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1、五上Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears辅导练习(1) 班级_姓名_一、判断下列读音,相同的用“T”表示,不相同的用“F”表示。1.cake coat ( ) e nice ( ) 4. doctor cat ( ) 5. car cap ( )二、翻译下列词组 1.在森林里 2.一个房子 3.在桌子上 4.太冷 5.正好,正合适 6.三只熊 7.在她前面 8.又饿又渴 三选择 ( )1.Goldilocks is _ the forest. A. in B. on C.beside D.in front of ( )2. _ a beautiful ho

2、use! A.How B.What C.So D.Who ( )3.There _ some soup on the table. A.is B.are C.am D.be ( )4 There_ three beds in the room. A.is B.are C./ D.am ( )5 -Im hungry, Tina. -You can_ some cakes. A.like B.likes C.eats D.have ( )6. _ are the cakes, Tina? - Theyre in the fridge. A.Where B.Who C.What D.Who ( )

3、7 .你要说“蛋糕在这儿”,你会说: A.Here are the cakes. B.Theyre cakes. C.I like cakes.( )8.你想表达某样东西在两个物品之间,你会用() A.in B.between C. beside D.in front of ( )10. _ some milk in the glass. A. There is B. There are C. It is 四、根据句意,选择正确的单词填空。1. There arent _ footballs in the box. (some, any)2. How many _ are there near

4、 the building? (bus, buses) 3. There _ some coffee in the cup. (is, are) 4. It is the _ day of this week. (one, first) 5. Lets go and _ the classroom. (clean, cleaning)6. Im happy _ shopping. (going, to go)7. There _ a pen and two pencils in the pencil case. (is, are) 8. There are some apples _ the

5、tree. (in, on) 9. Would you like _ bananas? (some, any) 10. Are there any _ in your school? (computers rooms, computer rooms) 等第_ 日期_五上Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears辅导练习(2) 班级_姓名_一、辨音, 用T/ F表示( ) back many ( ) piano sing ( ) forest Chinese ( )bear ear ( ) difficult hill ( ) snowmen women ( )

6、her teacher ( ) between tree ( )orange long二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. ._(this) shoes _(is) too old. 2. How many _ (watch) are there in your desk?3. There (be) some bread on the plate just now.4. I dont have any stickers. Sue _ (not have) any stickers _ (too).5. There (be not) any rice in the bowl.7. (do) LiuT

7、ao have a football?6._no milk in the bottle now.8. The pig _(have) a big nose.9. Whats in the tree? _some birds in it .三、选择题( ) 1._ subjects do you have this term? - Eleven.A. What B. How much C. How many D. Which( )2、Your jeans _ too long. Try _ on.A、are, this B.is, these C. are, that D.are, them(

8、) 3.、In autumn, we _A. make snowmen B.eat ice-creams C.have picnics D.go skating( )4、_ it. _ a big nose?A. Do , have B Does, has C. Do has D. Does, have( )5、Hello, is _ Helen? - Yes, _ is Helen _.A.that, this, speaking B.this, it, speaking C.that, that, speak D.this, this, speak( 6、Look at the dog.

9、- Can you draw_? A, them B. they C, it ( )7、Whats in _ big box? _ a ball. A. that its B. those Theres C. these Its ( )8、Our classroom is _ the _ floor.A. at one B. in one C. on first D. at first( )9、There _ some juiceA. are B. is C. have D. has( )10、Are there _ oranges _ the treeA. an on B. an in C. any in D. any on( )11、My cat _ two big eyesA. have B. has C. is D. dont have( )12、I like_ . She _ running, too.A.swimming like B.swimming likes C. running like D. running likes等第_ 日期_


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