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1、Unit 8 International Childrens DayPeriod 1教学目标1、听懂、会说、认读、会写新词汇party和短语a class party, have a party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum。2、 能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。3、 能用“What will you do?”“What are you going to do?”询问他人的计划和安排。4、 能听懂、会说A部分对话。教学重难点重点:听懂、会

2、说、认读、会写新词汇party和短语a class party, have a party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum. 能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。难点:能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。教学准备Word cards,挂历教学过程设计和安排教学再设计Step 1 Warning up 1、Greetings. 2、Quick response(生快速读出地点词汇)Ste

3、p 2 Presentation 1、创设情境(把标好6月1日的挂历出示)T:Look at the calendar, what is the date? Ss:Its in the first of June. T: Yes. Its the International Childrens Day!(板书并带读International Childrens Day) T:The International Childrens Day is coming. What will you do on the day? S1: I will sing and dance. undefinedS2:

4、 I will go to the park. 2、 New phrases(出示单词卡片) (1) a class party, have a party T: Look, we will have a class party International Childrens Day. 板书并带读:have a class party (2) 借助单词卡片学习B部分词汇 T:We will have no lessons. What will you do? 板书:have no lessons S1:I will go to the theatre. S2:I will go to the

5、museum. 教师把词组卡片张贴在黑板上 (3) have a rest T: you can do many things on the day. But I am going to have a rest at home.(板书并带读have a rest) (4) 词汇操练 Lets PK:小组比赛,一开火车形式,一人说一个句子I will, 在规定时间内说句子多的那一组获胜。 2、 The dialogue (1) Lets Practise(小组合作完成) Q1: What day will it be tomorrow?Q2: What will Anne do on Inter

6、national Childrens Day? Q3: What will Lingling do? Q4: What will Mingming do? Step 3 Practice 1、句子大PK每组派一名代表回答另一组的提问,然后再反问对方同样的问题 ,如此循环,在一分钟之内回答问题多的那一组获胜。Q: What will you do on International Childrens Day? A: I /We will2、 我们就爱演每组选择文中任意一幅画胡几幅画自由表演。 Step 4 Homework 1、 同桌之间相互练习句型。2、 向家人说出自己六一想做的事情,用上句型“I will”。


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