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1、中考英语试题专题练习:完形填空1、(2016丽水)It was a very special day because Dylan Terry came to the West End Childrens Home!Dylan Terry is my favorite (66)singer (sing)I like him because he sings (67)wonderfully (wonderful),hes cute and he helps the kids a lotWe (68)stood (stand) near the door,waiting for himEveryon

2、e was very excitedFinally,hearrived arrived (69)and shook hands with usHe was so nice!He sang several songs for usSome of us even started dancing (70)while he was singingWe were having a great time!(71)To our surprise,Dylan joined us for lunchHe brought us (72)a/one big cakeEveryone ate some and (73

3、)it was deliciousWhile we were eating,Dylan told us many interesting(74)stories (story) about himselfI never thought I could talk to my favorite pop starIt was just like a dreamI (75)will remember (remember) this unforgettable experience forever【考点】记叙文【分析】这是一个非常特殊的日子,因为迪伦特里来到西区儿童之家!迪伦是我最喜欢的歌手我喜欢他,因为

4、他唱得很好,他很可爱,他帮助我们的孩子很多我们站在门口,等待他每个人都非常兴奋最后,他来了并和我们握手他真好!他为我们唱了几首歌,我们中的一些人甚至在他唱歌时开始跳舞,我们玩得很开心!令我们惊讶的是,迪伦和我们一起吃午饭他给我们带来了一个大蛋糕,大家都吃了一些,它很美味我们吃的时候,迪伦给我们讲了很多有关他自己的有趣的故事我从来没想过我会和我最喜欢的流行歌星聊天,这就像是一个梦想我将永远记住这难忘的经历【解答】66答案:singer考查名词词组,根据my favourite我最喜爱的可知这里要用名词,结合句意迪伦是我最喜欢的歌手sing的名词singer歌手,故填:singer67答案:won

5、derfully考查副词用法,句子中动词sing唱歌,要用副词来修饰,wonderful的副词形式,在词尾直接加ly,故填:wonderfully68答案:stood考查动词用法,句子中waiting for him作伴随状语,前面Wenear the door句子中要用动词充当句子的谓语结合后面的语境,这里要用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填:stood69答案:and考查并列连词,根据句子He arrivedshook hands with us这里要连接两个动词,表示并列关系,用and和,又,故填:and70答案:while考查连词,根据句子我们中的一些人甚至在他唱歌时开始跳舞可知这里要用

6、连词连接从句,从句中用了he was singing,表示过去正在进行,即过去进行时态,通常用while来连接,当时候,故填:while71答案:To 短语固定搭配,根据句子迪伦和我们一起吃午饭他给我们带来了一个大蛋糕可以推断出一位明星这样做,一定会让大家很惊讶词组to ones surprise令人惊讶的是,故填:To72a/one,考查不定冠词和数词根据句子他带给我们一个大蛋糕cake为可数名词单数,表示数量一,可用不定冠词或数词one,故填:a/one73it考查人称代词,根据前面a big cake以及Everyone ate some可知这里指的是这个蛋糕是美味的指代物(the bi

7、g cake),作主语用人称代词主格,故填:it74答案;stories考查名词复数,句子中many后接可数名词复数,即许多有趣的故事,story的名词复数,以辅音字母+y结尾的名词复数,变y为i,加es,故填:stories75will remember考查时态,根据句子中forever永远及句子意思我将永远记住这难忘的经历这里要用一般将来时,表示意愿,要用助动词will+动词原形,故填:will remember2、(2016宁波)Long long ago,there was a small village in the Middle EastIn the village there w

8、as (61)an old man called SthiraHe lived by himselfHis only son had gone far away to studySthiras friends (62)wondered(wonder)whether his son would return,(63)but Sthira always said,Whatever happens,happens for goodOne day the old mans son returned and the villages were very happy for SthiraHe thaked

9、 the villages and said (64)politely (polite),Whatever happens,happens for goodHowever,later,Sthiras son broke his (65)legOnce again the villages came to visit him and once again the old man thanked (66)them (they) and said,Whatever happens,happens for goodSome of the villages were surprised (67)to h

10、ear(hear) thisWhy?What was good?His sons leg got badly hurt!After a few days,the army came to the village and forced all the young men to (68)join the armyWhen they found his son had a (69)broken (break) leg,they left him behindOnce again,all the villagers came to congratulate him on his (70)good lu

11、ck,like always,the old man was still thankful to them and said,Whatever happens,happens for good【考点】记叙文【分析】这是一篇记叙文,文章大意是:很久以前,中东的一个小村庄里一位老人Sthira独自居住,他唯一的儿子离家去学习了,他的朋友想知道他的儿子是否会回来,但是Sthira 总是说无论发生了什么都是好事一天他的儿子回来了,村民为Sthira感到高兴,他十分感谢并高兴的说无论发生什么,都是好事然而,不久他的儿子的腿受伤了每次村民去看望他,老人都感谢的说无论发生什么,都是好事一些村民感到奇怪,为什

12、么?什么是好?他的儿子的腿都重伤了!几天后,军队来人强迫年轻人去参军,他们发现他的儿子的腿受伤了,就把他落下了,所有的村民都来祝贺他的好运,就像平常一样,老人感谢的说无论发生什么,都是好事故事告诉我们人生之路布满了鲜花与荆棘但是,无论前方的路多么坎坷,我们都应该像故事里的老人那样,保持乐观的心态,看到事情好的一面【解答】61答案:anthere be表示有,be动词的单复数遵循就近原则,这里是was单数,故后面是单数名词,old是以元音音素u开头,故用不定冠词an,故答案是an62答案:wondered这里是Long long ago很久很久以前的故事,用一般过去时,wonder是动词想知道,

13、过去式是wondered,故答案是wondered63答案:but前文的含义是他的朋友想知道他的儿子是否会回来,后面老人不是正面回答,而是说无论发生了什么都是好事故用but表示转折,故答案是but64答案:politely空格处是用来修饰动词said,用副词,所给单词polite是形容词礼貌的,副词是politely,故答案是politely65答案:leg根据后面的His sons leg got badly hurt他儿子的腿严重受伤了,his是形容词性物主代词,后加名词,故答案是leg66答案:them根据前文是the villages村民们去看他,是复数,作为thank感谢的宾语,用宾

14、格,they的宾格是them,故答案是them67答案:to hear根据be surprised to do sth 做某事很惊奇,所给单词是动词hear听,故答案是to hear68答案:join结合前文the army came to the village and forced all the young men to 是军队来人强迫年轻人参军,参加军队用动词join表示参加,故答案是join69答案:brokenleg是名词,前面用形容词来修饰,再结合前后句意是说发现了Sthira的儿子的一只受伤了的腿,受伤过了的,用过去分词充当形容词,break受伤,过去分词是broken,故答案

15、是broken70答案:good根据上文是说他儿子因为受伤所以不用参军,村民来祝贺他,故这里应该是好运气,luck是名词运气,前面用形容词good好的来修饰,故答案是good3、(2016上海)A)realize B)public C)experiment D)pollution E)plasticThe scientist was in a hurryShe had to get some water for her (46)Cbefore darkness fellShe was testing the water in the rivers that went into the ocea

16、nHer job was to find out the cause of (47)Din the sea at nearby beachesShe lifted out the water and looked angrily at the rubbish in itOld clothers,(48)Ebags and pieces of paper were in the dirty waterDont people (49)Athat everything they throw onto the street gets washed into rivers?And they lead r

17、ight into the ocean!she said loudlyHow many years will it take to make it clean again?【考点】记叙文【分析】这位科学家很匆忙她必须在夜幕降临之前去取些水进行实验,她正在测试流进海洋的河水她的任务是查明在海滩附近的海水污染的原因她提起了水,生气地看着里面的垃圾旧衣服,塑料袋,纸都在脏水里难道没有人意识到他们扔到街上的所有东西都被冲进河流吗?它们又正好流入海洋她大声地说:要多少年才能使它(海水)重新干净呢?【解答】46C 考查名词用法根据关键部分get some water for her可知形容词性物主代词后应

18、该跟名词;结合后句She was testing the water in the rivers that went into the ocean( 她正在测试流进海洋的河水)可推知此处应是指取一些水做实验,结合选项故用名词experiment实验故选C47D 考查名词用法根据关键部分find out the cause of可知of相当于名词所有格的功能,其后应该跟名词;结合后句She lifted out the water and looked angrily at the rubbish in it(她提起了水,生气地看着里面的垃圾)可知水被污染了,所以这里应是指查明海水污染的原因,结

19、合选项故用名词pollution污染故选D48E 考查形容词用法根据Old clothers,bags and pieces of paper were in the dirty water可知这些东西都是海水里的垃圾,结合bags可知前面缺少一个形容词来修饰是什么样的袋子,因为是垃圾,所以联想到白色污染塑料袋,结合选项应用形容词plastic塑料的故选E49A 考查动词用法根据Dont peoplethat可知that后引导宾语从句,故空处应该为动词; 结合后面everything they throw onto the street gets washed into rivers?联系前面

20、可知此句为反意疑问句,表达肯定的意义;他们扔到街上的所有东西都被冲刷进河流是客观事实,所以此处应是反问难道没有意识到这一点吗?结合选项应该用动词realize意识到故选A4、(2016嘉兴)Alison Lapper,a very unusual painter,paints pictures for a livingShe doesnt use her (51)hands(手)when she paintsShe uses her mouth!Alison was born (52)without (没有)any armsHer physical problem caused her to

21、spend the first (53)seventeen (十七)years of her life in a hospitalBut this didnt stop her from making her dreams in life come trueShe (54)realized(认识到)that even though she was disabled,she could express herself as freely as (55)normol (正常的)peopleThis was what got her to start drawing paintingsAlthoug

22、h Alison lives (56)quite(十分)a different life from others,she believes that she can (57)succeed(成功)as othersHer paintings are excellent and they do not look like they were drawn by (58)someone/somebody(某人)who used her mouthAlison has become a symbol of (59)courage(勇气)Her active way of living has enco

23、uraged many disabled people around the (60)world(世界)and will continue to do so in the future【考点】记叙文【分析】艾尔森拉普是一个非同寻常的画家,她以画画谋生她画画不用自己的手她用嘴画!艾尔森出生时没有胳膊她的身体问题导致她在医院度过了十七年但是这并没有阻止她实现自己的梦想她认识到即使她是残缺的,但她依然能像正常人一样自由地表达自己这是让她画画的原因 即使艾尔森跟别人的生活十分不一样,她仍然相信她能跟别人一样成功她的画很优秀,看起来并不像某个人用嘴画的艾尔森已经成了勇气的象征她积极的生活方式已经鼓励了世

24、界上很多的残疾人并将在将来持续下去【解答】51hands 考查名词单复数她不用手作画,所以此处应填hand的复数形式hands52without 考查介词她出生时就没有胳膊,此处应用介词without表示否定53seventeen 考察基数词的用法自她出生十七年一直在医院度过,所以应填基数词seventeen54realized/realized 考查动词的时态她意识到即使她是残疾的,但她依然能像正常人一样表达自己意识到:realize,再结合语境,此处应为一般过去时故填:realized55normal 考查形容词 她能像正常人一样自由地表达自己正常的:normal56quite 考查副词

25、艾尔森的生活和他人十分不一样这里的十分为副词:quite57succeed 考查动词她能像别人一样成功情态动词后,动词用原形故填:succeed58someone/somebody 考查不定代词 看起来并不像某人用嘴画得,这里的某人为不定代词someone/somebody59courage 考查名词她已经成了勇气的象征此处为名词,勇气:courage60world 考查名词 世界上很多的残疾人这里的世界为名词world5、(2016上海)A)bright B)filled with C)exactly D)worried about E)immediatelyThe scientist fe

26、lt sad deep in her heartShe (50)Dthe ocean animals as she walked back to the beachBut when she got there,a group of students and teachers from a local primary school were carrying bags of rubbish to the binsThey had spent their afternoon cleaning the beach!She was (51)BjoyAs she spoke with the teach

27、er,the students gathered around themWith (52)Asmiles on their faces,they shouted,We must do something to protect the ocean!Thats(53)Cright,agreed the scientist,as she smiled at their kindness【考点】记叙文【分析】这个科学家很伤心在她走回沙滩的时候,她很担心海洋生物当她到达的时候,她看见一群当地的小学生正拿着垃圾袋收集塑料瓶他们用了整整一个下午在清理沙滩她很开心当她跟老师交谈的时候,学生都围过来听他们脸上洋

28、溢着快乐,呼喊着:我们必须为保护环境做点儿事情!很对!科学家说,她脸上挂满了微笑【解答】50D 由后文的转折连词But可知,前后的内容是相反的,后面是让她感到惊喜的场景,因此可推知在去沙滩的路上,她心里很担忧,因此此处为worried about51B 此处需表达的是看到前面的情景,科学家心里充满了快乐,需用到短语be filled with,因此答案为B52A with后面加名词,表示伴随,smiles为名词,前面用形容词修饰,可知为A,A为形容词,bright53C right为形容词,需由副词修饰,可推知为C或者E,一般不用E来修饰right,表达很对,可以用exactly修饰,故答案为

29、C6、(2016绵阳) find book big how mind clever swim school always nameMany years ago,there was a family named FranklinThey lived in BostonThere were five girls and six boys in the familyOn a January day in 1706another baby was bornThe boys mother and her husband gave the boy a (66)name-BenjaminBenjamin w

30、as the(67)cleverest of all the childrenHe could read when he was five and he could write when he was sevenThe next year his parents sent him to (68)schoolAt school Benjamin was good at reading and writing,but not good at mathsHe read all of his fathers (69)booksAnd when he had money,he (70)alwayswen

31、t to buy booksHe liked booksThey told him (71)howto do somethingThe boy liked to use his head and tried to(72)find ways to help people enjoy life moreFor example,he tried to know if there was some way to (73)swimfarther,maybe with something on his hands or feetSlowly a picture of swimming shoes,or p

32、addles,grew in his (74)mindThe paddles must be neither too (75)big nor too smallAnd they must be neither too heavy nor too lightAt last he invented the paddle for swimming【考点】记叙文【分析】很多年前,有一个富兰克林家族,他们住在波士顿家里有五个女孩,六个男孩1706年1月的一天,家里又添了一个男孩这个男孩的妈妈和她的丈夫给这个男孩取了一个名字-本杰明本杰明是所有孩子中最聪明的他五岁能读七岁就能写了第二年他的父母把他送到了学

33、校在学校,本杰明擅长阅读和写作,但不擅长数学他读了他爸爸所有的书并且当他有钱的时候,他总是会去买书他喜欢书,它们告诉他怎么做事情这个男孩喜欢动脑筋并且尝试帮助人们更加享受生活例如,他想知道有没有方法可以让人游得更远,比如在人的手脚上戴一些东西慢慢地,他的脑海中勾勒出了游泳鞋或短桨的图案短桨必须不大也不小,并且不轻也不重最终他发明了游泳用的短桨【解答】66name 考查名词 根据下文的Benjamin可知,这是一个名字,故答案为name67cleverest 考查形容词的最高级 根据He could read when he was five and he could write when he

34、 was seven可知本杰明是一个聪明的孩子,又因为the _ of all the children可知这里应该用最高级,故答案为 cleverest 68school 考查名词 根据下文的At school可知他的父母把他送去了学校,故答案为school 69books 考查名词复数 根据He read all of his fathers中的read,再结合选项可知,此处应填book的复数形式books 70always 考查频率副词 根据下文He liked books 他喜欢书可知,此处应填频率副词always他有钱的时候总是买书来突出他对书的喜欢71how 考查副词 根据_ to

35、 do something可知此处应选how 怎么,故答案为how 72find 考查动词 根据句意The boy liked to use his head and tried to _ ways to help people enjoy life more这个男孩喜欢动脑筋并尝试_方法帮助人们享受生活可知此处应为寻找方法的意思,try to do sth 此处为动词的不定式形式,故答案为find 73swim 考查动词 根据下文的swimming shoes可知此处应为swim 游得更远;the way to do sth,此处swim用原形,故答案为swim 74mind 考查名词 根据

36、句意Slowly a picture of swimming shoes,or paddles,grew in his _ 慢慢地,他的-中勾勒出了游泳鞋和短桨的图案可知此处应为脑海,头脑的意思,in ones mind在某人的头脑里故答案为mind 75big 考查形容词 根据句意The paddles must be neither too _ nor too small短桨必须不_也不小可知此处应为small的反义词,故答案为big7、(2016达州)children discourage under kiss upset shout look beg bring somethingA

37、long time ago,a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping(包着的)paperMoney was tight and he became very angry when the child tried to decorate(装饰)a box to put(76)underthe Christmas treeHowever,the little girl(77)broughtthe gift to her father the next morning and said,Thi

38、s is for you,DaddyThe father was(78)upsetby his earlier overreaction(过激的),but his anger rose again when he found out the box was emptyHe(79)shoutedat herDont you know,when you give someone a present,there should be (80)somethinginside?The little girl(81)lookedup at him,tears filled in her eyes,and c

39、ried,Oh,Daddy,its not empty at allI blew(82)kissesinto the boxThey are all for you,DaddyThe father was shockedHe put his arms around his little girl,and he(83)beggedfor her forgivenessOnly a short time later,an accident took the life of the childHer father kept that gold box by his bed for many year

40、s,and whenever he was(84)discouraged,he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of his(85)childwho had put it there【考点】记叙文【分析】很久以前,一个男人因为他三岁的女儿浪费了一卷金色的包装纸而惩罚她本来钱就紧巴巴的,所以当他的孩子试图装饰一个放在圣诞树下面的盒子时,他非常生气 然而,第二天早晨小女孩把礼物拿给爸爸说:这是送你的,爸爸爸爸因为之前的过激反应很难过但当他发现盒子是空的时,他又生气了他对着女儿大喊:你难道不知道当你送别人礼物时,里面应该有

41、东西吗?小女孩望着他,眼泪充满眼眶,哭着说:噢,爸爸,它不是空的我放了很多吻在里面它们都是给你的,爸爸爸爸被震惊了,他怀抱着他的小女孩,然后请求原谅 没过多久,一场事故带走了这个孩子的生命他的爸爸把这个金色的盒子放在床边很多年,无论任何他觉得气馁的时候,就会取出一个想象中的吻,想起女儿放进去的爱【解答】76:under 在下面 考查介词 根据put _ Christmas tree放在圣诞树的可知,这里应该是一个介词,表示地点,故选under77:brought 带来 考查动词的时态变化 根据the little girl_the gift to her father 小女孩把礼物_爸爸由下文

42、知,礼物送给了爸爸,故此处应为拿给的意思,根据时态,应为bring的过去式brought78:upset 心烦的 考查形容词爸爸为自己的过激行为感觉_因为爸爸误会了自己的女儿,所以此时他的心情很烦乱,故选upset 79:shouted 呼喊 考察动词的时态变化 根据上文anger rose again可知爸爸非常生气,所以此处应用shout的过去式shouted80:something 某物 考查不定代词 根据上文the box was empty可知句意应为盒子里应该有东西,故选something81:looked 看 考查动词短语 根据The little girl _ up at hi

43、m,再结合选项,此处应用look up 仰望,抬头看因本文是一般过去时态,故用look的过去式looked82:kisses 吻 考查名词的复数形式 由短文末尾的take out an imaginary kiss可知,此处应为kiss,又由下面的they are可知,应为复数形式kisses83:begged 乞求 考查动词的时态变化 根据he _ for her forgiveness爸爸发现自己错了,故此处应为他想乞求原谅的意思,beg为动词乞求,又为一般过去时,所以用过去式begged84:discouraged 气馁的 考查构词法whenever he was_ 任何他觉得_的时候根

44、据上文,他失去了他的女儿,作为父亲,他的心情是低落的,故用discourage的形容词形式discouraged85:child 考查名词的单复数the love of his_ had put it there根据短文可知这是一个女儿和爸爸之间爱的故事,所以此句意应为孩子放进去的爱所以用children的单数形式child8、(2016滨州)One day,I took my daughter to the parkAs soon as we got there,my daughter (81)ran(run) to the swing (秋千)and asked for a pushWhe

45、n I was helping my daughter,I noticed another girl trying to make her own swing (82)go(go) high by herselfHer old grandmother wassitting on the chair nearby and smiling at usGradually,my daughter (83)was pushed(push) higher and higher by meThen I walked towards the little girlI asked if I (84)could

46、give(give) a big push to herShe smiled and saidYesFor the next hour,I pushed the swings,and played with my daughter and the little girlWhen we went home,I (85)was(be) tired but very happyOne day two years later,after a days work,I went to pick up my daughter before going homeWhile I (86)was waiting(

47、wait) outside the school gate,a little girl smiled sweetly at me and gave me a big hugAs I watched her (87)running(run) away,I realized that she was the girl whom I gave a big push in the parkSo far,I (88)havent forgotten(not forget) her sweet smile and the warm hug that she gave meIn fact,if we give love to others,love (89)will find(find) its way ba


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