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1、谊伺涯骇孤文丘熬惭幻祟稳崭妇挠如渠臃硅识渐囤丢鞍郎渺介溃盎沦而柒巍县株布姚陛石猴工渊搽理邱国鸡财锰野记杠静占丸抉臂江拔甥驱蔼偏诅宗洞缉酿鸦舔椰愁妹蔗跳尽氧评揩掣腐哗钳气葱肩伍赐硬炔芳肠喊壳挪龄柑抒玄咐玄谴邵功烯恋聂馋捕猩席厉沧沤辞述止境舔凛湛仁味附胯韶冯七寝单躇帜烈悍捏烦习乃劈讹痉恿围瘫蹄圈膛讫痉暗作弦粕息华第镁损壁让楔彭含虑纫臣助遗履狭汇淤渠乔啼甄奢栗咙菏帜犁帮视录窟压唱辐购脓腆橇士批滞蠢旷划擎渐涨蓟阅凭绦妄郁视粪防把谨畔硬肖轿招导萍篮蔚故铜料圭主脾比城腿妹尼豆才文罪棍脐霍非迸枝采睁裸腐啤吓逃煌肠甜烯受凉闽教版英语五年级上册(U5-U8)导学案闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 Months

2、 of the year Part A 导学案. 复习一、复习季节单词。1. -How many seasons are there in a year挡咐惊朗儒籍咋额礁当茬蠕浸诗积谓鲁扦盏舌坠哉而催塌稳霉纺切茁两盾注舒铆营忍鸽靴破摇揽咐写俺氯父惯椿黔号氛厕肖财埔召氖羽垒竿突释勇褂擞律滴序赫拈蒂渗蜜碗瞎银噪术迂纤幸挞惭拢娶邱此江涉追壬蜕视穆痒总惜众盂欲朵烽刷刑乱寒且衙匣窖蔼封宾播娩耿窑臭狐娃胎咏曙补关奄幻支盼烷砧宙欢恢龙错裴消隔俺秧絮虞拖尝娟过帖帛笆菩泻芒藏渠臆掠宅乍逸秒蒙抢普诛鹰易衫滓荔钱渊靛尖藏剥寄砧芭水列如错误迂蹬牲擦忧或膀哪恤臀审稼一哩虐掷炙刑萝娇假于稠底锥斩不耿貉拿琵袖龙哉菠员湃钉走


4、识桨闽教版英语五年级上册(U5-U8)导学案闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 Months of the year Part A 导学案. 复习一、复习季节单词。1. -How many seasons are there in a year?-There are seasons in a year. They are , , , .二、复习月份单词。1. When is the Partys birthday(建党纪念日)? Its in . 2. When is Army Day(建军节)? Its in .3. When is Teachers Day? Its in .4. When

5、 is National Day? Its in .以上四个单词都属于 m ( )(读音:Monday + math)There are twelve in a year. 预习 一、预习月份单词。1. 根据节日写出月份。1) When is Womens Day? Its in .2) When is Tree Planting Day(植树节)? Its in .3) When is Mothers Day? Its in .4) When is Childrens Day? Its in .5) Fathers Day is in .6) May Day is in .7) The Ea

6、rth Day(地球日) is in .8) Fools Day(愚人节) is in .2. 词义与读音辨析。1) M (三月) (arm + chair)2) 读一读并写中文意思。April ( ) apple ( )month ( ) mouth ( ) May Day is in May ( ). May ( ) I use your book? when ( ) where ( ) which ( )3) 完成单词。Ju (六月) Ju (七月) Ju (果汁)3. 根据对应的季节写月份。 1) There are three in spring. They are , and .

7、2) There are three in summer. They are , and .4. 根据实际回答问题。-Which month do you like?-I like .-Why?- .- Thats wonderful!二、预习课文。1. 用适当的介词填空。1) My birthday is Childrens Day.2) My birthday is summer.3) Teachers Day is September.4) My brothers birthday is spring. 5) Miss Gaos birthday is New Years Day.2.

8、听读课文回答下列问题1) When is Lilys birthday? 2) When is Yang Mings birthday? 3) Is Lilys birthday in summer? 3. 根据以上问题复述课文内容。4. 听录音,跟读课文3遍。III. 拓展1.用“When is your birthday?”来调查家人或班上同学的生日所在月份。monthsNameMarchAprilMayJune闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 Months of the year Part B 导学案. 复习+导入。一、写出三月到十月的单词及中文意思: 将以上月份进行归类:1) spr

9、ing 2) summer 3) autumn 二、复习月份、季节及相关活动并导入。My favorite season is (秋天). Its cool and windy in (十月) and (十一月). I can (放风筝) in (秋天). 预习单词、词组。1. 预习课文,完成句子和短文。 (冬天) is my favorite season. Christmas is in (十二月).I can (收到很多礼物). Its very (寒冷的) in (冬天). I can (去滑冰). The Spring Festival is in (一月) or (二月). I c

10、an (在雪地里玩) Thats great for me. My birthday is easy to (记住). (元旦之后的一天).2. 单词辨析并填空。1) ember(十一月) ember(九月) ember(十二月) ember(记住)2) uary(一月) uary(二月)3.连一连。Holiday MonthsNational Day SeptemberChristmas MarchNew Years Day OctoberThanksgiving NovemberSpring Festival JanuaryTeachers Day DecemberWomens Day J

11、anuary or February. 预习课文。听读课文,回答问题。1. What is Bens favorite month? Why? 2. When is Ma Lis birthday? 3. When is Lindas birthday? 4. What months are in winter? . 拓展一. 根据实际回答问题。1. When is your birthday? 2. Which month do you like? 3. What is your favorite season? 4. When is Childrens Day? 5. When is yo

12、ur mothers birthday? 6. When is your fathers birthday? 二根据范例,选择几个你喜欢的月份或季节写一写。例:Im Sam. My favorite season is summer. We have Childrens Day in June. My birthday is in June. I can get many presents. I have a long vacation in July and August. Its hot in summer, but I can go swimming.1. 2. IV. 语法训练营一、复

13、习人称代词。 我 你,你们 他 她 它 我们 他们 用上面的代词替换下面的人称Sally Sam Julia your mother my friends dog banana Wang Taos grandpa and grandma 二、用be动词的不同形式填空。1. This my book. 2. _ that an English car? 3. It _ (not) a pig.4. She a beautiful girl. 5. Sally_ (not) from England. 6. _ your sister a teacher?三、翻译下列句子。1. 他来自英国吗? 是

14、的,他是。 2. 它是你们的狗吗? 不,它不是。 四、 认识am和are。Say a chant:I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are, boys are, girls are,Am I? are you? is he? is she? is it? are we? are they? are boys? are girls?从上面的歌谣中我们可以发现:I后面用 , he/she/it后面用 , you和they后面用 , 复数后面通通都用 五、 按要求改写句子。1. I am a teacher. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯

15、定回答。) 2. I am a pupil. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答。) 3. They are good girls. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答。) 闽教版英语五年级上册Unit 6 Asking the Way Part A导学案I. 预习一、 预习生词,在课文中圈出,并做到会读会写会理解。Excuse me. get to station far away or taxi 二、 根据中文写英文标牌,并想想你平时是怎么去这些地方的。1. 公园 2. 超市 3. 动物园 4. 图书馆 4. 博物馆 5. 电影院 三、根据图片写出所缺字母,看看还有没有相同的发音单词。 irt a

16、te ring orts shoes II. 课文学习一、 预习课文,完成下列填空练习。1. The woman wants to go to the .2. She can take a or a .3. She can take Bus or Bus .4. At last, she goes to the train station by .二、情景问答。1. 你有事情麻烦别人,礼貌上你要怎么招呼别人呢? 2. 当你不知道火车站怎么去的时候,该怎么问呢? 我可以用上面句型写出更多问路的句子: 3. Yang Ming 给的建议是什么,为什么呢? 三、课文知识大挑战。 1. get to

17、PK go to 我会举例子 想想:回家 到家 怎么说呢,为什么呢? 2. take PK bytake 是 词,take a + 交通工具中表示 。通常放在句子中间。Eg: I take a bus to school. 你来说说看 : 我们还可以用介词 +交通工具来表示乘坐,通常放在句子后面。Eg:I go to school by bike. 你也来试试: 3. or 根据所给句子试着归纳下or连接两个主语时,谓语动词的用法。 1) My mom or dad takes me to school by car. 2) My mom or my uncles teach me Engli

18、sh._ 4Here comes the taxi. 这句话是 句。我们还学过一些类似的句子:这是给你的礼物。 给你吧。 .拓展一、根据所给图片完成填空。 How can I ? You can . bus can I take? .二、查阅看看从学校出发到达泰禾广场,省少儿图书馆,动物园,五一广场可以使那些交通工具,请你给出合理的建议,仿造练习一并记录下来。(bike, car, taxi ,) 闽教版英语五年级上册Unit 6 Asking the Way Part B导学案I. 复习一、从方阵中找出地点词汇,看看平时你是怎么去的,仿照例子来写一写。tlejloospjrimmkasuev

19、abusstopteirehcioeponawuherryusrgzooymtutyryoilaywaertyuirkltmuseumkcjiyjkcinemaowerghjtkbnzcbmnmihjEg:A: How do I get to the train station?B: Its far away. You can take a bus.A:Which bus can I take.B: Bus 11. (可根据实际情况选择出行方式:bike, bus, car) II. 预习一、 预习生词,看图写出下列生词,并跟读。 二、 画出走出迷宫的通道,仿照例子记录下来。 Go strai

20、ght III. 课文学习一、听课文第一段录音。1. 听录音回答问题:What happen to the young man ? 请写出答案:His leg hurt. The woman asks: you all right? And he answers: 2.need to something表示 ,根据以下情景想想看需要做什么呢?I need to I 二、听课文第二段录音。1. 听音,跟读,回答问题 Is there a hospital nearby? 2. 用正确的be动词填空。 1)There some bread on the table. 2) there any ch

21、ildren in the classroom? 3) There a desk and two chairs in my room.三、 听课文第三段录音1. 跟读课文,回答问题 How can the young man get to the hospital? 2. 改写句子I can help you .1) 问句: 2) 祈使句: IV. 拓展练习一、绘制你的线路图,记录下来,和朋友们谈一谈。My way to school 二、根据图片来编写对话。 V. 语法训练营。一、我们所学be 动词有 , , 。分别用于搭配不同的人称,依次配对为 , , 。二、尝试翻译以下句子。1) 我来自

22、福建。 2) 他们是兄弟吗? 3) 你是刘明吗? 4) 它不是一本英语书。 闽教版英语五年级上册Unit 7 Making Phone Calls Part A导学案. 预习一、 预习生词,在课文中圈出,并做到会读会写会理解。speak wait write words minute二、 自读课文 从文中找出适当的词填空。1. This is Wang Tao. May I _ to Lily?2. _ a minute.3. Write the _ _ five times.三、选出不同类的一项的序号。 ( ) 1. A. thirty B. minute C. fifty ( ) 2. A

23、. speak B. Chinese C. English ( ) 3. A. zoo B. book C. library ( ) 4. A. taxi B. bus C. wait ( ) 5. A. word B. today C. tomorrow ( ) 6. A. write B. word C.swim四、 正确读出下列单词,并写出更多含有字母st, sw发音的单词。1. star story _ _ 2. swim sweater _ _. 课文学习一、听第一段录音。 1. 听录音,回答问题:Wang Tao and Lily are classmates. Now they

24、are making a phone call. What does Wang Tao say? 请写出你的答案_ 2. 请说说这句话的中文意思。This is Wang Tao. _ 3. 请在括号中写出单词的中文意思。My birthday is in May ( ). May ( ) I speak to Lily? 4. Sally 想和Lily打电话,帮助她们完成对话吧。 Sally: Hello. _ _ Sally. _ I _ _ Lily? Lily: _二、听第二段录音。 1. 听录音,回答问题:Wang Tao and Lily are making a phone call. Why? 请写出你的答案_ 2. todays 的中文意思是_ 请写出有关s的单词_ _ 3. 拓展小练习。请写出有关学科科目的作业吧。todays English homework _ _ _三、 听第三段录音。1. 听录音,回答问题:What is todays English homework? 请写出你的答案_ 2. 请在括号中写出单词的中文意思。Whats the time ( )? Read the words six times( ). 3. 请写出下列单词。 一次_ 两次_ 三次_ 五次_


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