PEP Unit 4 A Let‘s learn.doc

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1、PEP Unit 4 A Lets learn Lets chant教学设计教学内容:本课时的内容是PEP小学英语第四册的第四单元A部分Lets learn和Lets chant部分。本单元的教学内容围绕“农场”这个话题,通过询问他人相关农场上农作物和动物的描述,引出一些与此相关的蔬菜和动物的词汇和句型。本课时是这个单元的第二课时,主要是词汇教学,要求学生能听懂认读Lets learn的4个新单词及其复数形式,能用所给句型在实际情景中描述某物。设计理念:使用情景法、演示法、听说法、讲解法、小组合作等教学手段,以语言功能为主线,由单词(词组)到句型,由句型到语篇,由易而难,循序渐进,突出语言的交

2、际性,引导学生积极使用英语实行交流,让学生在听、说、读、写的各项活动中习得语言,提升学生的综合语言使用水平。教学目标:1 能够听、说、认读tomato, potato, carrot, green bean及其复数形式。2 能够熟练使用Look at the _. Theyre _.描述蔬菜特征。 3 能理解并吟唱歌谣。教学重点:1 能够听、说、认读tomato, potato, carrot, green bean及其复数形式。2 能够熟练使用Look at the _. Theyre _.描述蔬菜特征。 教学难点:1单词tomato和potato的复数形式。2 歌谣中句型Carrots I

3、 will try.和I love to _. But onions make me cry!的认读和理解。课前准备:教师:多媒体课件,单词卡片, 蔬菜图片教学步骤:I 热身/复习(Warm-up/Review)1Greeting2Watch and see Watch the video about the fruits ,T ask: What do you see? Ss: I see (to review the words about fruits)3. Lets say T: Look at the banana. It is_.再出示很多香蕉的图片,让学生区分单复数分别的描述方式

4、。Look at the banana. They are_.(教师引导学生说出相对应描述的形容词,再请学生自己选择相对应的水果来描述。在学生描述过程中出现的形容词,教师把它们都贴到单词银行)II 表现/操练(Presentation/Practice)1. T 引导学生读所有水果,然后说they are in the fruit garden .(出示蔬菜的图片)they are in the vegetable garden. potatoes(出示土豆和西红柿的图片)listen and choose Look at the They are(土豆的图片一一出示,让学生描述)2.toma

5、toes通过tomato 和potato 语音的相似度引出tomato Look at the tomatoes They are T: I like tomatoes very much. We also can say: I love to eat tomatoes.(出示土豆和西红柿图片,让学生说自己喜欢吃的蔬菜) beansT: Look at the tomatoes. They are red. They are brown. They are green (T 指着图片 引导学生说颜色,由此引出green,到green bean。 I love to eat gre

6、en beans. They are green and long.再出示土豆,西红柿的图片,请学生选择图片描述。4. carrotsRead and guess(学生读老师给的信息,猜出单词) You know I love to eat tomatoes.(出示三个笑脸,出示一个笑脸并出示carrots,I like carrots a little ,so carrots I will try.出示以上蔬菜的图片,请学生说句型I love to eat_ I will try.5.I love to eat tomatoes. I love to eat potatoes . Carro

7、ts I will try. I dont like_(引出句型make me cry,请学生猜是什么蔬菜由此引出onions)6.Lets chantIII 拓展/巩固(Extension/ Consolidation) This is my vegetable garden. Look at the _.They are_. I love to eat_. _I will try.(教师示范,然后请学生4人一组描述本组的蔬菜)IV 作业布置( Assignment)1. Listen to the chant and words in this unit and try to repeat them.2. Tell your friends about the vegetables you know.3Try to describe your vegetable garden in your group and tell your friends your favourite vegetable板书: Vegetable GardenLook at the _.They are_.I love to eat_._I will try.


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