单词与练习 四上单词U1练习.doc

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1、四上单词U1练习一、 默写下列单词。蛋糕 名字 脸 做 爸爸 包 二、抄写下列单词,并在括号里写出中文,注意要写书写体。1.door( ) 2.window ( ) 3.light( ) 4.blackboard( ) 5.picture( ) 6.fan( ) puter( ) 8.wall( )三、发音归类。cap cake name dad face hate hat lake sad date man rata-e ei :_ a : _ 四、 看图补全单词。 2. 3. 4. c_ke f a c_ n_ m _ m_ k _五. Read and classify .(读一读,找出

2、不同类的单词。)( )1. A. blueB. wallC. red( )2. A. deskB. window C. apple( )3. A. monkey B. handC. elephant( )4. A. light B. floorC. eggU2练习一、 默写下列单词。喜欢 风筝 9 5 米饭 猪二、抄写下列单词,并在括号里写出中文,注意要写书写体。1.candy( ) 2.key ( ) 3.toy( ) 4.storybook( )5. Chinese book( ) 6. English book( ) 7.notebook( ) 三、读一读,找出不同类的单词。( ) 1.

3、 A fiftyB thirtyC blueD six( ) 2. A. pencilB. key C. eraserD. ruler( ) 3.A.notebookB. English bookC. Chinese bookD.maths book( ) 4.A.yellowB. schoolbagC. redD. blue( ) 5.A.nearB. underC. inD. put四、 Read and write.( 根据图片补全单词。)五、找出划线部分相同发音的单词:(你能写出音标吗?)( ) 1、like A. kite B. milk( ) 2、nine A.rice B. si

4、x( ) 3、pig A.fine B. fish( ) 4、make A.name B. cat( ) 5、bag A. fat B. FaceU3 练习一、 默写下列单词。鼻子 笔记 可乐 琼斯 盒子 狗二、抄写下列单词,并在括号里写出中文,注意要写书写体。1.strong( ) 2.friendly ( ) 3.his( ) 4.shoe( ) 5. glasses( ) 6. hair( ) 7.quite( ) 8.her( ) 9. his ( ) 三、找出相同的单词。( ) 1. A. strong B. friendly C desk( ) 2. A. glasses B. n

5、ose C. hand( ) 3. A. his B. her C. she ( ) 4. A. fan B. shoe C. light( ) 5. A. notebook B. math book C. hat四、找出发音不同的词。( )1.A.box B. coke C. mom ( )2.A.nose B. note C. lot( )3.A.coke B. home C. hot ( )4.A.lost B. hope C. Mr Jones( )5.A.or B. orange C. dog五、读一读,找出划线部分相反的单词。 A .old B. short C. thin D.

6、tall E. small ( ) 1 .Zhang Peng is strong . Mike is _. ( ) 2. Sarah has long hair. John has _ hair. ( ) 3 .Miss White is _. Chen Jie is short. ( ) 4. Amy has big eyes and a _ nose. ( ) 5. Sarah is my new friend. Amy is my _ friend.六、Read and write .( 看图片并写出单词. 5分)1. I have a new 2. This is my 3. Thi

7、s is my 4. Mike is a 5. My is so heavy. U4练习一、根据中文,填入所缺单词。 1. Welcome to my _(家). Its nice.2. I like my _(书房). Its big.3. Where are my keys? Theyre on the _(桌子).4. Is this your_(床)? Yes, it is.5. Open the _(门), please.二、划线部分发音相同打,不同打。 1. cup use ( )2. duck run ( ) 3. student excuse ( )4. UK USA ( )三

8、、读一读,找出不同类的单词。( )1. A. phone B. table C. study( )2. A. fridge B. friend C. chair( )3. A. bedroom B. kitchen C. bed( )4. A. light B. fan C. cat( )5. A. shoe B. hatC. hair( )6. A. floor B. candy C. door四、看图,选择单词填空。 phone fridge study bathrooms living room This is Johns home. I see a living room,a , a

9、kitchen, two bedroomsand two in the house.Look!This is the .The cat is on the sofa. The TV is near the .The is on the table.U5练习一、选出划线部分发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. meB. bed C. we ( ) 2. A.duck B.cute C.cup ( ) 3. A.nose B.Coke C.dog( ) 4. A.rice B.five C.big( ) 5. A.red B.pen C.he Id like some fish,soup and m

10、ilk. Pass me the knife and fork,please. 二、抄写下面两个句子,并根据提示,写出正确的单词。 三、将下列单词补充完整并连线。 b_ _ f f_ _ k kn_ f_ s_ _ p sp_ _n勺 牛肉 汤 刀 餐叉四、选出不同类的词,并将序号填在题前括号内。 ( )1. A. coffee B. juice C. bread D. water ( )2. A. noodles B. milk C. beef D. chicken ( )3. A. bread B. rice C. egg D. orange ( )4. A. juice B. apple

11、 C. banana D. cat ( )5. A. spoon B. beef C. knife D. fork 五、圈出画线部分发音不同的单词。1. pen desk she 2. bike tube let 3. use we rice 4 . me nose cute 5. egg he me 6. nine bed phone六、圈出正确的单词。1. Pass me a (fork / plate / spoon), please. Id like some soup.2.Wow,noodles, I like noodles. Let me use the (knife/chops

12、ticks/spoon ).3. Put the vegetables on the (plate/ picture/phone), please.4. Cut the beef with a (spoon/ knife/ fork).U6练习一、找出划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1. A. fan B. face C.hat ( )2. A. me B. he C. men ( )3. A. rice B.Mike C. six( )4. A.hot B.nose C.dog ( )5. A.use B.us C.mum 二、找出不同类的单词。( )1.A. uncle B.aunt C.

13、father D. man ( )2.A. chicken B.window C. light D. door( )3.A. spoon B. chopsticks C. classroom D. fork ( )4.A. math B. Chinese C. English D.wall( )5.A. doctor B. driver C. nurse D. computer三、找出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( )1.A. faceB. cakeC. nameD. fan( )2.A. likeB. nineC. milkD. rice( )3. A. CokeB. hotC. noseD.

14、 home( )4. A. cupB. duckC. useD. cut( )5. A. heB. bedC. weD. she( )6. A. heB. deskC. redD. pen 四、读一读,找出不同类的单词。( )1.A. uncleB. auntC. grandmaD. man ( )2.A. musicB. candyC. artD. math( )3.A. nearB. underC. fanD. on ( )4.A. chickenB. deskC. chairD. door( )5.A. spoonB. chopsticksC. classroomD. fork ( )6

15、.A. doorB. blackC. deskD. chair( )7.A. twentyB. twelveC. threeD. fridge ( )8.A. TVB. fanC. notebook.D. computer五、读句子,将字母重新组合成正确的单词。1. His _ is Mike. ( a n e m )2. I d like some _ ( c i r e ) and fish for dinner.3. The pig has a big _ ( o n e s ).4. My brother is _ (f v i e ) years old.5. I can _ ( s

16、 u e) a computer.六、Read and tick or cross. 判断划线部分读音是否相同,相同打“”,不同的打“”) (1) OK orange ( ) (2 )ice-cream thin ( )(3) ant fan ( ) (4) elephant egg ( )(5) under computer ( ) (6) cake make ( )(7) knife kitchen ( ) (8) not note ( )(9) uncle umbrella ( ) (10) she quiet ( )四下U1 单词练习I、中英文互译一楼 二楼 图书馆 教师办公室 操场

17、计算机房 homework music room next to forty art room Excuse me II、选出每组中不同类的一项。( )1. A. classroom B. forty C. library( )2. A. this B. that C. playground( )3. A. where B. under C. on( )4. A. first B. three C. second( )5. A. music room B. teachers office C. next toIII、选词填空 water first library office next pl

18、ayground1. -Excuse me. Where is the teachers ? -Its to Calssroom 1.2. Go to the . Read a book. 3.Go to the garden. the flowers.4.The library is on the floor. 5. Go to the , play football.Unit 2 Unit 2 单词练习I 读单词,判断画线部分读音是( )否( )相同。( )1. girl sister ( )2. thirteen nurse( )3. bird hamburger ( )4. tiger

19、 waterII、中英文互译hurry London New York Over oclock ready 英语课 体育课 音乐课 上学 上床睡觉 起床 III、将字母重新排序,组成的单词写下来1. mtie 2. bearkfsta 3. nirend 4. salsc 5. atwh6. lnuch 7. dnnier 8. msiuc 9.soolch 10 . wtera IV. (读一读,选出不同类的单词。5分)( ) 1. A breakfast B.lunch C. English( ) 2. A. Three B. seven C. dinner( ) 3. A. go to

20、school B. dinner C. go home( ) 4. A. get up B.PE class C. music class( ) 5. A. milk B. water C. chickenUnit 3Unit 3 单词练习 选出不同类。( )1. A. rainy B. cloudy C. Library ( )2. A. snowy B. twenty C. ten( )3. A. London B. Moscow C. PE ( )4. A. lunch B. dinner C. cold( )5. A. cool B. warm C. Music ( )6. A. Lh

21、asa B. Harbin C. New YorkIV选择正确的字母。 ar al1. _ _ m 2. c_ _d 3. b_ _l 4. w _ _lUnit 4Unit 4 单词练习I、单词默写: 马 叉子 家庭作业 母鸡 猫 奶牛 土豆II、将下列单词改成复数形式: onion( ) carrot ( ) potato( ) tomato( ) cucumber( ) cow( ) sheep( ) hen( ) fish( )III、选词填空 beans horses are cow is 1).How many do you have ?2)The potatoes big. 3)

22、The milk is from . 4)Try some green 5)What this ?IV、连词成句1、 those what are (?)2、 these are potatoes (?) 3、 many do how have you cows (?)Unit 5Unit 5 单词练习中英互译:1.coat( ) shirt( ) socks( ) jacket( )2.毛衣( ) 短裤( ) 衬衫( ) 连衣裙( ) 帽子( ) 裤子( ) 苹果( ) 桌子( )II.选词填空 1Mum,where are my _? 2.It is cold. I want to wea

23、r my red _. 3.Where is your_jacket? 4.What _are your shorts? 5. _sweter is this?-_Its mine. 6. Where _ my socks?7. What colour _ your dress? 8. They are your_.III、圈出错误单词,并在横线上改错1. Its time to go home . 2.Amy, are these your? 3. My shoes is green. 4. I likes those pant. 5. This is Mike uncle. Unit 6U

24、nit 6 单词练习I写单词1. 电脑 2. 晚餐 3. 女孩 4.墙壁 5.护士II根据首字母填空。1. Its cold. I want to wear my s and g .2. This dress is 30yuan. Its c . That dress is 200yuan, its e .3.These shoes are p . I like it.4. How m is it? Its 20yuan.5. Its sunny. I wea my s .III单项选择( )1. I have umbrella. A. a B. an C. /( )2. The are ni

25、ce.A. golves B. scarf C. coat( )3. The coat pretty. A. is B. are C. /( )4. They are too small. Lets size 7. A. turn B. put C. try( )5. Its sunny and hot. I put on my A. sweater B. scarf C. shorts五上 Unit 1 单词练习I. Read and write.(英汉互译。)1.funny 6.聪明的 2.strict 7.勤奋的 3.young 8.有用的 4.polite 9.腼腆的 5.helpfu

26、l 10.体贴的 II. Read and write.(根据汉语提示写单词。)1. Shes a music teacher. Shes very_( 滑稽的). 2.My father is _(工作努力的).3.Is he old ? No, he is _( 年轻的) 4. My sister is _(有礼貌的).5. Mike is very _.(羞怯的)III.Choose the different one.(选出每组中不同类的单词。)( )1.A.tall B.shortC.kind( )2.A.teacherB.musicC.art( )3.A.shyB.sometime

27、sC.funny( )4.A.MsB.MrC.Miss( )5.A.are B.is C.heIV.Read and choose.(圈出划线部分发音不同的选项。) 1.sunny babyyellow2.family yes party3.young candysorry4. fly sorry myUnit 2五上Unit 2 单词练习I.Look and write.(写出星期单词对应的缩写。)1.Tuesday 6.Wednesday 2.Sunday 7.Saturday 3.Friday 8.Monday 4.Thursday II. Read and choose.(选出每组中不

28、同类的单词。)( )1.A.MondayB.SaturdayC.weekend( )2.A.readB.playC.homework( )3.A.EnglishB.mathsC.day( )4.A.footballB.cleanC.ping-pong( )5.A.oftenB.whatC.sometimes III.Read and write.(写上适当的动词。)1. TV看电视 2. ping-pong打乒乓球3 my clothes洗衣服4. science class上科学课动5 homework做家庭作业6. a book读书 IV.Read and judge.(判断发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。) ( )1.meet read2.tea bread( )3.head beef4.eat feet( )5.breakfast sweet Unit 3五上Unit 3 单词练习I. Read and tick or cross.(划线部分发音相同打,不同打。) ( )1.how window ( )2.wow snow ( )3.flower cow ( )4. yellow slowII. Read and classify .(读一读,找出不同类的单词。)( )1. A. fresh B. deliciousC


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