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1、八年级上学期英语导学案_年_班 姓名_课题 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?课型:新授课 第3课时Section B (1a-2b)总第27课时备课/使用时间:2019.12 使用时间:备课人: 阙英华 刘丽娜 审批人:纪敏【课标要求】能根据话题进行情景对话【学习目标】1.会读P21-22单词2.掌握短语:ask about, a good place to eat, kind of, go to the corner of等短语。3.句子:Can you tell me where theres a good p

2、lace to eat?The clerk suggests they go to the art museum.The clerk tells her to go to the corner of market. What kind of food do you like?【学习方法】自主、合作、探究、讨论。【学习重点】宾语从句【学习过程】任务一短语学习译短语。1. 询问,打听2.一个吃东西的好地方3.种类4.去的角落(路口)5.the younger/ older girl6.of course7.really interesting8.fresh vegetables9.public r

3、estrooms10.at the corner of11.as well as任务二对话学习1.请根据示范编写自己的对话,描述自己熟悉的某个景点。例:A:What do you think of the new shopping center in our city? B:Its convenient. The goods there are beautiful but inexpensive. And its uncrowded on weekdays. A:I agree. What do you like best about the Fine Arts Museum?B:The Fi

4、ne Arts Museum is really interesting,and its beautiful,too 2.角色扮演。两人一组,分角色扮演,把三段对话的内容写出来,练习对话。例:A:Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat? B:Of course. What kind of food do you like? A:Id like some snacks/ fast food/ seafood【知识小结】【当堂检测】选词填空 interesting,corner,safe,convenient,clean 1. Playing on the street is not _. 2. The air today is nice and _.3. I hear that computer games are _, but Im not interested in it. 4. There is a table in the _ of the room. 5. Our house is very _ for the shops. 【学后反思】


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