemories withouthurting a person s brain and hope it can help those sufferers.A leaveB removeCignoreD separate解析句意 :美国科学家声称他 已 开 出一种技 来消除痛苦的 而不 害大 ,并希望它能帮助患者。根据句意可知B 正确。答案B9 Jenny took the 8 : 00 bus to Guangzhou this morning.Really ? She_the 9: 00 train.

8、Its much more comfortable and safer to travel by train.A could have takenB should takeC must have takenD can take解析考 情 用法。上句表示珍妮已乘坐8 点的汽 去广州了。答句意思:她本可以坐 9 点的火 去,坐火 舒服得多,安全得多。答案A2名校名 推荐10 Did Peter fix the computer himself?He_ , because he doesnt know much about computers.A has it fixedB had fixed it

9、C had it fixedD fixed it解析考 句型的用法。句意: 彼得是自己修的 ? 他 人修的,因 他 了解的并不多。答案C11 Luckily , _to be no one under the tree when it broke down.A it happenedB there happenedC there usedD it had解析考 句型的使用。There happen to be.碰巧有 。句意:幸运的是, 断的 候碰巧 下没有人。答案B12 Patience, without_you can t do the work,wellisa kind of quali

10、ty.A thatB itCwhichD what解析句意 : 耐心是一种品 。没有了耐心,你不能做好工作。此 考 了定 从句中 “介 which ”的情况, which 指代的是先行 patience。答案C13 What were you doing this time yesterday?Well , we were_our house in order to hold a birthday party for my brother.A equippingB decoratingC enrichingD filling解析考 辨析。 decorate 装 。句意: 我 正在装修房子,目的

11、是 了 我哥哥 生日晚会。答案B14 MrParker was_as a captain because of his excellent skills and richworkingexperience.A commandedB namedC selectedD swapped解析考 辨析。 句意: Mr Parker 因他出色的技巧和丰富的工作 被 上(select)了 。答案C15 _to the football match with me tonight?3名校名 推荐Sorry.I have to write a report.A Why dont goB Why not to g

12、oC Why not goD Why not going解析考 交 用 。why not do sth 意 “ 什么不做 ? ”,not 后接不 to 的 不定式。答案C .完形填空Susan was a shy but clever girl.She couldnt see too well and had worn glasses for manyyears.Some of her classmates began to_1 _at her big glasses.Lewis started calling her“ FourEyes ” She acted like she didnt

13、mind , but in fact Susan couldnt_2_it.One day, the class went to visit some famous caves ,when Lewis put his foot in a holeand slipped.While_3_ ,he grabbed onto Susan,who was walking next to him ,and both fell down the hole and landed in a very big_4_cave.All that could be seen was a single ray of l

14、ight coming from the cave roof , and some_5_which had fallen through the hole.Susan and Lewis shouted for help , but no one came.He used the_6_light to look for a way out.But after hours of_7_ , he found nothing , and started feeling_8_.It must have been_9_ , when Susan noticed that the ray of light

15、 was descending fromthe hole in a straight line ,and_10_on the floor in front of her._11_, she took a pieceof_12_that had fallen into the cave, and, using her_13_as amagnifyingglass,she_14_the ray of light onto the wood until a little_15_sprangup.Now they had atorch.Lewis watched all this with surpr

16、ise and_16_.He grabbed some more branches, andoff they went together , to_17_the cave.It took them some time , and they had to_18_quite a few torches, but finallytheyfound a way out.He now_19_having given her that name, _20_seeing that it was herglasses that had saved them both.【 篇解 】本文是一篇 叙文。 明而 腆的

17、Susan 因 戴眼 而受到同学的嘲笑。但在一次班 出游中,嘲笑她的同学Lewis 和 Susan 一同掉 了一个漆黑的洞穴中,是 Susan用自己的眼 聚集太阳光点燃了洞里的枯 枝两人才得以走出洞穴。1A.shoutB laughCpointD glance解析从后一句 “Lewis started calling her Four Eyes ”可知,同学 开始嘲笑Susan戴眼 。 laugh at“嘲笑。 ”答案B2A.standB understandCresistD stop解析根据前句和 折 可知,Susan 表面不在乎 人的嘲笑,但事 上 以忍受。4名校名 推荐stand“容忍,

18、忍受 ”,符合语境。答案A3A.passingB walkingCcryingD falling解析Lewis 在滑倒的时候抓住了走在他旁边的Susan。由语境可知 D 项正确。答案D4A.narrowB emptyC darkD cold解析从下句只能看到从洞顶射进来的一束光和后文两人用火把照明可知,山洞里非常黑。答案C5A.branchesB stonesC leavesD fruits解析从后文 Susan 用树枝做火把可知,有些树枝掉到了洞中。答案A6A.naturalB strongC artificialD weak解析从前文可知,只有一缕阳光照进洞中,由此可知光线很微弱。答案D7

19、A.waitingB searchingC planningD talking解析Lewis 试图借着光亮寻找出去的路, 但是经过几个小时的寻找,并没有找到出口。答案B8A.annoyedB starvedC frightenedD puzzled解析经过几个小时的寻找仍未找到出口,他开始感到害怕。答案C9A.noonB supper timeC early morningD late afternoon解析阳光直射在洞中,由此判断此时已经是中午了。答案A10 A.shiningB reflectingCspreadingD landing解析从时间到了中午这一细节可知,阳光从洞口射入, 落在

20、地面上。 land“落下,掉下 ”,符合语境。答案D11 A.SlowlyB QuicklyCQuietlyD Finally解析Susan很快拿起了一块掉在山洞里的木头。故 B 项正确, 其他三项均不符合语境。答案B12 A.rockB grassCwoodD paper解析后文有提示, Susan 用树枝做成了火把,因此此处指“木头 ”。5名校名 推荐答案C13 A.keysB shoesC glassesD knives解析从本文最后一句可知,正是Susan的眼镜救了两人的命,因此此处指她将眼镜用作放大镜来点燃木头。答案C14 A.collectedB focusedC placedD

21、poured解析由语境可知,此处指她用眼镜把阳光聚集在木头上。focus“集中 (光束于 )”,符合语境。答案B15 A.airB smokeC lightD flame解析在阳光的照射下,木头点燃了,出现了小火苗。答案D16 A.excitementB shockC wonderD pride解析看到眼前发生的一切,Lewis 感到既吃惊又兴奋,因为两人可以借助火把找到洞穴的出口了。答案A17 A.explodeB enlargeC exploreD dig解析他又捡了一些树枝,他们一起去探索洞穴。答案C18 A.breakB burnC holdD make解析两人花费了很长时间,烧掉了好

22、几根火把,但是最终他们找到了出口。答案B19 A.preferredB rememberedC enjoyedD regretted解析Susan的眼镜救了两人的命, 因此 Lewis 后悔当初给 Susan起那个外号。 regret doingsth“后悔做了某事 ”。答案D20 A.especiallyB actuallyC carefullyD thoroughly解析尤其是当他看到正是她的眼镜救了两人的命。especially“尤其 ”,符合语境。答案A .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余6名校名 推荐选项。How to Eat Slowly

23、 to Avoid OvereatingEating slowlycan help you to better understand your real hunger signals and recognizereasons for faster eating , such as emotions or simplyliking the taste of food.However, eatingslowly is not a decision that you make suddenly._1_1 Adjust you mind.Do not even attempt to acquire t

24、he habit of eating slowly before youmentally ready.Relax and use your imagination to create mental images that your brain willremember.As part of this mental process , imagine yourself lean and fit.2 _2_Eating sl owly isn t just about slowing down the chewing; it s also about slowingdown your food c

25、hoices.As you pick out the processed food ,replace it with healthy ,unprocessed or less processed choices.3Always relax before you start eating.Take a few deep breaths through the nose ,not throughthe mouth.As you do so , hold your breath briefly and exhale ( 呼出 ) slowly by the mouth._3_Inthis way ,

26、 you remove any risk of comfortable eating.4 Drink a glass of water or a small bowl of soup before the main dishes.This will give you asense of fullness.Be aware that not everyone advocates drinkin g during a meal , as some people believe that this can remove the nutrients from your meal._4_5Spend a

27、t least 20 minutes on your meal._5_Eat your last portion slowly ,if you are still hungry after 20 minutes , because it means you are eating too fast!A Put the forks down after putting food in your mouth.BGet rid of the stress before you start eating.CIt s a habit that you need to acquire with practi

28、ce.D However , specialists believe water actually aids in digestion.ERemove as much processed food from your plate or food storage as possible.F Have a clock in plain sight from the table to adjust your eating speed.G It is wise to talk to your doctor about this , if it s still a problem for you.答案1C2.E3.B4.D5.F7


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