《lesson1 It‘s red》教学设计.docx

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1、Unit 6 Lesson 1 Its red一、教学目标1、知识目标:学会用英语回答颜色;1)四会掌握单词:red、yellow、blue 、green2)句型:what colour is it?Its2、水平目标:能说色彩名称,并能用What color is it?Its 句型与他人实行对话。3、情感态度:进一步提升学生对英语的学习热情,使学生树立学习英语的自信心,培养学生观察和合作交流水平,培养他们对美的准确理解。二、教学四点重、难点:学习回答颜色及熟悉色彩名称。易错点:What colour is the pen的描述方式。拓展点:色彩名称及颜色与姓氏的联系。三、教学步骤Warm

2、upT: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Fine, thanks. Now lets play a game.Game:看谁反应快教师出示图片,学生实行抢答whats this?Its a ruler (book, pencil, eraser, pencil-case). (师出示课件,复习单词,引出新知。)PresentationStep1 Leading-in(导入)T: Look here. Whats this?Ss:Its a schoolbag.

3、().T: Its a _ schoolbag.(请学生填空)引导学生回答Its a red schoolbag.Its red (板书课题)指向身边的物品,问what colour is it?(板书,领读)指向故事中主要人物的图片,有利于协助学生了解故事情节。Step 2 presentation出示Danny 和Jenny 的图片,向学生说明他们在讨论问题1、 Listen to tape,then answer (听音回答问题)“What are they talking about?”(他们在讨论什么?2、Open the books ,listen and then answer

4、the question: what colour is the pen?订正答案的同时引出生词:red ,green,yellow ,blue3、游戏巩固生词:What is missing?【设计意图】:通过多种途径,对颜色单词进一步巩固。Step 3 practice(练习处理)1、listen and imitate、2、read the text、3、 Act out the text、学生看书听录音,并跟读。学生分角色朗读,个别朗读并进行评比。韵律诗:Lets chant !Colour,colour ,what colour is it?Red, red , its red !B

5、lue, blue, its blue !Colour,colour,what colour is the pen ?Yellow, yellow ,its yellow!Green, green, its green!Step4 Application(巩固拓展)Task 1: pair work point and say(学生拿出事先准备好的彩色铅笔,同桌两个用所学句型,进行会话表演。)A: What color is it?B:Its .学生练习,择优展示Task 2: Work in groups.四人一组,运用所学句型及身边的实物进行对话练习A:What colour is the B: Its,what colour is theC: Its What colour is theD: Its What colour is theA: ItsStep5 Summary (课堂小结)带领学生领读本课时重点,齐读巩固。温馨寄语:世界是多彩的,让我们通过自己的努力让我们的世界更精彩。Step6 Homework 1、听录音,跟读课文两遍。2、向同学介绍一下自己的物品的颜色。3.熟读字母Aa-Qq.板书设计: Unit6 Lesson1 Its redWhat colour is it?red.It s geeen.yellow.blue.


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