PEP 2Unit 4 Where is my car.doc

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《PEP 2Unit 4 Where is my car.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP 2Unit 4 Where is my car.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、PEP 2 Unit 4 Where is my car? Lesson 3 Lets spell一、 教学目标1、 能够认读并且在四线三格中准确书写dog,box,orange和body这四个例词,并且能够初步辨认词形、掌握单词书写的要求。2、 能够了解字母o在闭音节单词中的发音。3、 协助学生形成良好的语音和发音习惯。二、 教学重难点重点:1、能够认读并且在四线三格中准确书写dog,box,orange和body这四个例词,并且能够初步辨认词形、掌握单词书写的要求。2、能够了解字母o在闭音节单词中的发音。难点:协助学生自然拼读出含有该字母的相对应的单词。三、 教学准备准备课件、单词卡片、一

2、张大公鸡图片和二十张左右的小公鸡图片。四、 教学设计Step1 warm up1、 DialogueGood morning. Nice to meet you. Whats your name? Which animal do you like ?cat,dog,or cock?(奖励相对应的动物)Where is my book?2、Lets chantWhere ,where,where is my pencil?Maybe,maybe,maybe its in your desk.Where ,where,where is my ruler?Maybe,maybe,maybe its

3、on your chair.(用一个小猫、小狗、小公鸡做奖励)Step 2 Presentation1、 引出o在闭音节中的发音/ stand up.Cat,cat,“喵,喵,喵”.Dog,dog,stand up.Dog,dog“汪,汪,汪”.Cock,cock,stand up.Cock,cock“/、/、/”.(把大公鸡的图片贴在黑板上。)O、o、o, “/、/、/”.(在大公鸡嘴巴的位置写上o“/”)2、Lets spellCock has four good friends,they have same things.Lets have a look and find

4、out the same.(1) PPT呈现dog,box,orange,body的图片和单词。T: Whats this? S: Its a/an.T: How to spell it ? S: .d-o-g.D,d,d,/ d/,/d/,/d/.o,o,o,/ /,/,/.g,g,g,/ g/,/g/,/g/.(同时呈现以上单词)Which letter is the same? Letter“O”.(2) Lets read the words together.What sound is the same? The / sound.(3) 播放Listen,repeat课件录音Now,

5、read after tape.(4) Lets chantOo,Oo, /,a dog.A dog in the box.Oo,Oo, /,a doll.A doll on the box.Oo,Oo, /,an orange.An orange under the box.(5) 拆音Look at my mouth:/ d/-/-/g/,dog.Follow me,please.Think:How many sounds do you hear in “dog”?Three.What are they? / d/-/-/g/用同样的方法对box,orange和body进行拆音。Step

6、3 Practice1、 拆音游戏(抱人团)Choose twelve student come here ,then listen carefully.If you hear three sounds ,you can choose two friend to do it.(示范) (cat, hand,ten)2、 Lets chant (PPT播放)3、 Read ,listen and number.4、 活学活用What do the letters sound?Read out the word.5、 Listen and write(PPT动画演示)播放录音,请学生先看,边看边书空。然后请一位同学到黑板上练习,评价。最后描红单词。Step 4 Homework(1)Listen to and repeat “Lets spell”.(2)请学生查阅含有字母Oo,并发音为/的单词,也可以查阅含有Aa, Ee, Ii的单词,分类并记录下来。


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