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1、Unit2 My week Part A Teaching Objectives1. Be able to catch the main idea of the dialogues .2. Be able to read the dialogues according to the meaning group,and read the dialogues in right pronunciation intonation.3. Be able to use the pattern “ What do you have on Thursdays? I have . ”to ask and ans

2、wer course arrangement.4. Learn to treasure time and arrange life properly. Teaching Key and Difficult PointsKey: new words and new patternDifficult: How to read Wednesdays and Thursdays? Be able to use the pattern in daily life. Teaching MethodsTask-based teaching approach,communication teaching ap

3、proach. Teaching AidsPPT, flashcards,a picture book. Teaching StepsStep1. Warm up1. Greetings2. Watch a video : If you are happy通过与学生打招呼以及看视频,学英文儿歌的方式活跃课堂气氛。并为之后的学习做好铺垫。Step2. Lead in1. Free talkTeacher asks students if they are happy today,and shows unhappy to students and says“Im not happy, becaus

4、e I have four lessons today,today is Wednesday,so I can say I have four lessons on Wednesdays. What about you? What do you have on Wednesdays?”Teacher guides students to answer like this “I have.”2. Learn new words and pattern.Teacher shows their schedule and teaches the word Wednesday and Thursday

5、,and the pattern“What do you have on Thursdays? I have. ”3. Lets try.Listen and fill in blank从歌曲导入,由教师自己的课程安排过渡到学生的课程安排,学习新的单词和句型。Step3. Presentation and practice1. Look and thinkWhat are they talking about?2. Listen and answerWhat does John have on Thursdays?A. B.What does grandpa have on Thursdays

6、?A. A music class. B. A cooking class.3. Listen and chooseWhos Mr Young?4. Watch the video.5. Listen and repeat.6. Reading practice:(1).dub for the dialogue (2).read together(3).read in group (4).read in pair 7. Finish the exercise on the book.What do we have on . ? We have .学习对话之前,引导学生看图说话,通过听,跟读,角

7、色扮演等多种方式熟悉对话。Step4.Production1.Design and talkDesign your favorite schedule and talk with your partners like this:I have.on Tuesdays.I have.on Thursdays.2.Make a survey.You can ask your classmates about their arrangements(安排)and fill in the form.You can use the pattern:What do you have on Tuesdays?W

8、hat do you have on Thursdays?Step5.ConsolidationMemory test.After this lesson, do you remember: What does John have on Thursdays?What does grandpa do on Thursdays?What do you have on Thursdays?Step6.ExtensionArrange your life and treasure time.Except(除了) learning knowledge, you should also take prop

9、er exercise,such as playing basketball, playing ping-pong,you can nurture some good habits, like listening to great music,watching operas, climbing mountains and reading great books.Homework:* Listen and repeat.* Copy and translate.* Read a picture book:The Very Hungry Caterpillar,and try to conclude what the caterpillar eat everyday,and fill in blanksWhat does it have(吃) on Mondays?It has_on Mondays.PPTBoard Design:Unit2 My weekWhat do you have on Thursdays? I have .


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