高二英语同步精品课堂(基础版)(练)专题01 Great scientist(练)(原卷版) Word版缺答案.doc

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《高二英语同步精品课堂(基础版)(练)专题01 Great scientist(练)(原卷版) Word版缺答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语同步精品课堂(基础版)(练)专题01 Great scientist(练)(原卷版) Word版缺答案.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、高二英语同步精品 必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists .单词拼写1 Since youre going out, we will _(照顾)the baby.2 You _(暴露)your mistakes whenever you opened your mouth.3 He accepted his friends _(挑战)to swim the river.4 What do you _(结论)from the facts?5 The river has been _(污染)by the waste from the factory.6 Under the _(指导

2、)of him, the students have made great progress in English.7 Advances in _(科学)help improve our life.8 The girl student has a _(积极的)attitude towards life, so she has a happy life all her life.9 On seeing a snake crawling across the road, the little boy was shocked to walk _(向后)quickly.10 The famous st

3、ar has _(捐助)a lot of money to the school.11 The bridge under _(建设)connects the road with the town. .单项填空1. Please read the _on the bottle of the medicine carefully and pay attention to the amount and the time to take the medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. introductions D. descriptions2. A

4、lot of research and findings have shown that trench oil, taken out from kitchen waste, _the increase of cancers. A. results from B. attends to C. contributes to D. devotes to 3. Its said that the price of the _ to the park has risen to 100 yuan since last month. A. permission B. admission C. introdu

5、ction D. instruction 4. The newcomer was annoyed that the natives couldnt _his meaning because of his strong accent. A. get down to B. make sense of C. look down upon D. go in for 5. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _for the day. A. finishing B. finished C. had finished

6、D. were finished 6. There was a _look on her face, so I repeated the question. A. puzzled B. puzzling C. puzzle D. puzzlement7. Prices of daily goods _through a computer can be lower than those in a store. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying8. How do you deal with the disagreement betwe

7、en the company and the customers? -The key _the problem is to meet the demand _by the customers. A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made9. “Things _never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself. A. lost B. losing C. to lose D. have lost 10. The boy _in t

8、he exam is a student in Class Nine. A. catching cheating B. caught cheated C. catching cheated D. caught cheating11. We think the film _the Middle Ages in Europe is worth seeing a second time. A. set in B. was set it C. is set in D. setting in 12. Nobody wants to make friends with the boy _money. A.

9、 suspected of having stolen B. suspected to steal C. suspected having stolen D. suspecting to have stolen13. The managers demand was that the data_ to in his report _ to Mr Brown without delay. A. referring; be e-mailed B. referring; should be e-mailed C. referred; were e-mailed D. was referred; mus

10、t be e-mailed 14. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating 15. The music of the film _by him sounds so _. A. playing; exciting B. played; excited C. playing; excited D. played; exciting III.用以上短语的适当形式填空 p

11、ut forward draw a conclusion exposeto linkto apart from be strict with make sense cureof be absorbed in contributeto1. Its Steve Jobs that _the idea of developing iPhone and iPad. 2. We _from the facts.3. He _the plan _several newspapers.4. He _ writing a letter and didnt even look up when I came in

12、.5. The old man _half of his savings _the poor children.6. _ the cost, we need to think about how much time the job will take.7. Our English teacher _ us and in his teaching.8. No matter how hard I tried to read it, the sentence didnt _to me.9. The patient _ his disease three years ago.10. The new b

13、ridge will _ the island _the mainland.IV.完成句子1.对于工作,我们再怎么谨慎都不过分。任何小的食物都可能导致严重的事故。We _our work. Any small mistake may lead to a serious accident.(cautious)2.正是这种语言影响了我看待事物,表达观点和了解世界的方式。It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and _. (sense)3.建造这些房屋不仅需要建筑材料,也需要大脑。It

14、 took more than building supplies _. It took brains, too. (construct)4. 凝视着画像,他的妈妈陷入沉思。With _ the portrait, his mother was deep in thought. (fix)5.只有当他看了这幅画,才能决定这画是否值得一买。Only when he sees the painting _whether the painting is worth buying. (decide)V.七选五下面文章中有5处(第61-65题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出

15、符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Make sure the respondent has enough informationB. Remember your surveys purposeC. Keep your questions simpleD. Include only one topic per questionE. If in doubt, throw it outF. Avoid leading questionsWrite more effective survey questionsNaturally, no questi

16、on is “good” in all situations, but there are some general rules to follow. Using these rules and examples will help you write useful questions.1._All other rules and guidelines are based on this one. There was a reason you decided to spend your time and money to do your survey, and you should ensur

17、e that every question you ask supports that reason. If you start to get lost while writing your questions, refer back to this rule.2. _This is another way of stating the first rule, but it is important enough to repeat. A question should never be included in a survey because you cant think of a good

18、 reason to discard it. If you cannot come up with a concrete benefit that will result from the question, dont use it.3._Compound sentences force respondents to keep a lot of information in their heads, and are likely to produce unpredictable results. Example: “Imagine a situation where the productio

19、n supervisor is away from the line, a series of defective parts is being manufactured, and you just heard that a new client requires ten thousand of these parts in order to make their production schedule. How empowered do you feel by your organization to stop the line and make the repairs to the man

20、ufacturing equipment?” This question is too complex for a clear, usable answer. Try breaking it down into components parts.4. _How would you interpret the responses to “Please rate your satisfaction with the amount and kind of care you received while in the hospital.” or, a question asking about spe

21、ed and accuracy? If you want to be able to come up with specific recommended actions, you need specific questions.5. _Asking respondents “How effective has this companys new distribution program been?” may not be as effective as “Recently, we used a new distribution system. Did you know this?” Follo

22、wed by “Have you seen any positive benefits resulting from this change?” It can be beneficial to break down questions that require background information into two parts: a screening item describing the situation which asks if the respondent knows about it, and a follow-up question addressing attitud

23、es the respondent has about the topic.VI短文改错(满分10分)I have a good friend a smart cat. He enjoys playing with me, that brings much happiness to me.One evening, I noticed that my cat stopped playing. I looked up, and here, about three meters ahead of my cat, was a big mouse. It seems to be eating somet

24、hing, their little eyes turning to look around from time to time.I held my breath and felt a bit exciting. I couldnt help wondering whether my cat was able to catch so big mouse. Suddenly, he jumped at the mouse with his mouth widely open. The mouse tried to escape, and it was too late. The poor mouse was killed before it realized that what had happened. Then my cat held the mouse between his tooth and brought it over to me as if to say he had done a good job.


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